‘Peaceful Protestors’ With Guns
Dear Editor,
I knew this kind of thing was inevitably going to happen when I started seeing these roving bands of vandals, thugs, miscreants, oh, for the benefit of the those that worship at the shrine of the mainstream liars, “peaceful protesters” wandering the streets armed and taking opportunities to try to look tough by taking threatening stances and squaring off against unarmed citizens and armored (I’m still chuckling at those morons) police vehicles.
Now we have two people killed and one wounded, shot by one of these street animals. All you left leaning supporters that get your panties in a wad when you see people openly carrying their weapons at marches; notice they don’t brandish them in a threatening manner. You don’t see them squaring off against unarmed people, blocking their way home or squaring off against police. I don’t include the couple that was being threatened by a mob.
Of course, the left leaning, gun hating/fearing liberals will totally ignore all the points I just made to try to use this as another reason for taking away people’s guns.
I am not advocating turning our streets into something out of Tombstone or Dodge City. What I am saying that the very people that get the vapors when they see people on the right properly, safely and, most importantly, legally carrying their firearms. I would also point out there is a video of one of these “peaceful protesters” putting a gun in the face of a camera crew covering the riots, but I haven’t seen anything about that from the mainstream liars.
Again, (National Socialist) Democrat governors and mayors carry a major portion of the responsibility for this madness. They stood and continue to stand by, wringing their hands, whining about the unrest, and telling their law enforcement officers and officials not to do their job or “you might make them madder.” They only care about trying to show the mob how woke they are instead of defending and protecting the hard working, tax paying business owners and citizens of their cities and towns.
The contrast is obvious yet ignored by the left and those that choose to wear blinders and earplugs hoping if they ignore it hoping it will go away.
There are sheep who cower before the wolves, and then there are sheepdogs that stand before the wolves. I count myself among the sheepdogs – and I have rabies.
Alan Marshall
New information shows this was a 17 year old kid that had no business having a weapon in the first place. Further information is coming out that points to the possibility of self defense, and yes there is video to support that argument.
It doesn’t change the fact that some idiot allowed this kid to have a weapon, and allowed him to be in that situation. As a 20 year parachute infantry/special operations solider with combat experience I can tell you a 17 year old kid with no training or experience or supervision had no business being there.
I was just watching the news where ‘peaceful protestors’ are getting into the face of people leaving the President’s speech in DC screaming, threatening physical violence and in one case knocking down an elderly man jyst because of his political beliefs. I didn’t see this at Dear Leader’s speeches.
This is getting to be dangerous times folks.
Allen, I’ll start by saying thank you for your service to our country. It is an honor as well as honorable to serve. So thank you again.
As for the kid I think you are speaking out of turn when you assume he has or had no training. I thought he handled himself pretty well considering his age and the circumstances. Would I have dropped off my son in that situation at 17? Absolutely not… as for judging him based on his age let’s not forget the number of 17 year olds who left the safety of home to go and fight for freedom and liberty with nothing less than a rifle of his own and probably a lot of times not much more than said rifle. Considering the situation I would say he handled himself as well as or honestly better than many men his senior.
Capt, first off thank you for your support of the military and those that serve.
I hear what you’re saying. I’ve been responsible for some of those 17 year olds fresh out of training. And when they were assigned to me my first act was to pair them up with someone more seasoned until I felt they got the ‘new’ knocked off. The job got harder when I started getting soldiers that were jumping out of their highchairs when I was jumping out of airplanes.
I based my observations on one main thing he did wrong (In my opinion) and that was allowing himself to caught alone with no support.
The prime rule I always taught my troops, ALL my troops was”you are not John Wayne and this isn’t a movie”
Again, I hear what you are saying and take no offense to it.
I agree with you on this one about a 17 year old carry a gun to a protest. While I find myself left of center these days I am and always will be pro gun. With that said, I do not in any way support private citizens on either side bringing fire arms to a protest. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ death and mayhem rises up.
