Democrats Unable To Win With Ideas
Dear Editor,
Some Democrats can be so self-serving and care not at all about “the people.” The North Carolina Supremes have ruled on districts that our legislators tried to establish in accordance with the last set of guidelines given them, then suits came out of the woodwork claiming them to be “unfair.” I guess it depends what unfair is to some who want districts skewed in the direction of Democrats. Then, of course, the judges, all of whom are impartial, manage to vote, once again, along party lines and require a do-over. Never mind that they gave no additional guidance, just that they didn’t like what was produced, and then set a due by date so near term that everyone must scramble.
For about 100 years we had skewed districts, but finally the people prevailed in spite of the “unfair” districts. But Democrats, unable to win with ideas, and accustomed to having an unfair edge, then attempt to establish through the courts the goals they cannot actually win at the ballot box. In this case, a three-judge panel had ruled the districts, perhaps a bit unbalanced, to be as close as those produced by the Dems in the past. The time for us to vote is being delayed again and some in the black community are unhappy that a good number of their folks are voting for Republicans, because they are tired of unfulfilled promises.
At the very beginning of this missive I pointed out that I am referring to “some” of those who simply cannot see the greater good. North Carolina entered the COVID-19 era in very good financial shape, were able to help some needy folks and not having to raise taxes to do it. Does anyone think the libs would have had the vision of rainy day preparedness? Just look at some of our governor’s attempts to add debt for a few of his pet issues. Thank the Lord for Republicans.
Regarding our county commissioners chair stating he would rely on health officials. Why? They have yet to be right on anything. There is now a huge amount of information regarding the usefulness of masks, the efficacy of vaccines and the course of action one should take at the outset of contracting COVID. We have counties, side by side, having taken different paths toward dealing with the disease, and we have the results of those differences. We have states where different tactics were employed and the results are in. But we are going to follow the science. The Chinese flu is here, just as the annual flu season is here and we should begin to see the reality that we cannot shut down any longer. China has, either intentionally or accidently, come close to bankrupting our great nation and initially we didn’t know any better, but now we should. I pray that our God will help us.
Rich Carrera
NC is financially doing very well. The tax increase at the federal level you will have next year was passed by the Trump administration (except for his wealthy buddies and himself).
The real challenge is the the economy is growing so fast that we have significant inflation issues that need to be addressed with increases interest rates so actually slow the economy down. It would also help to reduce federal spending but world risks mean the need for more military spending right now as risk shifts from Middle East to Asia.
That is the impact covid has had economically from a macro perspective.
Oh my God. Now it’s “Chris the Economist”! Is there any limit to this man’s expertise and erudition?
Verily, he is a walking encyclopedia! At least, that’s what he believes.
Here’s just one correction, Einstein. Economic growth does NOT cause inflation. In fact, if the money supply is not expanded to accommodate the growth, there will be deflation – an overall decline in the price level.
“Captious Chris” simply doesn’t know what he’s talking about – but loves the sound of his own voice anyway.
Ad nauseam.
When demand grows faster than supply….prices increase and causes inflation. Econ 101. Demand was suppressed during the worst of covid and the snap back caused demand spike yet lingering covid issues have caused disruptions in supply. So we have inflation. The growth in GDP is the snap back.
Not complicated
You are displaying your ignorance of economics. There is a difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Inflation is a macroeconomic phenomenon; a higher price for a specific good or service is not.
However, a massive increase in the money supply (QE, MMT) invariably leads to inflation – which is what we have now.
You really are a perfect ignoramus.
So……supply of goods doesn’t fit the macro model in a global economy where we have fewer and fewer number of suppliers.
You are an idiot.
“Elevated inflation has been driven by supply chain disruptions and pent-up consumer demand for goods following the reopening of the economy in 2021. Should these issues resolve themselves, the Fed may not have as much work to do on the inflation front as some fear.”
If I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot with a Grade A A-Level from Oxford & Cambridge Examination Board.
What are your Economics qualifications?
I fully expect the recently arrived two mil. plus guests with all their other benefits, complements of the Biden Admin., will be voting in the midterms. in a Project Veritas covert op. some years ago, James Okeefe posed as a Repub. voter that was switching parties and told a DNC political activist he wanted to help any way he could. The activist said the Dems had been effing the GOP for the last 50 years! One tactic revealed was loading buses and going from one precinct to another and voting even crossing state lines. The 2020 Election was won by the left with violations of Constitutional laws in a vast number of States and was verified amidst a deep state false flag op. The criminally corrupt Dems will stop at nothing to retain power and control with a POTUS that is obligated and compromised by the two other world powers, I urge anyone that still loves our great Country to be vigilant and speak up and speak out. Always express yourself with tact and diplomacy and avoid violence at all costs! GOD Bless America!
It is astounding to witness totally ignorant people having the power to elect equally ignorant politicians to run, and ruin, their lives. This country is circling the drain.
I know. They might even repeat the mistake and relect Trump in 2024.
Veritas hasn’t published any real journalism in their entire existence. How many times do they have to be caught fabricating ‘evidence’ before nutters stop believing their agenda filled media content
Oh, Veritas is the epitome and shining example of real journalism – exposing the Left’s REAL goals and beliefs. That’s why you hate them.
That is the epitome if ignorance. Only believing that news that fits your agenda with no regard to the source. Not surprised you are a big fan.
Oh that’s rich coming from an intellectual sheep who believes everything “the experts” tell him to believe!
One day you might learn to think for youreslf.
I shan’t hold my breath.
Now you can return to CNN.
Thank you Rich! I agree with you whole heartedly. What I’ve seen is this, when 45 was in office the country was experiencing growth and no inflation, which is not what I see these days. Difference is one man could actually RUN the country and one man just WANTS to run a country. Regardless of whether you like the person or not you cannot deny the problems we have experienced over the last 13 months financially. Biden is incapable of running this country. Prices have sky rocketed and you cannot blame it all on a virus. More like incompetence and lack of skill. Being a life long politician does not equate to ability in running a country, unless it’s into the ground. Stand up and have a voice my fellow Boomers and Gen X. Apparently we are the ones to fix this mess!!
Will our first Trans county commissioner be allowed by the Republicans to play the same games
they all play”?