State Of Emergency Can’t Last Forever
Dear Editor,
Since March 10, North Carolina has been in a state of emergency due to COVID-19 as declared in an executive order written by Gov. Roy Cooper. By declaring a state of emergency, the governor has been issued sweeping powers by the NC Constitution that effectively sidesteps the legislature and suspends other laws and regulations. This step is necessary to enable quick response to temporary situations such as hurricanes, floods, riots, etc. (It would take the legislature a few weeks to have a special session to deal with legislation and funding to deal with these issues.)
North Carolina’s citizens have been living for almost five months under the governor’s declaration of a state of emergency. When does a “state of emergency” become the “new normal” and the legislature resumes their role in managing the state’s business? Has Gov. Cooper produced a plan for how/when he intends to end this state of emergency?
As long as the rate of transmission (RT) ( is less than 1.0, the virus will effectively stop spreading. NC has had a RT of less than 1.0 since mid-June. This good performance shows people are taking appropriate steps (protecting vulnerable populations, wearing a mask in public, social distancing and rigorous hand washing). As long as people continue to be vigilant in these steps to prevent the virus spread, the economy can safely open back up.
Doug Bartow
Voting By Mail Will Destroy America
Dear Editor,
The (National Socialist) Democrat Party and their leftist, Marxist/communist, social justice whining, mind-numbed zombie minions along with the graduates from the Goebbels school of journalism are well into their attempt to “fundamentally transform the United States” (remember that one from Dear Leader?) by attacking one of the major, major pillars of our republic, that being the right, the privilege, the duty to vote.
This whole notion of voting by mail is so incredibly stupid, wrong and a petri dish for a level of fraud and abuse that could, no WILL have consequences that can only lead to a requirement for drastic actions to put this country back on the path of individual freedom that was hard won and maintained by the blood, sweat, and tears of men and women over the existence of this great country.
It’s obvious that the anti-liberty, anti-freedom, power hungry forces on the left are making a full court press to consolidate complete and unending control of the government, the country and the American people for the purpose of creating their idea of a utopian society that’ll benefit them and their lackeys and enslave the rest of us.
Under this cockamamie concept, illegal aliens, non-citizens, unregistered people, children, cats, dogs, parakeets and the dead will be able to vote. And if there’s a chance the vote won’t go their way, they’ll have the ability to MAKE it go their way. And once they have control of the House, the Senate and the White House, there’ll never be Republican/conservative majority in the government on any level again without drastic actions. The United States as we now know it will be “fundamentally transformed” into a socialist banana republic-like country.
We’ve seen and experienced the problems with the postal service, and in everyday situations the problems experienced, for the most part, are not on the level they would be when you are talking about something as life altering as the election of people who have power over your way of life. There are many examples of large amounts of mail being lost or intentionally disposed of. There is one recent example of a letter carrier intentionally manipulating a large number of mail-in ballots, not absentee ballots, but mail-in ballots like what is being proposed. But according to the (National Socialist) Democrat Party, that never happened.
Remember, it’s never voter fraud if it benefits the left.
Alan Marshall
Biden/Harris Ticket Has Some Questions To Answer
Dear Editor,
Sen. Kamala Harris’ selection as VP appears a strong choice. However, her debut created several issues.
First, Biden’s primary victory path left several suspicious unanswered controversies. Remember, President Trump was impeached for requesting a separate, impartial country investigate potentially unethical/illegal relationships between the Biden family and several foreign companies. Despite winning South Carolina, the former VP remained in a poor position compared to opponents. Several last minute withdrawals left many Democrat voters frustrated. The candidates that withdrew outperformed Biden in diverse geographic and socioeconomic sectors.
Several primary opponents stated that they withdrew so that a Democrat could win the presidency. However, why was Biden chosen and not the others who withdrew? Why were the other opponents asked to withdraw and not Biden? Why not allow primary voters decide? The two issues together, the impeachment for an investigation request as well as the puzzling resignation of stronger positioned opponents, is curious. Sen. Harris was also a presidential primary opponent. Sen. Harris’ selection risks moderate voters being reminded of these controversies. The better she performs compared to the former VP, the more anger risked among the extremist base. The extreme base and moderate voters may question why she was not the head of the ticket if she performs better.