These private citizens acting a vigilantes are giving the appearance of attempting to make these protests about political violence versus actual public safety. Our Dear Leader seems to find it to his political advantage to enflame the situation with more of his sensationalism. He recently spoke about how Portland is all Ablaze when the local fire department called out his lies by noting that the PROTESTS are actually isolated to a very small section of downtown and the fires are just small fires set in dumpsters and well away from buildings.
Sowing fear is un-American, un-Patriotic, and un-forgivable. This republican is voting against Drump and hoping we can truly store pride in America and eliminate the hate.
Right on!
Wrong! You dopes are the party of hate… TRUMP 2020!!
More like a wolf in sheepdog’s clothing. You think you are the protector – but the protector of what? The right to have a gun? The right to say whatever you want just because you are allowed to? It more and more seems you believe people have an innate right to be terrible people (I’m not saying criminals), and I guess they do. But it seems like that is the right that you want to protect instead of asking, encouraging, and demanding that people (all people) to simply be better people.
People are very upset, many of them rightfully so. You complain about HOW they protest – as though protesting has a clearly defined set of rules and social guidelines for how they MUST happen. You think the problem with this protest is that it might change policing? That a group of people saying they are scared somehow threatens you? (Alan, I’m genuinely unclear about what you are so threatened about – I’m not trying to push buttons here). Then, you stir up that fear, suggesting to others that if they talk or compromise or negotiate with their neighbor, their neighbor will loot their home, pillage the town, and all sorts of other violent terrible things. Finally, you call to action and say THE solution is to be ready to fight and shoot your neighbor, your fellow citizen, perhaps even your brother or sister.
Can I propose a different strategy? Let’s talk about it and LISTEN to each other. I understand you don’t want your guns or freedom of speech taken away. I hear that you have concerns for your safety if police disappeared. I can see you are worried that if poverty stricken people somehow have more status in their community you might lose some of yours. I, for one, am not interested in taking anything away from you and I want to assure you that diversity is a keystone in any thriving society. I want EVERYONE to not only feel, but be safe in their homes and their communities.
If the only tools you have are a gun and a hammer, you’re probably going to try to build a wall around your problems and then shoot your way out of them. Fortunately, we also have eyes, ears, brains, and hearts to use the multitude of tools to come up with creative, innovative, and promising solutions.
@MW, beautiful.
“But it seems like that is the right that you want to protect instead of asking, encouraging, and demanding that people (all people) to simply be better people.”
If people are nice and are civil to me, I give back in kind. I only get defensive (key word here, “defensive”) if someone is threatening me. Not talking bad or disagreeing with me but getting aggressive.
“Then, you stir up that fear, suggesting to others that if they talk or compromise or negotiate with their neighbor, their neighbor will loot their home, pillage the town, and all sorts of other violent terrible things. Finally, you call to action and say THE solution is to be ready to fight and shoot your neighbor, your fellow citizen, perhaps even your brother or sister.”
Site your source. Where have I ever implied that a good defense is a strong offense. If my neighbor is threatened, I am more then willing to be there to help. As I’ve said time and time agin, I never go looking for trouble, but if someone wants to start it I will not back down. I’m nice until it’s time to not be nice.
A few years ago there was an anti-gun rally in Greensboro and I was there counter-protesting…not looting, burning and acting out, but expressing my views in a civilized manner. I got into discussion with several of the anti-gun people and we had a CIVILIZED DISCUSSION, not a screaming match. I actually shook the hand of a few of these folks after agreeing to disagree.
Please don’t try to paint me as some right wing radical Proud Boy/KKK supporting whack job. I am also not the racist you have tried to imply. You’ve never met me, don’t know me or anyone that does know me, or anything about what I have done in the past.
If they want to talk, fine, let’s talk. But if being willing to stand up to people making threats, to bullying, to people that have said they are going to kick my a**, or done the same to others regardless if I know them or not, then I guess I am a right wing radical whack job, but one thing I’m not is a spineless wimp who runs away.
Alan, I don’t mean to imply your thoughts, just the emotions you are eliciting in your writing.
