Scott Yost is hysterical. I look forward every week to his column. Thank you. Thank you.

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That Barack Obama. What a goober he is. He spent eight years as president trying to open a tight lid on a jar. And he never could open it. So Trump gets in there and opens up the jar. The lid pops right off. And Obama is like, yeah, I loosened it.

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Yes, I figured out why Michelle Kennedy doesn’t give the Pledge of the Allegiance. She doesn’t know it. She’s probably been watching too many reruns of the Griswold family Christmas. Because whenever they ask Aunt Bethany to give the blessing, she gives the Pledge of the Allegiance. So, all Nancy Vaughan has to do is, when she wants Kennedy to give the Pledge of Allegiance, say, Michelle, would you give the blessing, please? Thank you for your time, Rhino. Love ya. Bye.

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Hey, John, I just want to tell you, I hope you’re saving all your Under the Hammer columns these days, because I think it’s going to make a great book someday. Bye.

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You know when Barack Hussein Obama was president, I never criticized him publicly one single time because I had respect for the office of the presidency. But the gloves are off now, and he is a private citizen just like me. And he started running his mouth and telling lies and talking about the politics are strange and everything. President Trump is trying to pull them people back in line with Judeo-Christian values, and trying to get this country back on a steady path and stop giving away our wealth to nations like the Palestinians that hate us.

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I actually just saw recently the movie 13 Hours. And I love how Obama came out and said that all this was a conspiracy thing along with something else he jabbered out most recently. It’s very interesting that one of the heroes of that situation, I think the man’s name was Pronto, like Tonto but spelled with a P, recently went on Twitter with a little bit of a tirade. And I realize he could have cleaned it up a little bit, but he was dead on. The facts are that was a terrorist situation. It was no rally over a video. The people involved at the highest level, Ben Rhodes, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, they all lied, lied for weeks about what really happened there in Benghazi.

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Yes, I may not have time to finish this. But this is in response to former President Obama speaking in Illinois to some poorly educated students who he tried to bluff into thinking he was the greatest thing next to God. Let’s talk about Solyndra, the $400 million that went to some of his buddies. The automotive bailout, the $12 billion that the American people ate. Fast and Furious, where an agent was killed in a very unusual armed situation, basically an attempted attack on the Second Amendment. Then there’s Holder, his attorney general, taking the Fifth Amendment. Obamacare 60-0 vote with 34 amendments. Benghazi, that total lie that was told by him, Rhodes, Obama and Hillary. And he perpetuated it for almost three weeks.

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My name is Freddy in remembrance of John McCain. He served his country well and with great honor. But when he become the presidential nominee, he was a weak leader. He didn’t show leadership and strength to lead this country, compromised with Democrats and partied with liberal left. I think he could have shown much more leadership if he tried. He wouldn’t have got near the votes if it wasn’t for Sarah Palin, his vice presidential nominee, and he didn’t like Donald J. Trump from the beginning when Donald J. Trump was elected president. But it’s a shame that he didn’t invite Sarah Palin or Donald J. Trump to his funeral or have his family members to do it. But anyway, God rest his soul forever more.

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I want to acknowledge and thank the city maintenance department for cleaning the corner of Oberlin Drive at Fielding. That’s right across from O. Henry Park. They cut back the trees and branches making the corner much safer.

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I wonder if I am the only one who is infuriated when pious newscasters and politicians rail against so called price gouging by businesses during a crisis. Are they economic illiterates?  The demand for, say, plywood sheets will soar as a hurricane approaches. The local supply will rapidly disappear, but the demand will actually explode, meaning that people will pay more than normal for plywood because it has become worth more to them. This higher price incentivizes suppliers in Roanoke and Asheville to consider incurring the huge cost of driving plywood to the coast, since they will recover that cost in the higher price and maybe make a little money.  In the PC world of Democrats and other socialists, this amounts to price gouging and scamming and should be made illegal. But without the perfect invisible hand of the free market balancing supply and demand, there would be zero plywood at the coast when it is desperately needed.  So homes and businesses would be devastated unnecessarily when their owners were perfectly willing to pay twice or more the usual price to save their homes and businesses. Who is the government to intervene and interrupt the supply of essential commodities? Try telling a restaurant owner at the beach that she can’t buy plywood because it’s price gouging, as she watches her business literally go under water. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.

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Hey, I’m driving on Bryan Boulevard and I was just passed on the right by a cop who then ran a red light right in front of me. I’m just astounded. Why does nobody else do this? Because the cops don’t.

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Republicans are corrupt and going to jail. Have a good day.

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For what I can see from the write-ups and the pictures of Kathy Manning, it looks like to me that we have scraped the bottom of the barrel. We’re no longer a Democrat for me and my family. They’ve been taken over by the socialist left-wingers. Kathy Manning is a socialist left-winger.

