For decades, when Greensboro and the surrounding area weren’t doing all that well as far as economic development, places like the Highway 421 corridor south of Greensboro seemed like they might remain largely rural forever.

However, with the coming Toyota battery plant and the other companies locating at the megasite to support the plant, that stretch of highway between Greensboro and the megasite has become the subject of intense focus for the City of Greensboro, Guilford County government, local developers, the economic development community and plenty of other stakeholders as well.

And it’s now a major concern of those who moved to a rural part of the county to get away from development.

That’s one reason why, on Thursday, April 11, at 6 p.m., hundreds of concerned residents packed into Forest Oaks Country Club to discuss the Highway 421 Corridor Land Use Study and the future of the area.  The main purpose of the discussion, which was led by Southeast Guilford Community Foundation board members, was for the affected community to come together and have a meeting of the minds so the group can address the City of Greensboro in one voice when the time comes.

It’s not just the residents and the city that are talking about the corridor.  The future of the corridor came up at the Guilford County Board of Commissioners 2024 Retreat in March and the county is expected to have a lot more to say about the matter soon.

The Guilford County Board of Commissioners approved a development plan for much of the area in question in 2011, but a new updated plan from the county is expected to be presented in a month or two.

The City of Greensboro is asking for input, and those who want to weigh in on the matter can do so with an online Survey Monkey questionnaire at

That survey ends on Thursday, April 18.

Property owners who moved to the rural area to enjoy the tranquility of a natural environment are now telling stories of developers coming up to them and asking to buy their property.

One Facebook poster in a group concerned about the future of the corridor expressed the sentiment of many people who live in the area – and of those who live in and in a lot of other rural parts of the county as well.

The poster wrote, “Maybe I’m in the minority, but I grieve inside when I see trees and even forests cut down and farmland and fields massacred in the name of ‘progress’ and ‘housing and jobs.’ It all screams TAX REVENUE to me. We moved to NC, in part, to get away from so much building. Maybe it was a mistake? Every day, I feel myself growing furry and orange and adopting the name, ‘The Lorax.’”