You are stirring up fear by describing the future as some sort of doomsday. You are personally scared by extreme socialism and want others to share that fear with you so you can fight against it. You want people to think that if your team loses one battle, you will each individually immediately lose all of your rights and freedoms. I don’t believe that is the case. I think we, as communities and a country will navigate through this, eventually, for the better.
It sounds like you don’t see it this way, but every time you say something like I’m the sheepdog with rabies (implying you intend to bite and infect the so-called wolves with an incurable disease); when XXX happens will begin the *real* fight (suggesting again something different than compromise and collaboration – also, how do you get italics?); or describing everything left of center as “dark forces” (sounds a lot like good vs. evil) you are inciting fear and calling people to fight (whether they take that figuratively or more literally and violently is not in your control) against that fear.
I willingly admit that I am scared of Socialism because not only do I know what it can do, I have SEEN first hand what it HAS done to countries. Socialism equals the loss of our rights Our rights are given to us by God and have been defended by countless others who have sacrificed blood, sweat, tears, and in many cases their lives to ensure we still have them. We have no right to allow them to be taken away or to stand by while it happens.
Revolutionaries will tell you they have one rule they push on those they are fighting against. “You have to win every time. We only have to win once.”
Please show me where I have used the term “dark forces” (your use of quotation marks implying I actually said that, not mine) when “describing everything left of center…”
I have said it several times and I will say it clearly again…I DO NOT GO LOOKING FOR TROUBLE, BUT I WON’T BACK DOWN FROM IT EITHER.
Do you read your own writing?
August 15, 2020 – “We, the people on the right, the conservatives, and the believers in the republic/democratic/constitutional form of government, people who stand for the United States of America with and without its faults are finally starting to stand up against the dark forces, both inside and outside of government on every level.”
Which rights were given by god and which were written by man?
The right to own a gun? The right to travel and conduct personal business? The right to breathe?
Which rights were given by god? Don’t forget to site your sources.
You’ll realize quickly that humankind converted their beliefs into laws which then became recognized and over the years indoctrinated as “rights”. A right to live? That contradicts support of capital punishment. A right to liberty? That contradicts support of lengthy prison sentences. A right to the pursuit of happiness? Maybe you got me there. I’m not sure how protestors pursuing their happiness is so antithetical to what you stand for then.
Alan, I got interrupted while replying and left an important part out. I am sorry if I have implied that you are a racist. I don’t know you well enough to make any kind of judgement in that regard and never meant to imply that you, personally, are a racist. While some of the topics we discuss are deeply rooted in race and equity and our philosophies are clearly quite different – I do not mean to imply that you are a racist because of those differences in thoughts. My instinct, though, is that you are actually one of the good guys on the other side and that’s the reason I have been trying to engage you (at least of late) in constructive conversation.
I am truly sorry if I have implied that you are a member or active supporter of any racist organization. You are right that I don’t know you personally and that is the large reason I’m hesitant to reach out to you directly.
Thank you.
Apology respectfully accepted.
MW. You should tell that to the “ peaceful protesters” BTW there is a set of guidelines for how to protest… the constitution or does that little piece of history belong in a cemetery with the rest of our history?
Curt, I’m not sure you understand what protesting is and are just confused by the images you see. There actually isn’t any part of the constitution (your “rule book”) that says people can’t shoot each other. The closest you get are protecting freedom of speech and assembly, and the right to bear arms.
The constitution defines the powers of our branches of government. It also says how states can join our country, but there is no means to leave. So how would a state, according to your “rule book”, ever be allowed to leave and protest the oppressive rule of the collective if that section of the “rule book” just doesn’t exist.
Larceny, theft, assault are not expressly forbidden by the constitution. It’s all the laws (federal, state, local) that make those “rule books”. And, that’s why those the protest have to actually break a law before they get arrested and charged. But it leaves us in a predicament – how do you protest when you are protesting the laws themselves and the people enforcing them? There is no “right way”.
