Questions For School Superintendent Contreras
Dear Editor,
The following is a letter I sent to Guilford County School Superintendent Sharon Contreras.
Dear Mrs. Contreras,
I hope this email finds you well. I have several pressing questions I need answers to and I have reached out to several schools in Guilford County and no one is able to answer, so I hope you can provide me with clarity and the schools.
Question 1.
Is it true that you said you would not be honoring any religious exemptions from vaccination and mask?
Question 2.
How will you handle and address students with medical and religious exemptions? Will you put them in a different part of the school? I want to know how and where they will go? How will this group not be discriminated against?
Question 3.
You said you are following CDC guidelines and recommendations, so please tell me how you plan to force children in a mask all day? Will you be liable for any medical implications and or medical costs associated with forcing children to wear a mask for eight hours? Have you surveyed all parents? If so I would like to see that and it needs to be optional for parents.
Here is the link in case you need it.
Question 4.
What is the policy for testing these children? Why can no one answer this? I was told that masks will not be required for athletic sports but because they are at high risk they will be asked if they are vaccinated or not is this correct? So masks aren’t required for sports, but they are high risk due to close contact? Please explain here.
Question 5.
I was told by one of Guilford County Board of Educations members that GCS will not provide any virtual options this upcoming school year. I have asked several times what are the children supposed to do if they test positive and have to quarantine for 10 days? What is the academic plan in place? They can’t be absent and have no academic learning for 10 days and be expected to teach themselves? Please explain what the plans are for this?
Question 6.
Will you make the vaccinated quarantine since Fauci states the vaccinated can get the Delta variant just as the unvaccinated can? Please explain how this will be handled in Guilford County Schools.
Question 7
My last question is, how do we get you to listen to the parents and fulfill the promise you gave your oath as a superintendent to do?
I know you have been preparing for the past 18 months for a back-to-school return. I look forward to hearing back from you with your answers. This will give me a better understanding and provide clarity of all the preparation and procedures for how this school year will operate.
Thank you,
Sherry Stevenson
Sherry – Don’t hold your breath for a timely response or maybe any response at all. Superintendent doesn’t have the answers.
I Would like to know if you get a response, and if you get one, what Mrs Contreras response is. My guess is that any response will be generic with no specific answers. My best guess is that you will not hear back from the Guilford County Superintendent at all!
The religious exemption is a joke. One of the families in our church has used a religious exemption for any vaccines (not just covid). They are Weskeyan. There us nothing in the Wesleyan doctrine about vaccines, medical exceptions. These nutters just know it is impossible to to expect a school staff member to research and verify their religious exemption.
I say let the kids of anti vaccine nutters stay home for more remote learning. Sure, you have a choice about getting the vaccine and school administrators have to make choices to keep kids safe.
“First, G0d made idiots. That was for practice. Then He made the school board.” (generally attributed to Mark Twain)
Why would you address a letter to the Superintendent’s mother? I think you meant Dr. Contreras
How about Your Royal Hieness? Used to be the term “Dr” meant something, but the education system in our country has watered down that term by the huge numbers of people who get their PhD, which we know as “Piled Higher and Deeper”. Anyone with a PhD who insists on being referred to as Dr is doing it for platitudes, not friendship.
Do you always try to belittle the time, energy, and work people put into their lives?
It’s so funny when Karen tries to pretend she’s a totally normal, smart, definitely not chaotic Sherry.
I don’t want this note to sound if I’m beating up on “Mrs”or “Dr.” Contreras,but she falls into the category of Democrat .Her disposition is the same as our president,take advantage of the other group(which is usually conservative).I remember that she had 10$ million dollars to put on security for Guilford county schools.I understand that the money disappeared by the Superintendent and she had no idea what happened to this money.If the Commissioners will replace the money and not ask for accountability she might use it for “ doors” or whatever she so disires.There is a stipulation that allows the Super to spend a large sum of money with no accountability.Guess what Skip is trying to give her untold millions of dollarswith the bond just passed.This is just the philosophy that Democrats operate by.Spend ,spend,and spend more as long as it’s someone else’s money.
Boy I am so ashamed of all the Democrats that voted for Joe.He has to be at the top of the list fir the # 1 worst President in the history of US. That’s a stretch when you have Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama. Did you notice a similarity,All Democrats.
Boy don’t you miss Trump by now.He would not have allowed the mess Joe has created in Afganstan.It’s such a mess to allow the Afgannanys to be overrun by the Talibond ‘thugs’.
Everything that joe has touched since. Jan 20th,from the economy’s to the border to Afghanistan Joe has screwed it up.At the border Joe has no concern for Americans ,Republicans nor Democrats.He has been forced to open these floodgates at the border by The squad,Bernie , and the far-far left of the Democratic Party. They are such a bunch of losers The Democrats,because they have come up with this Woke Crap and are trying to screw up our children in K-12They have already Screwed up our college children.We will have to make it through this group of college age children.All I can say is Lord Help us because the Dems are bent on Destroying our America. Democrats take note your leaders are trying their best to destroy us.
Just signed our son out of the terrible public school system. Home school with Monarch is only $400 per year. Tired of lazy and crazy government employees? Opt out! Resist.