Yeah, I’m wondering how many people out there in Greensboro are having the same issue. I have service through AT&T cellphone service. My phone number, apparently, is being used. I’ve been getting phone calls, people calling me say, you called me and left a message about fax service or insurance, or a trip to somewhere. Just all types of different places. I had over 39 calls on my voicemail when I got home yesterday afternoon where people were returning phone calls because, apparently, some robo is calling with my phone number. And trying to market some crud. And it’s just one individual, apparently. Apparently, they are doing other stuff. But, anyway, when the people call back, they’re getting my phone number. So they’re calling me back. And I’m not calling them. So, I went down to AT&T yesterday after I got home and found out that this is going on. Changed my phone number. Well, came home for lunch and here we go again. Another 10 or 15 people have already called me saying that they were calling me back, that I was trying to sell them something. Whatever. Apparently, they’re using the new phone number also.
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Isn’t it strange that the mass media profess to be shocked and horrified that Paul Manafort failed to disclose all his income so as to evade taxes, but they were perfectly silent when tax cheat Timmy Geithner, Obama’s secretary of the treasury, was guilty of the same? They never pointed out that Obama’s head of the IRS was a tax cheat. Such hypocrisy, such duplicity, such partisanship.
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Hello, Beeps. I’m calling about sitting here watching TV and see all these people want to change the name of Austin, Texas, because it reminds them of somebody that owned slaves. And they want to remove all these memorial statues that are in different parts of the states and stuff. I say this: If you don’t like America, this goes for everybody that is trying to remove all these statues and stuff – these statues have been here for umpteen years, you know? And they’re not hurting nobody. If you don’t like them, don’t go by them. And if you don’t like things that’s going on in America, you know what? There’s a plane leaves Piedmont Triad International Airport every five minutes. Get your behind on one and leave.
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Well, if you have ever had any doubt about what kind of heartless, ultra-liberal, godless, just an absolute sorry human being Whoopi Goldberg is, pull up that episode of The View that Judge Jeanine is on there and see how they treat her. They all are really smug to her. They stick their noses up at her. And then the exchange with Whoopi with her is just appalling. That woman – I can’t believe that that woman’s still on TV. You know, actually I can. She’s black, and she’s an ultra-liberal. So she gets a pass. And that is an absolute sorry human being.
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I think we need to hear two quotes from the brilliant economist Thomas Sowell. If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including yourself. And, second, much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.
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Well, I see y’all started printing my stuff again. Weren’t going to call in anymore. But y’all done a good job. I love your paper. I’m back at the coast. I take eight or 10 down there with me. People love to hear about Greensboro. I just want to say something about the school system. I love kids. I’m sitting at the stoplight at Cone Boulevard a while ago right there at 49. I stopped. People beside me stopped. The people on the other side stopped. It’s 3:08 in the afternoon if you print this. So, maybe they’ll know who drives the bus. A bus passed. I couldn’t get the number. Went through that red light wide opened. Now, this is kids on school buses, and they’re running red lights. And they don’t do anything about it. The Police Department don’t do anything about it. And I know the school board, maybe they don’t know it, or nobody calls in. This is serious. This ain’t no game. This is messing with kids’ lives. And she went through that red light wide opened, and everybody else had stopped.
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Why in the world would China want to buy our soybeans? I suppose we send them the 10 percent that is not genetically modified.
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This is for the July 26 caller. At the end of their call the #WalkAway. Why don’t you follow your own advice and walk away?
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Welcome to America. This is my country. This is your country. I wonder where you learned all your hatred for our fellow human beings, either one of your parents, or your religious leader, or educational facility? Thank you, Rhino Times, for this freedom of the press. The Son of a Legal Russian Immigrant.
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It doesn’t look like to me that the Democrats is ever going to get done talking about Trump’s sex life. Here’s what they need to do. Put Bill Clinton and John Edwards on it and let them wind it up.
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Just out of curiosity, China, Russia, North Korea and other foreign countries against the US. Now we’re talking America identification to vote. And those countries I mentioned beforehand do allow ID cards, or do they not allow ID cards? Have they registered voters that you can vote for, or what you cannot vote? And then who decides to count the votes? Now, very simply, do you want to live under a totalitarian everything? Do you want to live under where you can think for yourself and make your decision your own self? Now, check these countries out. Are they going to allow you to vote where you want to vote?
