Airport Renaming Simply Distraction

Dear Editor,

Regarding the issue of renaming and re-branding the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA). It’s easy to see why the PTIA wants to get this done. Name changing and re-branding are changes with visibility, use money and easily show that something is being done. This takes the public’s eyes off the real issues PTIA should be focusing on.

When you go to the counter at the airport and are asked, what’s your final destination, would you say McCarran International Airport (Las Vegas) or Sky Harbor (Phoenix)? Would they say you have a layover at Hartsfield-Jackson (Atlanta) before going on to Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport (Little Rock)?

Nothing wrong with changing the name of an airport, just don’t expect to get results such as increased traffic, more business opportunities and more airlines using the terminals to pay for the cost of a name change and re-branding campaign.

PTIA needs to give people a reason to come, and it’s not the name of the airport. How about providing top-notch service, more airline choices and competitive rates – goals much harder to achieve than a name change.

In other words, PTIA is looking for the easy way out.

David Briscoe

Focus on Criminals

Dear Editor,

A very few years ago, the husband of a sitting Greensboro city councilmember was caught with three concealed firearms in his car – one of which was previously stolen. Under the federal firearms laws, this requires a mandatory sentence of not less than 21 years in prison. No charges were filed and no time was served.

Where was Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughn then? Where was her outrage or even mild concern? Nowhere to be found. And yet she has the audacity to go after a legal event like the Greensboro Gun and Knife Show, which caters to law-abiding citizens.

Shame on you, Mayor Vaughn. Your focus should be on criminals and persons with ill intent, not legal, law-abiding citizens and business people.

Raymond Jeffries

Editor’s Note: Isa Abuzuaiter, the husband of At-large City Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter, was stopped for speeding in 2014 and found to have two concealed pistols in his car. One turned out to have been stolen. Isa Abuzuaiter was charged and the judge dismissed the charges except speeding. The stolen gun, which Isa Abuzuaiter had purchased, was returned to the owner.

Terms of Use Contains Useful Info

Dear Editor,

I was amused and somewhat confounded by the recent furor over Cambrige Analytica’s use of Facebook users’ profile information. I looked into opening a Facebook account but read the so-called “terms of use” and it didn’t take long to discover the truth. When you become a Facebook user, you basically give them carte blanche to use any and all information they glean for whatever purpose they deem fit.

I find it disingenuous that anyone would take umbrage that their profile information was used for political purposes. It is clearly stated in the terms of use of not only Facebook but most publicly accessed websites.

I recall that the use of social networking information by the Obama campaign was hailed as a modern and very intelligent way to reach out to voters. Of course, this was the left-of-center mainstream media’s take at the time and nobody was particularly exercised about it. Now we find that Cambrige Analytica used the profiles of up to 50 million Facebook users to ascertain those who might be influenced to vote for the Republican candidate by directed advertisement. Basically they can determine this from a user’s likes, dislikes and postings. It certainly worked for the Obama campaign, but certain parties have become incensed that the same thing might have been done in the Republican campaign. The political left hoisted by their own petard.

Facebook founder Zuckerberg has been called on the proverbial carpet by Congress to explain himself. He has faced the savage wrath of the left for allowing the right to do the same thing the left managed to do, when we all know a level playing field is not fair nor equal when it comes to anyone to the right of, say, Bernie Sanders.

My suggestion for Mr. Zuckerberg is to tell the critics to go and – as we used to say in the Navy – “pound sand.” He should tell the mind-numbed robots who keep their noses glued to the screens of their phones to actually read the terms of use notices and find out what they are giving up in terms of privacy. I am sure the repercussions will resound for a while but he won’t be hurt in the long run.

I am sure that Facebook and its stock value will recover and that Facebook users’ incredibly short attention span will mean the whole thing should blow over in a month or two.

Besides, we have more important fish to fry. I am waiting to find out how a stripper/porn star can be defamed.

Daniel Post

Many Groups Are Disenfranchised

Dear Editor,

As a new sports season returns, so have kneeling demonstrations.

I served in the military from 2000 to 2004 during heightened support for veterans.  That has not always been the case.  During Vietnam, veterans were assaulted, ridiculed and denied work due to stereotypes.  Protestors took it upon themselves to rehabilitate “baby killers” using violent tactics. The protestors’ harsh cure grew in severity when veterans complained of the tactics.  The demonstrators, frustrated with disagreement, stereotyped all opposition as murderers, which in their minds required harsher re-reeducation tactics to protect the innocent.

Colin Kaepernick chose a method to communicate his message that undermined its intent.  The message was valid, well meaning and spontaneous. It was poorly/divisively communicated.  To call attention to concerns facing one historically disenfranchised group, he unintentionally offended another historically disenfranchised group.

Most individuals that poorly communicate legitimate concerns apologize and redesign the message.  When members of the group offended complained, we were attacked for being insensitive to the plight.  Meanwhile, our plight, concerns and fears are belittled.

I joined the military because I believe every American regardless of physical difference (race, gender or ability), religion, and ideology deserves to benefit from the freedoms our country provides.  This is a great country, with great people.  It isn’t perfect, but it is great.  This is not about freedom of speech.  Kaepernick earns more money in a year than the average American does in a lifetime.  His position provides opportunity unimaginable to most.  He is an agent of a company.  He gets paid to provide a service and wear a uniform during office hours – game day.  I would be fired for forcing customers into comparable conversations at work.  People do not come to my work to be forced into a discussion.  Fans pay money on football to relax.  Fans do not pay to be forced to listen to a message they have the right to disagree with.  We do not want to be labeled hateful for being offended by a poorly timed/executed, culturally insensitive messages.