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What in the world has happened to the once-great Democrat Party? It has now been taken over by socialists, protestors and anti-Americans. I am disgusted and fed up with them once and for all.

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I’m calling about Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, and Sunny sitting up there on The View. You don’t know what American women go through. We have to raise our children. We have to take them to football games, soccer games and so forth. We have to deal with our husbands. We have to cook food. We have to do chores. After we done worked an eight-hour-a-day job. Y’all don’t know what that’s like. You know? Y’all don’t have no clue what American women go through. Or American families go through for that matter. Because you’re sitting up there on your high elite pedestal. And you’re sitting up there judging everybody. You know who the judge is? God is our judge. You’re not our judge. You know? One of these days you’re going to pay for all the bad things you’re sitting up there judging other people for. You’re not the judge and jury. Because one of these days, like I say, you’re going to be judged yourself.

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Yes, I’m calling to say that I have a good solution for everybody that’s running out to buy a battery for the storm. Many of you have these lights in the yard that run by solar. And if you just remove them for their little stem that’s in the ground and take them in the house at night and put them in a container to make them stand up, you’ll have the best light in town. And you won’t have to pay a penny for a battery. And I’ve been doing that for years. And I want to share that. I should have called sooner, because more people are out trying to get their act together. But if they’ll try it once, they will definitely like it. And it’s certainly worth your effort. Thanks.

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Hello. I have nothing against Kathy Manning, but I’m perplexed as to why she is running as a Democrat. From her political ads, if she tries to do these things the way she’s saying, they’re going to put her in the back room. They’re not going to allow her to do anything. So I’m really wondering about this.

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Well here goes another ad for Nike to jump on and just gobble right up – the Serena Williams debacle at the US Open. Did anybody see that biggest brat? She acted like a humongous brat during that match. She absolutely stole that little girl’s thunder. Had her apologizing for winning. Unbelievable. And then the media is going to applaud Serena for what she said. I’ve never heard John McEnroe or any of those guys when they argue with an official or whatever, they go, I’m a father. Serena, I’m glad that you’re a mother. I really am. But you did not make history by becoming a mother, OK? Let me just make that perfectly clear. You didn’t make history.

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Continuing. And, oh, by the way, I just heard on talk radio early this morning that there were 100 penalties called during the US Open. Eighty-eight were men. They were called on men. The rest were women. So the sexism call is straight out the window. The racism call, that’s out the window too. That’s just ridiculous. Had nothing to do with racism. I heard there was a – I haven’t seen it, but there was a cartoon about her. And the cartoon depicted her as – it was racist. Well, guess what? Cartoons are funny. They’re supposed to be – they’re oddly shaped figures. And it had nothing to do with racism.

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If you think you’ve got the Democrats figured out for two seconds, you’ve got it timed about right. Trump just well get ready. They stayed up all night last night trying to figure out what he done wrong about this hurricane. And if you think I don’t know what I’m talking about, wait until it’s over and just see if they don’t come up with something. They will come up with something that he done wrong.

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Hey, Beep. To the people who are so in favor of John McCain and so against this president, they have forgotten that this president told the McCain family that anything they wanted, they could have, and he would supply. John McCain wrote his entire five- or six-day funeral and everything was anti-Trump. The people who were there, the people who spoke, everything was against this president. And yet this president said anything the family wanted, they could have. So if you think this president is so terrible, maybe think again. Thank you.

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Some people may call me a chauvinist, but I cannot stand to listen to the majority of the women on TV reading the news and weather.

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Yes, I am just calling in regards to the caller that made the comment in the Beep from last Thursday’s Rhino Times about the smell from the swamp was no longer following Trump. I just wanted to advise you that even though they have not come out and proven that say there is no criminal charge or offense have been found on Hillary in years, just to let you know, she still committed a crime by deleting emails and then admitting to sending and receiving hundreds of classified documents on her home email server, which violated numerous laws. So, even though they didn’t come out and charge her with this, she still committed criminal offense. Also, she has lied to the FBI several times, which is a felony. So you need to do your research, whoever called this comment in.

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Yes, I live on the southside of town off South Holden. And we didn’t have any garbage pickup on Friday. And I was just wondering, if they didn’t run Friday or what happened? I don’t understand if they didn’t, if some brilliant person up there made the decision that the garbage didn’t need to be picked up for the safety of the employees, which the storm was about 200 miles away or better. But I was just wondering why our garbage wasn’t picked up. They got a bee in their bonnet or something like that. I didn’t see nothing about it on the news that I watched. Of course, I don’t get to see it all. But I think it was poor judgment if they called it off. They really need to cut their pay, because they’re not as brilliant up there as they think they are if that was the problem. If not, then I don’t know why we didn’t get it picked up out here, the trash. I don’t know if everybody else did or not. But it was pathetic. They ought to do better than that what we’re paying them up there.

