Democratic Septic Tank
Dear Editor,
I was once again immersing myself in the overflowing septic tank known as the Democrat Party Platform. Let the sewers begin overflowing.
“We will make energy efficiency upgrades for millions of low-income households, affordable housing units, and public housing units in metropolitan and rural areas to save families money on their energy bills and provide safe and healthy homes. And Democrats will leverage existing programs, including at USDA, to build more affordable, accessible housing and retrofit existing housing in rural areas.”
Sounds noble but there’s a couple of overlooked issues here. First, where will the money come from? Second, there are these pesky things called local zoning laws and ordinances, so how is the federal government going to build anything – unless they overrule those local laws and ordinances. What they are saying is they will build what they want where they want and to heck with you and your concerns, you’re just a racist, homophobe, bigot. What’s that called again? Oh yeah, government overreach. Once again the (National Socialist) Democrat Party is wiping their feet on the Constitution. See the 10th Amendment.
“We will make sure the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.”
Blah, blah, blah. This overused, tired line is the same red meat they always throw out, but never do. Why? Because they’re not going to do that to themselves.
“Corporate tax rates, which were cut sharply by the 2017 Republican tax cut, must be raised, and “trickle-down” tax cuts must be rejected. Estate taxes should also be raised back to the historical norm.”
Let’s see, corporate tax rates went down and businesses started hiring, moved back into the U.S., gave raises and bonuses. Regular people had more money in their pocket. “The wealthy” in the high tax states have to “pay their fair share in taxes” and the high tax (‘rat run. I might point out) state governors went not because wealthy people started fleeing. And as for estate taxes, you do understand that they are taxing money and property that has already been taxed before. Talk about a scam.
If you read the document, it’s a socialists dream. When I referred to it as a septic tank I was being polite, because I’m not allowed to use the actual word for what goes into a septic tank. And if you watched that indescribable dumpster fire called a convention all you heard is we are all racists.
Alan Marshall
The democratic party (better known as the “demonic” party) has no platform. It is made up of the same old tired, rotten planks that they have been using for years. Tax the rich, give to the poor. Maybe they should find Robin Hood and let him run for president. Their current platform is completely unworkable from an economic and social standpoint. In order to get votes, they will promise anything. Look at the eight years Obama was in office, he promised all kinds of relief and give aways. How many were actually implemented? There are many personality quirks that President Trump has that I do not agree with; however, no one can truthfully question the positive state of the union that existed before the COVID virus hit. Furthermore, just think of how many more great things could have been implemented had the demonic party been an active group of congressmen rather than the obstructionist, lying, do nothing group they were for the past three years. Please, go vote and let President Trump get the support he needs to bring America back to the place it was in January 2020.
@ab, exactly like the Republican Congress the previous 4 years. Funny how that works isn’t? All I saw before covid was the economic prosperity the current administration was riding from the previous one.
Wow! The Democrats really showcased their confusion!
Some of their key speakers:
A losing presidential candidate who still thinks she won.
A Black (only half) ex-president who single-handedly erased decades of improving race relations.
An ex- president who claimed to be the “First Black President” although he is pasty-white.
A Caucasian woman who pretends to be American Indian.
An Indian (India-Indian) who pretends to be black.
A Socialist who would use our election process to destroy the Constitutional Republic that provides it.
A House Speaker who thinks she’s president.
A Republican ex-candidate whose main problem is that he lost.
A 60 second speech from a woman who would close down the country’s entire economy.
All for a Presidential Candidate who:
Isn’t expected to finish one term.
Sometimes forgets where he is.
Not sure who his wife is…
Has a severe case of speech-stumble.
Whose main attribute is an ability to survive in government for over 4 decades.
Is accused of being involved in foreign country corruption (with video evidence).
And the most amazing thing?
This is the best they’ve got!
I guess we will see what the Republicans have this week. The contrast ought to be remarkable!
The True Trump Clan.
A guy that calls his wife mother.
Someone that quit trumps admin.
Someone about to get ousted as House Minority Leader.
A knowing campaign finance law violator.
A governor that is so loved she needs a $400,000 (tax funded) fence to feel safe
Another Trump.
Another Trump.
Another Trump.
Another Trump.
Another Trump.
Oh yeah, and one single person of color.
Way to fill that roster with the diversity that represents our nation.
Way to go @Tommy!
Tommy Fickles, hey Lazy… isn’t white a color?
From a scientific perspective WHITE could be considered the presence of all colors (but really all colors of light) but actually would not be considered a color in and of itself – that is, it doesn’t have a unique wavelength of light.
But, from a sociological perspective, the phrase “person of color” is primarily used to describe any person who is not considered white in the United States. Sorry if that was not clear. And, to my point – that speaker roster really poorly represents the actual diversity of this nation.
Oh, and good comeback! Fickles, that’s a good one. I’ll get a kick out of that for minutes, maybe even hours.
Tommy, I’ll take that as a yes
Love and support your comments. ( THAT I read so far)
Check for q slightly extended version of this letter.
Again Spot On Mr. Marshall. The democrats hate people who work for a living, and those that create jobs for others to earn a living and support a family. They talk about extremely high taxes to be placed on the wealthy, but since that includes themselves, they will never do such a thing. The Democrats and their Created along with the Chinese Communists, Covid 19 Influenza, and along with the destruction of our economy, and the enticement and encouragement of the BLM and Antifa Criminals Rioting, looting, and burning down our cities, have caused a racial divide that may never get repaired. The possibility of a “Major Civil War” is very possible, and they will do nothing to stop it, as they are the ones who caused this mess in the first place. This rioting is just a prelude to the War that is fixin to happen in this country !!!
The covid-19 outbreak along with the murder, and it WAS murder, of Floyd seems to have created the opportunity for the degenerates to begin flexing their muscles under the cover of protests. A lack backbone, brains, and virtual cojones on the part of (National Socialist) Democrat mayors and governors (male and female) fanned the flames and encouraged what we’re seeing today.
The flexing of muscles of protesters, riots, covid deaths, lost foreign standing with old alliances, biggest deficit growth during strong economic growth….these are the results of a week federal leadership that started with Obama and has gotten far worse under Trump and family.
But Alan can continue to wear his tinfoil hate to protect him from the big bad doom of Dems when the real failure is the republican party being turned over to a half wit and his kids.
@Edward, and YOUR overlard has NO responsibility as the supposed LEADER of this country??? Are you freaking kidding me? ALL of this is HIS fault, period, he is racist, misogynistic, and most importantly TOTALLY INCOMPETENT.
LIZZY….Stop yelling… my goodness I thought you were back on your meds
The rhino won’t post my responses to the socialist who are posting here. Seems like they’re afraid I’ll make you snowflakes melt down. Get back on those meds lizzy and pick up that poop lazy Tommy pickles….
@captcurt you really are such a shining, literate, empathetic, mature example of the Conservative party, uh not. I’m sure your overlord would be very proud.
Lizzy, thank you for all of your kind words, but most of all thank you for showing our President Donald J.Trump the respect he deserves by referring to him as our OVERLORD! Your words not mine but thank you. Seems a bit British to me though… I’m a colonist not a loyalist which I’m sure you would have been. Kneeling comes naturally to you I guess.