Imagine you overpaid your rent by $500 and didn’t realize it. Over the next 5 years, that amounts to $30,000 when you suddenly realize your landlord was getting more than he deserved. What do you do? You take your money back – either by withholding payments, going through the court system, or maybe you have a decent landlord that realizes the mistake and they just gives it back (but they have probably already spent it). Now imagine that the court system favors with your landlord for whatever reason and says that since you’ve been paying that amount without question for this time the landlord actually has a right to that amount for rent here on out – there’s some dumb clause in your rental agreement or the law that allows this. Will you break the law and not pay your rent anymore? Will you displace your life and family to live somewhere more fair or do you want the place you live to be fair for you and everyone else – moving might mean months or years without income, worse schools for your children, etc.? Or, will you band together with others in the same situation and work towards those rules getting fixed? No matter the choice you make, it sucks to be you and you are probably going to have to blur some lines just to survive, especially when the legal solution is to simply pay that extra rent you can’t afford or accept that your quality of life is permanently going to be hindered.
I know you don’t get it but maybe someone else that reads this will.
MW, pfft, that’s a pretty stupid analogy… but just to show that landlord that I’m angry I’m going to burn down my neighbors house and just to show the judge I think or feel wronged I’m going to burn down the courthouse… yeah, I’ll show themwhat a great guy I am. If I had to give you a grade on it I’d be more than generous handing out a C- …however you did make me realize the U.S. civil war wasn’t a war at all. It was a protest… thanks for enlightening me. I had no idea. Thank you.
@Alan, I love how you, the Republican party and your overlard, say this is all the Democrats fault. Sorry, dude, Biden isn’t President yet and ALL THIS protesting, looting, violence and 180,000 DEAD Americans and counting is the COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of none other than Donald “The Con Man” Trump. It is that simple. Absolute and complete failure of leadership. Even worse than NO leadership, he constantly fans the flames to throw meat to you and your brethren. He is not the president of the people, he is the dictator of the republican party. Thank goodness EVERY day 100’s of prominent registered republicans are publicly endorsing Biden because they care and love their country instead of a party that has been hijacked by an incompetent, criminal madman. I could vomit at the pictures of an irresponsible campaign rally set up with the PEOPLE’s house as a backdrop.
Lizzy, please share with me the source of all these facts you like tossing about. I need new material for bedtime stories for my grandchildren.
The only facts she shared are 180,000 dead in the US (very easy to Google) and something about 100’s of prominent republicans endorsing Biden every day (I think she’s exaggerating here based on stories that do confirm many prominent republicans are endorsing Biden).
I think you know everything else is her opinion and you’re just trying to invalidate it because you don’t like her opinion. You’re really reaching though, because almost all of your preaching is – just like most of Lizzy’s (and almost all of us commenting on these posts) are – rooted in mostly pathos, some ethos, and very little logos.
Lizzy, put down the bong! Wake up! The chaos you speak of is CLEARY due to a lack of leadership… the dumbacRATS that were elected by the citizens ( bless their hearts) of these blue states/cities that believe the empty promises each election cycle of the inept morons they elect over and over and think… their gonna deliver this time… Yeah, right.All of this lawlessness is happening in cities where for decades the dumbacRATS have had control…DECADES Lizzy. The worst cities for crime and poverty are ALL run (into the ground)! By dumbacRATS!!!! The victims of this poor leadership are minorties! Stop using these folks for political gains… telling them they need these social programs and holding them down… telling them they can’t succeed because republicans are racist, white people are all racist (there are people of ALL races that are racist) the deck is stacked against them and on and on and on … you need the democRAT party. We each make the decisions that form our future. Each of us can decide to listen to those around us that tell us we can’t make it out of poverty without the governments help or we can listen to those folks that tell us no matter where we come from we can be anything we set our minds to. Creepy joe is a bad decision that will continue the chaos only more widespread. Our President has offered whatever these lib-tards need to get their streets back from the violent anarchist or as the left and the fake news likes to refer to them “peaceful protesters” but they and YOU screamed foul. I’ll repeat it again, our commander in chief Donald J. Trump is for ALL Americans … even you Lizzy. As for the people’s house as a backdrop I thought