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Recently, four Republicans caught a ride with a Uber driver somewhere in Raleigh. During the ride this jackleg ultra-liberal Uber driver apparently didn’t like what these conservative Republicans were discussing in the car. He stopped the car and ordered them out before they got to their desired destination. As the unhinged warped-minded, godless ultra-liberal Uber driver drove off, it was reported he told the Republicans, quote, welcome to the resistance, end of quote. I sincerely hope Uber fired this low-life ultra-liberal driver. Folks, this speaks volumes about today’s warped-minded, freaked-out ungodly crooked Hillary loving liberal Democrats.
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MSNBC – everything is about Russia, Russia, Russia. And on top of that, they’re just so smug looking. And smug acting like they’re so many steps above us. They’re like Barry O who’s floating 10 foot above everybody watching with bowties, I’d say. Good day.
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People in the City Council want to give the homeless a hard time. And yet they’re letting people come up here from Charlotte to solicit. Last Saturday there was six people at the intersection of Horse Pen Creek and Battleground standing in the median walking out in the roadway in front of the cars, taking up for a charity out of Charlotte. They were also there on Monday. So, I’d just like to know how they can do that when our own people have a problem. We shouldn’t be taking what little money they get away from them.
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Stop wildfires by building some 40-feet long by 15-feet high sheets of steel. Place a sheet of steel in front of the fire and let the fire burn up to it. The fire then burns out and, voila, the fire stops. We could also put the sheets in the front and back of houses to save the house.
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It’s become obvious to any thinking American that there is the party of Trump and then there’s the GOP. I had hoped that the Rhino Times would take the high road and go with the GOP rather than the party of Trump because he’s such a fascist. But, obviously, some people think the Constitution says you have to support the president. You support the office of the presidency, not whatever nitwit happens to get put in there by whoever happened to put him in there. He was not elected by the people. That is a fact. There are no such things as alternative facts. That is a fact. I’m really disappointed. I have a lot of friends who told me that the Rhino Times was a rag, that you all were nothing but a bunch of far right-wing wackos. And I argued with them. It looks like they were right.
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I keep on noticing my schoolteacher next-door neighbors as they enjoy their long, lazy summer vacation. It must be nice. I get two weeks for the whole year, but I work in the productive sector, not in the parasite sector. Then they whine about how overworked and underpaid they are. What nerve.
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Well, it’s that time of year again. It’s almost time for the football fans to gather around the TV with their hat on backwards, their favorite players jersey on, sucking down their beer and inhaling their chicken wings while they watch their favorite team play a little child’s game. It’s that time of year. If you ask me, I think it’s all rigged. And I think the players can tell you what the score is going to be before the game even starts. Like I said, it’s that time of year again for these people to memorize all the stats of all the players. Who does what; who did what; who’s going to do what. If you ask me, it’s absolutely absurd.
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All laws are negative. The law always takes away our right. If a law says thou shalt not, it takes away your right to do it. If a law says thou shalt, it takes away your right not to do it. All laws are negative. The greatest lawmakers are the greatest freedom limiters.
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Hello, John. You need to get a good dictionary and learn the difference between the words peddle and pedal. Or maybe you just need to hire a good proofreader. Still love your paper, though. Bye.
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I was watching the local news. And they’re reporting that UNC-Greensboro is going to digitize the deeds and transfers and all the information on slaves back during that horrible time. And then they’re going to post it on their website. What can go wrong there? Somebody explain to me?
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Hello. I’m calling in regards to the Paul Manafort trial that’s getting ready to start. I’d like to know this. How can Paul Manafort go to jail and be put in jail in solitary confinement for tax evasion? And where is Al Sharpton at? I mean, why ain’t he been put in jail? He’s got tax evasion. Why hasn’t he been put in jail? Is it because he’s a Democrat? And Paul Manafort is a Republican? I mean, that’s not fair. If you’re going to do one, you need to do the other. Al Sharpton has done a whole lot more than Paul Manafort has. And I think if they’re going to get Paul Manafort for tax evasion, they need to go ahead and get Al Sharpton, too.
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John Hammer might want to confirm the identity of the long-legged fox he saw in his yard. He might answer to the name of Wiley. And these creatures are in the area. And they love to snack on little dogs and cats. So, they’re not necessarily good guests. Thank you.