Second, Sen. Harris highlighted a long list of negative COVID-19 outcomes in her first speech. This is a gamble. If voters blame the president for these results, her ticket benefits. If voters blame COVID-19, with our understanding of presidential power limitations, she risks appearing to obstruct government for political gain. This makes the ticket appear as political opportunist welcoming or even promoting calamity. Blaming the president for COVID-19 is a huge political gamble.
Unless the Biden/Harris campaign addresses these issues, voters may connect the above dots in unflattering ways. Biden received a lot of backroom support despite legitimate concerns that both Sen. Harris and President Trump were not granted.
Alan Burke
@AlanBurke, you are so freaking full of it, it defies the imagination. Voting by mail is the SAME thing as absentee voting which has been used since voting began. People are not getting BALLOTS in the mail but APPLICATIONS for ballots. Five states have had a voting by systems for years. EVERY state allows absentee voting in some form or another. It has NOTHING to do with Democrats, The Left or any other name you come up with. Its is up to the STATE as to how they conduct their elections whether it is headed by a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. PROVE this widespread fraud you spout about. PROVE IT. You are nothing but a right wing nut job that believes every conspiracy endorsed by your LORD MASTER POSotus.
Alan Burke is dead on correct. The left cannot win a fair election with their constituents in the street burning and looting. Their only chance is a mail in vote with a high degree of illegal activity.
@bill right, and your candidate was only elected due to one of the most stupid ideas of this democracy… the electoral college. By the vote of the citizens of the US, Donald Trump is a LOSER. I believe the local ballot harvesting in this state was also carried out by REPUBLICAN operatives. Who needs a “fair” election to win???
Revealing last paragraph.
@AlanBurke there is NO mistaking who is COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE for 166,000 and counting DEAD Americans… Your POSotus Donald “the con man” Trump and administration. At least that is who most people with a brain and intelligence blame. Sorry the voting public didn’t give you the outcome you wanted during primaries. Primaries were held, people voted and candidates dropped out as it became clear to THEM they couldn’t win, that is the way the process works. Biden wasn’t “CHOSEN” to be the Presidential Candidate except the by people that voted. But I’m sure one of you Alans will surely come up with the latest and greatest conspiracy theory to the contrary. Oh yeah why do you care, plan on voting Biden/Harris?? We’d love to have you!
Lizzy, that’s pretty lame blaming the president for deaths from the China flu. But you are in plenty of company in opposing President Trump’s reelection. The Chinese government opposes it too. Do you suppose that they are looking out for our best interests?
@waynehinson, you are a fool and drinketh of your Lord Master Turd’s kool-aid. HE and HIS administration have now KILLED 168,000 Americans and counting. What is totally lame is your belief that this is some how China’s fault. Its is called COVID-19 not the China Flu, your racism is showing. Who do you blame for the flu every year, I wonder. The FAILURE of this POSotus was to do NOTHING and blame someone else. He had more than adequate warning it was coming, but he is too IGNORANT to understand or listen to advisors, so HE did NOTHING. Oh, except play golf.
Yes, Lizzy, I’m a conservative and I vote republican, so I’m obviously a racist who hates blacks, Jews and foreigners. I’ll leave it to a brilliant, enlightened person like yourself to figure out how I happen to have a black adopted daughter, a black brother, why I attend synagogue every week, and why we had a Brasilian family over for supper twice this week. Sure, call me a fool and a racist and spew profanities. It just proves you can’t support your inane positions with facts or logic. You are a truly pathetic excuse for a person.
@waynehinson, Congratulations! You are not a racists, so you say. But to be clear, even though you are not racists, you’re totally ok with perpetuating the ignorant Donald Trump’s racists comments?
Despite their many differences, republicans and democrats are in total agreement about fraudulent voting. Republicans believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats, and democrats believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats.
Right, right, and right. I am down to the polls to vote in person; and overcome the hurdles that attempt to confuse me for whom I am voting.
Such as in the “non-partisan’ races judicial inverted choice listings, etc.