Pro athletes have more resources to exercise their freedoms outside their workplace than any other.  Truthfully, they have the freedom to exercise speech at work.  The government is not going to send secret police to arrest them.  But customers have the right to complain about poorly executed message by not paying.  The employer has the freedom to fire the kneelers for offending the customers.

Alan Burke

Rest of Census Story

Dear Editor,

Some states, read blue states, are having absolute fits over the addition of the question of citizenship being returned to the upcoming census. They are calling it everything from racist to illegal. But how many people know the full story. Why is there a census?

From Article 1, Section 2 of the US Constitution:

“Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative …”

Now we know why they are so hell-bent on getting the question removed from the census. It would be a large step towards diluting their power.

One of the primary purposes of the census is to set the number of representatives each state will have in the House. So if you can stack the deck with ringers you can increase your ability to sway the decisions and laws made that affect each and every American citizen. Key phrase there is “American citizen.” If they have their way, people that are not legal citizens or residents of this country will affect what happens in our government. It will also affect how the money taken from us by force (taxes) will be redistributed.

Legal immigrants should be up in arms over this situation. They played by the rules, worked hard and were rewarded for their perseverance. They earned the right to have their voices heard. But the bleeding heart, progressive, socialist liberals insist that doesn’t matter. Regardless of the fact that you are an illegal alien who broke American law getting and staying here, they believe you should have as much say in how things go here as the legal residents.

How dare we insist on an adherence to the rule of law? How dare we put legal American residents ahead of criminal aliens?

Go Galt and save the republic.

Alan Marshall

Proud of Hardister

Dear Editor,

I proudly endorse Rep. Jon Hardister for NC House District 59.

Jon Hardister is the hardest working representative I have ever had the privilege to know, support and work with.

I met Jon when he decided to run against Pricey Harrison years ago. As the former chairman of the Guilford County Republican Party, I was familiar with those that ran, and if they didn’t win we never saw them again. This is not the man Jon Hardister.

Jon Hardister went door to door talking with the citizens and listening to their concerns. Although his first race was not victorious, Jon Hardister did not quit.

In his next contest, after winning a hard primary race, Jon Hardister had no Democratic opponent in the general election. He had won. But, while many would have rested on their laurels, not having to campaign for the next six months, what did Jon Hardister do? Jon Hardister got out and still went door to door talking to the citizens of his district up until the day of the election.

No wonder he is the Republican majority whip in the NC House.

I am proud to have a man of this caliber represent the interest of my community, my family and the citizens of the NC House District 59.

That is why I have no hesitation in letting you know I will be voting for Jon Hardister.

Come join with me in supporting North Carolina’s hardest working representative

Marcus Kindley

 Challenging Numbers

Dear Editor,

A Greensboro challenge by the numbers:

In our city, 20,000 people struggle with housing issues and are paying over 30 percent of their income for rent.

Over 13,000 households are on waiting lists for subsidized housing.

In our town, 57,000 people live in poverty and are mostly invisible citizens who lack voice and need those of us who will to be their voice and advocate for them.

Know that we become community around housing when we together understand that affordable and safe housing is a basic human right.  The question facing us all is whether or not we care enough to get involved for those who struggle daily to have what many of us take for granted.  We should all hope and pray it be so.

Bob Kollar


Dear Editor,

Picture in your mind a tall ladder leaning against a wall. Now think about your life as a process of climbing that ladder. Wouldn’t it be a tragedy to get to the top of the ladder and find you placed it against the wrong wall? One life to live and you missed it.

You relationship to God (Father, Son and Spirit) is the single most important aspect of your life. If it is not right, nothing else is important.

If you knew that all you had was a relationship with him, would you be totally and completely satisfied? Many people would say, “Well, I would like to have a relationship, but I would sure like to do something” or “I sure would like for him to give me a ministry or give me something to do.” We are a “doing” people. We feel worthless or useless if we are not busy doing something. Scripture leads us to understand that God is saying, “I want you to love me above everything else. When you are in a relationship of love with me, you have everything there is.” To be loved by God is the highest relationship, the highest achievement and the highest position in life.

That does not mean you will never do anything as an expression of your love for him. God will call you to obey him and do whatever he asks of you. However, you do not need to be doing something to feel fulfilled. You are fulfilled completely in a relationship with God. When you are filled with him, what else do you need?

E.M. Scoggin



Not All Police Bad

Dear Editor,

I did not intend to write again about Austin Morris’ assertions that all police officers all over the world are bad people. But if I didn’t, the way he jumps to conclusions without having all the facts, he might think he convinced me he is covered. Far from it. So I am writing one more time and this will be my last letter on the subject, regardless of what he might say if he responds.

In my previous letter I said I hoped he would respond and answer all my questions. He replied but dodged the questions.

About one-half of his last letter covered three incidents involving officer shootings. Did he research these to get all the facts or did he just report the parts that were in the news and concluded all the officers were 100 percent wrong?

He said I would like everyone to believe every police officer I had ever met to be nice people. He is correct. But I have only the few officers I mentioned and all of them were very nice. But unlike him, I don’t classify thousands of people based on the actions of a few.

I don’t know what occupation Mr. Morris is or was in, but I’m sure there have been a few bad characters in it, just as there have been in all professions. Does that make everyone in his profession (including him) an evil person?

I have a very real reason to remain anonymous, but if I gave it without detailed explanations, Mr. Morris would probably jump to an invented conclusion about it.

Oh, one more example of him coming to a conclusion without having the facts: He assumed I am a male.



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