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They showed on the news a while ago there’s a protest in Portland, Oregon, against ICE. They left more trash on the street than any trash dump I have ever seen in my life. I don’t know who is supposed to be running the Democrat Party. But whoever is supposed to be running it is not running it. I used to be a Democrat. But I switched over. But I would be ashamed to be a Democrat and be associated with such stuff as what they left.
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I realize the Democratic Party has no use for Trump or anything good about Trump. But they need to read this report that the Trump administration released on their annual report. Includes the main status of salaries, position titles of all 377 White House employees. The report also said Trump decided not to take a dime in salary. Instead, he donated it to an amazing cause. The report also showed Trump is far better at saving money than Obama was. The total White House salaries under Trump are $35.8 million versus $60.9 million under the Barack Hussein Obama. That’s a $25 million savings. Other findings – there were 140 fewer employees on the White House staff under Trump than under Obama at this point in their respective businesses.
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Continuing. The real true Democrats, you need to look at this as well as Independents. What we see being done under Trump is amazing. If you will recall, Barack Hussein Obama stood up and talked about where did Trump think he is going to get these businesses from and all this manufacturing. The funny thing, it’s happened. Obama had given up on that. All he was concerned with was playing golf and basketball. None of that kind of crud is going on anymore. We got a real man in the White House for a change. We ain’t apologizing to nobody in the world. If we’ve got Bernie Sanders and this looney 28-year-old in New York talking about socialized medicine for everyone. If you’ll look at the cost, it’s going to be $32 trillion, not million, trillion.
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A couple of years ago, I went to see the movie, The Revenant, with Leonard DiCaprio. It was hard to sit through all that misery for over two hours. Today, I noticed that it is on cable this evening for 210 minutes. The actual running time of the movie is 156 minutes. So it’s not 156 minutes of misery but 210 minutes of never-ending misery. FX has added 24 minutes or 34 percent to the length of the show. I don’t know about you, folks, but FX is not doing that to me ever. I don’t even want cable TV, but try to buy internet as a service all by itself.
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Let me get this right from the Thursday, July 26 Rhino Times. The Board of Commissioners is going to get possibly bullet-proof panels and armed guards in the courthouse. However, apparently, the people on the first floor do not matter since they want to make sure that the panels are on the second floor for the meeting room for the commissioners. So is that right, first-floor employees in that old county courthouse do not matter? Go figure.
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There’s no beginning, and there’s no end. Yet in between, there is change. Grasshopper.
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After looking at the salaries of the professors at UNCG and at A&T University, looks to me like it’s nothing but a welfare program for the professors. When you work 20 hours a week, have an assistant and are paid $140,000 a year, and in the end, the kids still can’t get a job. This is a rip-off of the students and the taxpayer.
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,Hello, Rhino. This is Moby Moe. Yes, I was seeing if someone out there could, please, tell me how to stop all of these robo calls that I am receiving 10 to 15 calls a day. I am sick and tired of it. I do not have any student loans. And, no, I don’t want any type of health insurance. And they just constantly call. I tried to go on an app that would block them, and that doesn’t work. They go around and use another number. And they’re using 336 area code numbers. They’re getting very smart. Who do I call, or who do I get in touch with to, please, have this stopped calling my phone all times of day, all day, every day? I am tired of it. Please, help, someone out there.
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Yeah, Trump must be really scared of the Russians. Trump’s Cabinet, Trump’s Congress, they all say Russia meddled to get him elected president. But, yet, he’s still calling it a witch hunt, Russian witch hunt. He must really be scared of Putin.
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Yeah, I’d like to know how much money does it cost to run these school systems. The state gives them so much money. They get money from the lottery. And then they park school buses here and there and take up money, take up notebooks, pencils, whatever anybody will give them. Don’t they ever get enough? Where does all that money go to? I can tell you one thing right now, when you work for the state and you retire with their insurance, it ain’t no good. It don’t even pay your copay. That’s how much they appreciate the people that work for them and retire. But they want everything they can get their hands on. They’re just like that bunch in Washington. Greedy bunch of people. Greedy.
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Is it just me, or do you see, as I do, a disconnect here? The godless, ultra-liberal warped-minded Democrats raise holy cane about our border patrol officers who, I think, have a thankless job. And ICE, God bless every one of them, trying to protect our borders. I commend ICE. However, the ungodly, wacko, warped, insane, liberal Democrats seem to have no problem with the issues of abortion, a permanent separation. The warped ideology of the ungodly, ultra-liberal, leftwing lunatic Democrats never cease to amaze me.