it was beautiful and made me feel very proud to be an American. Maybe you felt nauseous because you were feeling patriotism and aren’t used to it being a socialist and all. Btw just because you went to college and got your associates, masters or even your doctorates degree that doesn’t mean your smart, I know a lot of educated dumba$$es. As for the virus that you and your lib-tard comrades blame on Donald Trump , the Communist Chinese are completely responsible. Hmm.. who who the Chi-Comms rather see in the people’s house? Donald Trump… hell no… how about their old old friend creepy joe Biden? YES PLEASE! I’m sure they would do anything to help their old friend get elected and I mean ANYTHING!!!! Even unleash a lab created virus to wreck the economy of their arch nemesis Donald J.Trump. The very one to slap them in the face and tell them the gravy train is pulling into the station and thier unfair trade deals were over. Hmmm I’m sure Hunter will get a nice ambassador position in Beijing. I blame all of it on China and the inept liberals like DaBozio and Cuomo (both bozos) who are directly responsible…. think Lizzy think… you too Lazy TP
@capt, all pure and utter B*S*. Please name all the these beautiful, crime less, large metropolitan nirvana’s that have no hunger and no poverty and are run by the Republicans? Also for clarification, I don’t blame turd for the virus, I blame his complete incompetence and utter failure of leadership in combating the virus for the deaths of 184,000 Americans. It is ALL on him and amounts to gross negligence. Hunter?? Come on man, how much has princess barbie Ivanka and prince “soulless” eyes, Jared made on our dime? And they are just the tip of the turd iceburg that has raked it in purely on daddy’s occupation of the office of the presidency. The fascist’s acceptance speech in front of the people’s house is an affront to the MAJORITY of the citizens that didn’t elect him. He is NOT my president. I have voted republican, democrat, independent and accepted the outcome off all elections except this one because even if the guy I didn’t vote for won I knew he had the best interest of the COUNTRY at heart. Not this fascist nut job, no way no how.
Lizzy, you have got to stop drinking your magic Koolade… you get off subject immediately by going off on your social justice crapola about where is there no homelessness? And where is there no hunger. I mentioned the irresponsibility of the dumbocRATS that not only allow the rioting and looting and constant nightly abuse of law enforcement but also condone it! Then you switch to name calling to deflect from OUR Presidents positive reaction to the virus that was suddenly released on OUR country by creepy joes buddies in China. He sent all available aid to debozio in NY but he refused it and let the majority of the deaths your counting happen in the name of POLITICS. Can’t think of a better example of stupidity! Shameful. You probably would have done the same thing based on your response…kill them all rather than take the axe sent by the President you boneheads consider the enemy! As for Ivanka Trump (she did look marvelous didn’t she?) you said her and her husband are making bank on OUR dime which is way way way different from taking money from not one but two foreign countries… One of these two being Ukraine to which your pal good ol’ creepy joe threaten to withhold aid to if they continued to investigate Hunter. Hmmm… Joes words not mine. As for Donald J.Trump not being your President. Unless you relinquished or denounced your citizenship HE IS YOUR PRESIDENT! I voted against Barack Hussein Obama not once but twice and damned if he wasn’t MY PRESIDENT 8 years straight!the difference between you and me is your obviously smoking too much of your own product AND your a socialist and they never can accept defeat. Like I said earlier… it’s most likely the feeling of patriotism that’s making you feel nauseas
Way to stuff all of the current popular conspiracy THEORIES into one post. I do think you may have left out QAnon fantasy in there though. You also failed to list the cities where there is no crime, no poverty, no homelessness and run by Republicans. I wish to relocate to ONE of those places. Freedom of speech and assembly are STILL in the constitution just like your favorite right to bear arms.
Lizzy, if I were to tell you where such a place was you leftist boneheads would (as always) run from the neighborhoods, cities, towns even states that you’ve ruined with your social programs dumb policies and just poor management and immediately start implementing the same stupid programs and agendas that ruin where you came from. Why not just enjoy your weed in the hole you socialist have dug for yourselves and let us folks that live outside your hungry homeless crime zones live in peace? I know… nothing offends you socialist more than seeing people enjoying what they’ve worked hard for without giving it away to the lazy personages that won’t work for anything. The first amendment doesn’t give your antifa pals the right to burn police cars, loot businesses or physically attack people. Oh yeah… the laws don’t apply to you dumbacRATS and the only time your Marxist pals mention the constitution is when they and YOU hide behind it.