I recently received a mail-in ballot from from the Democrat-controlled Guilford County Board of Elections. If you have a name, NCDL #, and partial SS#, you can vote. Doesn’t matter if it is you or not. Dead people can vote, just get a name/address from the obit columns, the rest you need is on line. You can vote for your friends and relatives if they are unable to vote, or don’t wish to. It is paradoxical in that you furnish ID with this application to vote by mail, but that you don’t need ID to actually vote.
Votes from certain areas can “get gone”, too. The fix was in for Mrs. Clinton, but it just wasn’t quite enough. The fix started with the media, like Rachel Maddow, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, DISNEY(ABC), NBC, ad nauseum.
Whoever is declared winner this Fall, the aftermath will be worse than it is now. You should prepare now for President Harris. The DNC will run Mr. Biden, as long as he lasts. Where else is there to go? The only place I can think of is Switzerland.
You can’t visit Switzerland currently. Sorry, try again. That’s due 100% to our lack of control of a flu that was supposed to “just go away”.
You can also hack an in-person ballot, they can malfunction, and the physical backups can be destroyed, lost, or tampered with. Elections aren’t perfect and considering we will likely be at our highest levels of a terrible disease without a cure or even much of a treatment due to colleges and schools starting back up, maybe we have to think of alternatives to our archaic system.
@miller a President Harris is infinitely better than the lying, ignorant, racist, murderer who currently resides in the WH.
@miller so, why don’t we do this. I’ll put paste what the State Board of Elections says about Absentee voting instead of the partial story you and others tell. The key word in the below information is REGISTERED! And you don’t have to use mail, you can bring it person to elections office or ANY early voting site. Truth is much better than partial truth or fiction.
Any registered voter can request an absentee ballot by mail. You don’t need an excuse. You don’t need to be ill. You don’t need any special consideration. Any REGISTERED voter can do it. The county boards of elections will begin sending out ballots to those who request them starting on September 4. When you get your ballot in the mail, you should mark it in the presence of one witness. That witness doesn’t have to be close enough to see who you’re voting for, and probably shouldn’t be. Then once you’re through marking your ballot, you place your ballot in the return envelope, which comes with your ballot materials in the mail, and then you and your witness fill out all of the required sections on the outside of that envelope. The witness has to sign it. They have to print their name and date. And you do the same as a voter. Just follow the instructions that come with the ballot itself. You mail it back, or you can return it in person to your county board of elections office, or to an early voting site during voting hours. And then your county, provided that you did everything correctly, will process and count your ballot.
Speaking of stealing elections and mail in voting, did you see where our county is being sued for violating laws requiring proper maintenance of voter rolls? Yes, Guilford has more registered voters than people of age living in the county. Those county employees are really earning their bribes, I mean salaries.
Yeah mail in voting is really something we should do.
LIZZY, The Communist Broadcasting System just did a piece on the more than18,000 votes not counted in Florida’s primary because they didn’t arrive in time. I think with that information you may want to rethink your strategy. Then again I like it…. keeps Trump in the White House longer should you socialist/Marxist left wing dingbats steal this election like the bull you crooks tried to pull with Hillary, Christopher Steele, Comey the DNC and Fusion GPS… you know what I’m talking about….oh and one more thing… the POSotUS left the White House with Michelle when Donald J. Trump moved in… Maybe you should blame Hunter and Joe Biden for the China Flu!!!! SNOWFLAKE!!!!
@Capt Curt, just one question, what has Donald Trump done for you? Name it. I can honestly say, I can’t name NOT ONE positive thing has he done to improve my life, not one. I can give you a laundry list of the negatives, but won’t bother. It isn’t worth my time to impart REAL information to someone such as yourself. Enjoy your conspiracies and bigotry and good luck sleeping at night with all those bugaboos rolling around in your head. Oh yeah, the on time arrival issue of votes, look to our local despot Louis DeJoy, the pres pick to head the USPS. He is making a personal killing off the USPS while systematically making moves to destroy this election. Hope your meds don’t come by mail, because they too won’t arrive anytime soon. Just another aspect where this pres is trying to rig his reelection, along with inviting foreign influence, and all those other things his last campaign staff went to jail for and only hiring the BEST and most corrupt to fill his personal swamp in DC.
Lizzy..are you seriously that ignorant?