Not Everything Is Fraud
Dear Editor,
Conservatives have a lot of legitimate concern about legitimacy of the 2020 election. However, not every concern, even if correct, is voter fraud.
Recently Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg received criticism for spending millions on partisan get-out-the-vote drives in four states. Zuckerberg paid to install boxes on street corners to collect votes. His funding targeted liberal areas while completely ignoring conservative areas. In some states vote collection boxes are legal. As long as this was allowed properly by state legislature this is not fraud or suppression. It is good fair competition. Zuckerberg’s liberal supporters simply did a better job of getting out the vote.
However, if last minute emergency COVID-19 legislation allowed this, it would certainly be unfair suppression. In this case conservative organizations would not have had time to act appropriately. Changing laws at the last minute means many individuals will not have time to “get the memo.” Last minute emergency election changes will be missed by many creating an unfair advantage that is suppression.
Even though this may not be voter suppression, Zuckerberg’s partisan donations should be considered political donations. Donations that preferentially target one vote block while ignoring others should be considered political, even if it’s for the good intentions of increasing voting, if voting isn’t equally encouraged.
There is one extremely concerning allegation that requires investigation. Zuckerberg paid election officials to pick up the boxes. This is extremely concerning. At the least it would signal monetary benefit for liberal vote gathering at the expense of conservative vote gathering. It rewards election officials for prioritizing liberal causes at the expense of conservative rights. It rewards election officials for bias. It sets a horrible precedent by incentivizing partisan acts. Even worse, it could be considered a bribe for specific types of actions. When private individuals pay public workers for specific partisan acts this is extremely troubling.
This should be investigated for propriety.
Alan Burke
Dictatorial Nannies And Royal Decrees
Dear Editor,
All over this country, government officials have taken on the role of dictatorial nannies who feel they have the right to declare Constitutional rights of American citizens null and void through executive orders and other such edicts. I’m truly amazed there has not been a lawsuit filed somewhere challenging these unconstitutional power grabs.
Marquis de Blasio has deployed his Brown Shirts to the various entries leading into New York City to enforce his royal decrees and has warned everyone there will be “substantial” penalties levied against those peasants that would dare violate his imperial orders.
The Duke of Connecticut, Gov. Ned Lamont, has declared there will be a $10,000 fine on a business that ignores his unconstitutional orders.
In the Duchy of Vermont, Duke Phil Scott plans to interrogate schoolchildren and their parents as who was at their Thanksgiving dinners. He’s “encouraging” businesses to do the same.
Then we come to the Duchy of North Carolina where His Grace Duke Cooper has issued his own rules but I have not yet seen or heard what form of punishment he and Baron and Baroness Alston and Vaughn have concocted. It’ll be good whatever it is I’m sure. And I’m pretty sure our High Sheriff will fall into line, eager to exercise his newly invested power and maybe a chance to make a name for himself.
I know I’m going to get the usual amount of hell from the usual people, but I really don’t care about that. Let me pre-answer some of the ravings. Yes, I do care about others. Since I never really know where and what my family members are doing and there is no way to know where or how they may have gotten infected if it ever happened. I take precautions and voluntarily wear a mask out of respect and courtesy to others, not because I bow to anyone’s edicts. In other words I at least try to act like a responsible adult capable of independent thought and common sense. I don’t need some power hungry politician telling how to live my life. If I think something is dangerous or a potential hazard I do my best to avoid it.
When God decides he’s going to call you it doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do. Political decrees won’t mean squat.
Alan Marshall