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Editor’s Note: The city didn’t pick up garbage on Friday. It ran Friday’s routes on Monday.

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Many of us are wondering why in 2018, in the age of Trump’s clarity and purpose, why are we plagued still with Woodward and Bernstein and Nixon and the Kamala Harrises of the world? Why are we so burdened by this rhetoric of absolute leftist crud? Why, I ask you. I believe I have an answer. What we’re watching is the contortions of the left that derive from the ’60s all the way to the ’70s. What we’re seeing is that everything that they’ve put into place is now been called into question. This election shot straight to the heart of the leftist message, which is basically division. The left’s message is us versus them, not we. And they divide people along every line possible: sex, race, creed, color, all of it, job, economic standing. This is the hallmark of the left. This is socialism.

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Hello, Beep. Just reading Orson’s article. He was talking about the French and Belgium train workers being on strike, which is why they wouldn’t load artillery and other military supplies on the trains. This is precisely why FDR cut a deal with the labor unions in our participation in World War II. The labor unions agreed no strikes until the war was over. The US Navy entered into an agreement with Lucky Luciano, who was in Fayetteville prison. Luciano agreed to instruct the longshoremen and the dock workers in New York City not to mess with the Navy, not to go on strike, and in exchange Lucky would get his sentence commuted to time served and then sent to Sicily when the war was over.

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Donald Trump signs the required documents to free up the money and provide the money to help the residents of North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia that are under a hurricane. This man wasted no time whatsoever. He just got the job done. He really looked out for everyone here in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. And what else could you ask of the man? This is exactly what he’s about, looking out for Americans. The Democrats need to quit throwing their little temper tantrums because the queen of Benghazi lost the election and realize that we have a man now, and probably the first man in the history of America, sitting in the White House, who is looking out for the best interest of Americans. All the other presidents before him were there for their own personal interests. He is there for the interests and the wellbeing of the American citizens.

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Hello. Believe it or not, I have heard through the grapevine that President Trump is being blamed for Hurricane Florence. As outrageous as this sounds, I believe there are people with the mentality, or the lack of, who believe this. Southern Guilford here. I stubbed my toe the other day. I guess I should blame Trump.

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Fellow Conservatives, I urge you to watch Fox News for the truth. Don’t believe the mainstream media as they attempt to smear every Republican candidate for office and make up dirt against them in an effort to get rid of Trump. You may not like his rationale or some of his Tweets, but you can’t deny what he’s accomplished in 20 months, keeping his promise to make America great again. If the Dems get in there, you can forget your tax cuts. Your investments will be chopped to zero, or close to it. And many of us have our retirement funds invested. You can possibly lose your job, your favorable trade agreements, etc. Trump is standing up for America. And we need to do the same.

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Hello. I’m calling about Dianne Feinstein that’s trying to ruin Brent Kavanaugh’s reputation and career. I’d like to stay this to that old battle ax. It’s time for you to go. You know? You’re such a fake and phony. And for you to sit up there and do what you’ve done. You sit up there and you didn’t ask the man about nothing, hardly. And you knew all this a long time ago. And you never said nothing about it. How dirty of you to do this. You Democrats are so dirty. And American people are watching this, and they see this. But you had an informant working for you. Nobody is mentioning that, right? So that’s OK. I think this is so dirty. And this is so awful to discredit a man with such honor and dignity and such credibility that you’re doing this to him. How dare you?

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I just wanted to say that President Trump’s recent denial of the Puerto Rican death total sounds a lot like the people who say the Holocaust never happened or the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. Thank you.

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It’s Friday morning. And the federal government has got more things going on for this hurricane than any that has ever been recorded in history. Helicopters, airplanes, medical ships, tankers, undetermined amount of generators that the federal government due to President Trump has got out there. Now, I’m sure the Democrats are going to stay up all night trying to figure out how he failed.

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Hi, Beep. Just wanted to call everybody’s attention how President Trump told everybody how this storm or the hurricane was such a bad hurricane. And then he took it over, and he changed it from Category 4 to Category 3. Then he changed it from Category 3 to Category 2. And now, at this time, it is now, he’s changed it to a Category 1. What a wonderful president he is to have power like this. But all us Christians know that he knows Jesus Christ, and he highly recommends that to all the Dems.

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It’s Friday morning. And I just got off the phone with the City of Greensboro, who informed me that all trash and debris collection services were cancelled mid-morning today and that my seven cans of yard waste that are sitting at the street will not be emptied today. That sets me up for so much clean up success from all the limbs being blown down in my yard right now from Florence by having them not emptied today. Thanks, city service division. You’re awesome.

