Budget Cuts Vital Programs
Dear Editor,
Attention older Americans and those struggling with health care costs: Remember Donald Trump’s repeated promises not to cut funding to Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid and in fact vowing that he would strengthen them? Well take note of this president’s proposed budget to Congress which if adopted would slash $1 trillion from these three vital programs to the detriment of senior citizens and the poor.
The insensitivity and lack of caring of this president appears boundless.
Bob Kollar
Hoping Barnes Comes Back
Dear Editor,
I will start off by saying that Sheriff Rogers will never be half the Sheriff BJ Barnes was and I hope BJ comes back.
The haters will say BJ was a sore loser but its not that, BJ was and should be worried about the department he built for over 20 years being in the hands of Rogers.
The fact is that the Sheriff’s office is a mess, you have a shortage of employees, top leadership coming and going and programs being cut. The Sheriff hired a public relations guy, that was a good step because after I saw a news conference Rogers gave, I cried about how sad it looked.
I do pray for Rogers and that he gets it together but I have a better chance on losing weight than Rogers has of making a go of it. I remind people that under BJ the Sheriff’s Office was one of the best in the state, now under Rogers its just like the rest. The fact is that BJ has a proven crime fighting record and Rogers, well he just has a record.
Sal Leone