A Mountain Of Debt On Its Way

Dear Editor,

Do you really want to go $2.660 billion in debt?

The Guilford County Board of Commissioners is now run by Democrats that you elected.  You must have forgotten that the Republican lead County Board of Commissioners never raised taxes during the 10 years they held a majority of board seats.  I think they should have been reelected to continue the great work they were doing but you wanted a change, so let’s see what Democrats have in store for you.  

Skip Alston and his fellow Democrat Guilford County commissioners want taxpayers to approve another $1.6 billion bond for schools.  When added to the $300 million recently approved, Guilford taxpayers will be on the hook for a whopping $2.660 billion dollars of new debt.  This is $1.9 billion of new debt and approximately $760 million of interest.   I don’t know about you, but $2.660 billion of new debt is a lot of taxpayer money.  

Since the school board, Skip Alston and the Democrats acknowledge it will take five to 10 years to build new schools or repair them, why borrow the money now?  Will we begin making payments on the new debt money now?  

One of the new Democrat board members is Mary Beth Murphy, who is a teacher in the county school system.  She ran for office because she didn’t feel the Republican lead board was spending enough on the school system.  Her answer, and the answer of the new Democrat majority, is to borrow 500 percent more money that the amount of money that was approved by voters.  Republicans want to improve schools, but to borrow money as it is needed, not five to 10 years in advance.  

But you voted Democrats, and Skip Alston and his Democrat buddies also want to give away $11 million dollars to High Point to bail out its failing baseball stadium.  In 2017, when High Point wanted money, Republicans said no.  Now Alston is now saying, “Come on down, we have plenty of money. We are just throwing it out the windows.”  This taxpayer money giveaway is mind boggling because voters just rejected a tax increase.  Where did the Democrats find $11 million of taxpayer money to give to High Point?  Facts are facts. How do Democrats ever expect to repay $2.660 billion of new debt without a tax increase, a cut in services or both?    

There is a saying about how to eat an elephant.  You take small bites because you can’t swallow it whole or you’ll choke.   I guess Skip Alston and the Democrats never heard that or they just choose to ignore facts and bury taxpayers under a massive mountain of debt – a $2.660 billion mountain of debt.

Ken Orms



Congress Can Overturn State Elections

Dear Editor,

Have you ever heard of the Federal Contested Elections Act of 1969?

It is a piece of legislation passed by a Democrat House and Senate back in 1969, which allows either chamber of Congress to overrule a state certified election that has been determined to be a close call. In other words, if the election is close enough, the party with the majority can overturn the state certification and seat whoever contested the outcome by just voting it to be done.

It was last used by the Democrats (surprise, surprise) back in 1985 when the House Administration Committee declared Rep. Frank McCloskey (D-Indiana) the winner of a close race in which his Republican challenger, Richard McIntyre, was certified as the winner by state election authorities. Democrats used their House majority to seat McCloskey and Republicans walked out of the chamber in protest. In other words, the (National Socialist) Democrat Party blatantly stole an election then, unlike now where they’re doing so in a much more covert manner. It’s currently being used to try to overturn House elections in Iowa and New York in favor of the (National Socialist) Democrat Party.

This begs the question – what other such hidden legal ploys for grabbing power exists? And how can this sort of obvious violation of the whole basis of how we select our representatives have stood without challenge? This whole thing boils down disenfranchising the voters, something both sides are constantly accusing each other of.

Legislation like this is why it’s so extremely important that people pay attention to what is being done by our “elected officials.” They vote themselves benefits, pay raises and immunity from the very laws they force on us and, apparently, the ability to overturn your legally elected representative in order to maintain their hold on power.

The Constitution provides for a procedure for the House of Representatives to select the president of the United States and the Senate to select the vice president in the event neither candidate is able to get the required 270 electoral votes. What it doesn’t do is give them the power to override a selection of the people’s representatives.

They are supposed to be the people’s servants, but who is serving whom? Who watches the watchers, who guard the guardians?

Alan Marshall