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Donald Trump will go down in history as the greatest president of all times and loved by everyone.
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I’m just one of those Trump supporters who might be worried about immigrants getting our taxes and food stamps and stuff. That’s true. Those illegals may not be able to get them. But I believe those young ones that they have when they’re here that are born here, they’re American citizens. And they’re fully eligible for those benefits. And I’m not sure about the voting issue, but I’m not aware of you needing a Social Security number to vote. So you might want to think about that a little bit. Bye.
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Just a little comment back to the August 2 beeper who feels Donny and the North Carolina General Assembly are mother nature’s mistakes and that survival of the fittest will rectify this mistake. Unfortunately, libs like this caller, upon seeing one of these mistakes, would immediately have it declared an endangered species, a persecuted ethnic or racial minority, an undocumented mistake or a victim of mother nature’s hate crime. If they currently hold legislative power in the government, they would proceed to spend trillions of taxpayers’ dollars to save the mistake from Mr. Darwin. I suspect they would also file suit against mother nature to end her heinous actions.
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I see that the Parkland, or whatever high school that was that had a rally here, didn’t go over too well when it rained, too. WFMY-TV showed a shot of it. What a crowd. Hardly anybody showed up. Of course, it’s all sponsored by the Democrats. I see that turned out to be nothing but a joke. And just making a comment. I don’t even know why they stopped here. Trump will be the next president and, hopefully – well, that’s all I got to say about it.
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Fox News headline reads – federal judge rules DACA program should be fully restarted, dealing a blow to Trump administration. This is an executive order from the previous administration. This is an Obama executive order by political desires. Obama himself said he could not go around Congress on issues of immigration. And here’s a federal judge trying to dictate immigration policies to the current administration. What are we coming to in America? Astounding. I’d say this. Research DACA. Tell everyone who wants to apply to DACA, they need to apply in the country of their birth, the country of their origin. They need to go through the capital cities of every country they ever came from: Honduras, Guatemala, Argentina, you name it. This is insane. Democrats, you’re going to lose your shirt in the next elections.
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The Greensboro news has outdone their self trying to put this president down. Every day in a cartoon, they have something about him. All the news, except Fox News, is trying to put him down. And the economy, according to the news I received, the economy is the best it’s been. Less unemployment. And they don’t give in to that. They won’t mention anything about it. In my lifetime, I never thought I’d see it in this country where a newspaper, especially a Southern newspaper like the Greensboro news, would go against somebody like they have him. I know that the South is Democratic, but they take the cake.
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Another school year is about to begin. We are stuffing the bus. And breakfast and lunch will be provided. We, parents and grandparents, expect our teachers to teach the three Rs – reading, especially. I don’t think they teach writing today. But I personally feel that we are asking too much of our teachers. We should remember, as parents, that we are the first teacher for our child. Does this child at home see their mother or dad reading a book? If they do, they will follow suit.
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You know what? I’m sick and tired of people like LeBron James getting a pass on everything. Everybody thinks LeBron James is this – just think. Let me tell you. He’s talking about Trump the one that divided the country. No, he’s not divided the country. It’s LeBron James dividing the country. And, also, Colin Kaepernick is the one that divided us first. And LeBron James is just grabbing the ball and running with it now. He’s got everybody on his side. So, let me tell you, LeBron, why don’t you and Colin Kaepernick and the rest of you Democrats that all you do is stir the pot, don’t ever want to get along with anybody, you just want everybody on your side. Nobody else can have a side and say and do what they want. They have to do what you want.
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Donald Trump’s popularity is really starting to rise. And it’s a very, very comforting thought. People now are starting to see through the smokescreen of the Democrats. And they see what a good man this is and how smart he is and how he has America’s best interest at heart. We’ve been needing a businessman in the White House for a long, long time. And he’s got the country in the right direction financially, morally and spiritually. People are starting to realize now that the Democrats are no good for America. And now they are even getting worse. They are taking that socialist turn.
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Yeah, just so everybody knows. The only fake news out there comes from Fox News and Donald Trump. The other news networks are all telling the truth. If you can’t see it, then something is wrong with you.
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Donald Trump says the press is the enemy of the people. The only thing that is the enemy of the people is someone who is trying to say that the press is the enemy of the people. So, if you want to know who the true enemy is, it’s the guy pointing the finger.
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