Mr. Marshall you are spot on, as for MW and Lizzy, I stand by your constitutional right to say what you say, and I will defend to the Death your right to say it, BUT I completely disagree with your points. Both of Y’alls attitude towards the criminals included in the so called peaceful marches is in my opinion out of kilter. I do not understand why you feel that “Criminal Activity” is an accepted method of “Protest”. Unlawful activity is just that, against the law! You don’t like or agree with the law, then have it changed. This is why we elect state legislators. Elect someone who agrees with you and have him/her CHANGE THE LAW. The only stumbling block you may face are the Courts and the Constitution (Both State and US), but it appears that the Left is not a big supporter of these documents. My fear is that this will continue to grow and get far worse if not stopped NOW. I viewed the video of “protesters” blocking a major intersection on Battleground Avenue. These “people” were harassing motorists and daring them to drive thru. Myself, I would have blown my horn (as a warning) and then run right thru the crowd. Arrest me if you will, but DO NOT infringe on my right to travel and conduct my personal business. When you exercising your rights severely infringes on my and others rights, we will respond and protect our rights as we see necessary. There is an old adage that “Screaming Fire” in a crowded theater, is not “Free Speech”, but criminal activity. Law and Order is the necessity to maintaining a civilized society, not mob rule, or anarchy or any other “wild” ways of a society.
There is no “right to travel and conduct [sic] personal business”.
You are saying very clearly that someone obstructing a roadway is punishable by some sort of assault with a motor vehicle. You are saying very clearly that you, personally, would attempt to murder a road full of people because your privilege to use that road is more important than their lives.
Alan, talk him off the ledge please.
While I don’t know I would “…run right thru the crowd.”, and Iam fairly sure Mr. Goldyn wouldn’t either, I don’t believe he is that kind of individual.
IF they choose to block the road and not allow me to pass, IF the police are physically present and are NOT attempting to clear the road and arrest lawbreakers, I WOULD make my point by very slowly advancing. And the first time one of those ignorant children physically attacked me or my property, I keep something in my truck (non-lethal) that would most likely clear the road and is legal to own.
If people are willing to play stupid games, they will win stupid prizes.
MW, Yes it is… it’s called freedom and LIBERTY. Btw in the state of N.C. If you stop me from going about my business and refuse to let me pass, you are in violation of tha law and can and certainly should be charged. Doesn’t matter what you’re protesting! I still have my rights too!
I have never said that people who are protesting shouldn’t be arrested IF they are breaking the law. Arrest them! I did say that nobody should pay for property crime with their life.
You can’t have a reasonable exchange of ideas with people who hate you. You can thank the media and our indoctrination (education) system for that.
MW, while you have proven I have used the term “dark forces”, which I will admit to having been given documented reference, where did I attribute to “anything left of center”?
August 15, 2020 – “We, the people on the right, the conservatives, and the believers in the republic/democratic/constitutional form of government, people who stand for the United States of America with and without its faults are finally starting to stand up against the dark forces, both inside and outside of government on every level.”
It appears that it was you that are trying to make this a left/right thing.
As for God given rights, He granted us a free will and a sense of right and wrong. What He did not do was put one man over another, or make one man better then another.
Alan, it’s your consistent rhetoric. You lead that off by saying “we, the people on the right” immediately making it a left/right thing. YOU did that.
Look at your many other postings and you will see often something along the lines of “the (national socialist) Democrat”, you referring to people of a different ideological belief as “ ‘rats” – a play on words but also meant clearly as some sort of insult, “I dare any of you whiny, leftist, liberal, social justice whiners” (aug 13), and you describe Democrat’s as “willing to commit any evil and injustice to gain the power” (aug 7).
Are you just playing dumb?