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This is response to the 83-year-old man only got a third-grade education. He’s very intelligent. Please, you’re 83 now. You only made it to the third grade. Please, go back. Please, go back to school and see if you can get you to the fourth grade, because you’ve got to go to 100. Because it took you 83 years to get a third grade. You’ve got 70 more years to get out of fourth grade. Maybe they’ll give you a promotion for old age. Hello. Goodbye. And thank you for your comments. Bye.

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Friends of Green Hill Cemetery invites you to two walking tours to introduce you to trees and shrubs while highlighting dozens of persons buried in Green Hill. Sunday, Oct. 28, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Reservations are not required. For information visit For tree lovers, tours are Nov. 10 and Nov. 11, 1 to 3 p.m. Botanist Goldman shares his expertise. Tours do require reservations and are limited to 20 persons. Email reservations to All tours are weather-dependent, $5 per person and support Friends of Green Hill Cemetery. Wear comfortable walking attire. Meet inside the southernmost gate of Green Hill Cemetery on Wharton Street near Fisher Avenue.

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Southern Guilford here. A shout out to the tomato pie woman. That was the best I’ve ever had. Hope I get to taste another one before the local growing season is over. Thank you.

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We should all thank God literally that we have the Electoral College. Without it, right now, we would have the first liar in chief queen from Little Rock, Arkansas, in the White House. I am very thankful for the wisdom of our founding fathers. All sane people should be thankful to them as well.

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This is in reference to that police officer who was scared of her own shadow and shot that man she thought was in her apartment. Well, first of all, it seemed after two steps into the apartment she would realize that it wasn’t her apartment. Second of all, if she wasn’t so afraid of her own shadow, she would have realized her surroundings and known that he was just someone coming home from work just like her. If you ask me, this is one more perfect example of why women should not be police officers. This whole story doesn’t add up and doesn’t make sense.

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The Democrats aren’t running against any other politicians. They’re running against the people of the United States. They’re just saying, to heck with the people’s will. To heck with the people’s vote. And look at these politicians from Obama, Kerry, Holder, Biden. They should be absolutely, absolutely ashamed of themselves. They’re just making asses of their self on TV. Have a great rainy Sunday.

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Hi. I’m sitting here watching the news. And I’ve been sitting here watching John Kerry run his mouth overseas in Iran where he paid all – him and Obama sent all that money over there for that big deal that did nothing but send terrorists over here. And he’s going to run for president in 2020. I’d just like to say this to him, you know, don’t even try it. Because it’s not going to work for you. It didn’t before, and it ain’t going to work again. American people are not stupid. And that’s what these Democrats need to realize. And, also, the Republicans need to realize that American people, they went to Yale. They went to Harvard. And they went to a lot of colleges. And, you know, we are not stupid. Y’all are not the smartest bunch of people up there. You know? Y’all think that y’all are so intelligent and that American people are dumb.

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I hope all Americans can see what a good job the Democrats are doing running Chicago. This is what will happen to the United States if we put them back in power. Chicago is a murder capital and a crime haven. If we let the Democrats win the midterms, that’s what the rest of the United States will look like. Like I said, they can’t run Chicago, why should we trust them running the country? Republicans, please, get out and vote in the midterms.

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I was thinking the other day what Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy would think of their beloved Democratic Party today if they were both alive. I’ll go out on a limb and say they would probably join the Republican Party. They would not recognize their beloved Democratic Party of today. There is no moderate wing of the Democratic Party anymore that existed in JFK’s short term.

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Tell them when they go low, we go high. Tell them, Michelle. Be sure to tell them. Absolutely, the sorriest administration that’s ever been. Just disgraceful.

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I said it before I heard Rush Limbaugh say it – nobody in the White House gave The New York Times that information. That’s just a Democrat ploy to try to get rid of Trump. They’ve been trying to get rid of him. The very idea that that lady that ought to be at Camp Butner said, where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him. And Kathy Griffin standing holding what looked like a severed head of Trump, and all the other stuff. They’re trying their best to get all the confusion they can get before this election in November. And Trump went for it. He shouldn’t have even acknowledged that it ever happened. It just said something come out in the paper, just take it for what it’s worth and right on with other stuff. That’s all it is. They’ll do anything in the world to get rid of him. They brought out the big guns when they brought out Barack Hussein Obama. Obama will teach how to go run the White House without ever spending any money. Ask him about it.

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I finally realized what we’re up against in 2018. I finally realized why the resurrection of Nixon, why the rhetoric, why are we listening to the voices and the reasoning, and the ancient arguments from the mid ’60s to the mid ’70s. Why? Because Trump is the antithesis. He’s the antithesis of all which the ’60s counterculture attempted to force upon America. They have the hubris and the arrogance to try it, to do it, in some fashion in the ’60s and the ’70s. And here in the 21st century, America has called foul on all of that. If Barack Hussein Obama was the penultimate achievement of the new left and the counterculture that came out of the ’60s, then he thoroughly screwed the pooch.