Hey, NFL players. While you were protesting. Would you protest about all the shootings that happened in Chicago over the weekend? It’s August 6. So I saw on Fox news that there was 63 shootings; 44 on Sunday. Why don’t you protest about that instead of a policeman shooting a drug dealer getting pulled over and shooting a drug dealer, you’re going to kneel in protest about that, but you’re not going to protest about these young people that are dying in the streets in Chicago, which has been ran by Democrat rule for what, the last 50 years. And the eight years of President Obama was in office, he did nothing, except fuel the fire. That’s all he did. About how the cops are bad people, the cops this, and now you’ve tied the cops hands and now all of a sudden you want them to do something, Trump to do something.
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I don’t understand how you unwitting Trump supporters can be so offended when a professional football player taking a knee at a game when it’s really got nothing to do with the American flag. They’re protesting lives, murders. But, yet, you’re not offended and you worship the ground he walks on, an American president, that was colluding with the Russians. And the Russians got him elected. I don’t understand. How un-American are you? You don’t mind a Russian-elected president, but you do mind a professional football player taking a knee.
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Hello, Beep. I’ve seen this statement in print only once. And I’m wondering if it’s true or not. It’s about the polluters in our environment. The statement that I read was that the biggest polluter of our environment are not the cars and trucks that are on our roads, but are the boats and ships on our waterways and seas. Is this true? As I’ve said, I’ve only read it one time. And I haven’t heard anything else about it. Interesting to know if this is true or not. How do I find out the source? I don’t remember the source that I read it in. OK. Just wondering.
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Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters with an enormous amount of vitriol, hate, and outright overt bias promote politics of identity. They seek to divide us for political purposes. They do not believe in e pluribus unum. They believe in making factions within America. There is nothing more anti-American than this view of theirs, this political weapon to divide us. It is an old tactic. It derives from the ’20s. It derives from the early communist era and socialist era. It is the tenant of progressive politics. And it is morally repugnant. Christians and neighbors and Americans do not behave this way to their friends, and family and neighbors.
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We live in a time and in a world where you have to be very, very careful who you associate with, who you invite to your home, whose home you go to, who you get in the car with, who you put in your car, and who you give information to. You have to be very, very careful. That’s why I don’t understand why someone would dial up a service as creepy as Uber and give perfectly unknown strangers a picture of them, their cellphone number, their credit card number, their address, and, then, get in the car with them. These people have little to no background checks to be a driver for Uber.
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The only reason I got out of the 12th grade, the 11th grade people needed somewhere to set, so they put me out. But I don’t understand something about all these fires we have all the time in California. At the end of the Vietnam War, they had to have been a tremendous amount of planes. Looks like to me that could make tankers out of them. I don’t know how many planes it’d take, but if you had 300 planes dropping water, that’d be real close to a storm. It looks like to me that would put the fire out. Think about it.
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Hello, this is for Mr. Hammer. If you would like to give me your address, I will bring you or mail you one of the five or six lists of what can be recycled and cannot in our city because the city has sent me several over time in my water bill, and I have more than I need so I would be glad to share with you since you seem to be confused about what to recycle and what cannot. It’s a very clear chart and I appreciate it. Thank you.
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Yes, someone should tell that buffoon and his clown workers in the White House, and his clown family, the law is broken. You don’t solicit, stolen, hacked emails through a foreign country. I mean the man is president of the United States. But yet he does not know how to be an American. That’s the law that was broken. He stood on stage and asked the Russians for help to get hacked stolen emails by Hillary Clinton through a foreign government. Duh.
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With the help of Rosie O’Donnell, Maxine Waters, Kathy Griffin, Chuck Schumer and Jerry Brown, we are seeing the fall and demise of the Democratic Party. These people are showing us what the Democrat Party is really all about. They only represent a small, minute section of the voting electorate. When Republicans survive the midterms and possibly pick up a few seats in the Senate, Donald Trump will be unstoppable. When the Supreme Court nominee is confirmed, and possibly one more, the Democrats will have total loss of the Supreme Court. And keep in mind, that’s not the only judges that Donald Trump is replacing. He is confirming conservative judges all over the US. He’s appointing conservatives in a record number. And by the time he gets finished, the Democratic Party will be unseen and unheard.
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Hi, I’m calling in about the Donald Trump star up there, I guess it’s on Hollywood Boulevard, that they have used a pickaxe to bust up and now they want it removed permanently. I think it’s a disgrace that somebody took a pickaxe and busted that star up. And then you seen one of the Hollywood movie stars urinating on it. You know, I think what they need to do is get the guy that used that pickaxe on that or whatever he used the busted-up, he needs to pay for another star to go on there, for Donald Trump’s star to go back on there. And then the guy that urinated on it, he needs to he needs to be charged for indecent exposure. That’s what he needs to do. And they need to charge these people for busting up that star.
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Would you find out if all students in Guilford County Schools will be taking honors English in the fall? And if so, why?
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Mr. Hammer, the August 2 Under the Hammer editorial caught my attention. You compared the previous administration and the current administration’s foreign policies. Has anybody else thought that ex-king Barry Hussein could be a non-practicing, closet Muslim? Think about it. Thank you.
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Dear Beep, the Rhino Times did a great job, great and informative job, in publishing the Greensboro and Guilford County employees’ salaries, but now let’s take things up a notch and publish the Guilford County property tax holders who have been delinquent in their 2017 tax notices. Give them two weeks notice and a publication and probably would help our tax office collect some of the delinquent fees.
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The city said that the road between Holden and Westridge on Hobbs Road would be repaved in 2017. It’s now a 2018 and that road is still like a washboard. Anybody that travels on Hobbs Road between Holden and Westridge knows what I’m talking about. It’s disgusting that our city would just let this go.
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Has anyone ever seen a bicycle riding in a bicycle lane?
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When the Democrats continue to lose one election after another, at least we could always give them a participation trophy. Come on, they deserve a little something.
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Teachers do not get a long, lazy vacation as some people think. They work approximately 10 months and are paid for 10 months. Some choose to have their pay annualized over the entire year. Years ago the school year used to be nine months, but they have become more and more like public custodians and a vacation should be long and lazy. Teachers are overworked. Most people know what they have to put up with, considering all the abuse, harassment and politics, they are underpaid. I would not suggest this line of work to anyone I know. Fewer and fewer people who are qualified are taking this job.
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Listening to the news again today with all the gunshots and killings. Where are these people getting these guns? Also, when are the African-American community heroes going to start speaking up about this violence?
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Yeah, somebody threw a bag out on Mountain Street in Kernersville, downtown, down here where all the banks are and the credit union and all that stuff. Whoever threw the bag out needs to go turn yourself into the cops because we’re going to watch some cameras up and down through here at the banks. Somebody through out a bag and it had newborn kittens in it and they took it down here in the middle of the street. If you’re the one that did this, you better go tell the cops you did it, because we’re going to watch some of the footage on Mountain Street and if we find out who you are and we’re going to come knock on your door and we’re going to take you to the cops.
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It looks like Greensboro is going to have a lawsuit from all these homeless, panhandlers, beggars, whatever they are. I got an idea. Why don’t we just buy a big apartment complex and put them all in there, let them leave free rent, and in the morning, send the bus around to pick them up and then drop them off. Then we go back with the bus in the afternoon and pick them up. Because we don’t want the poor things to be out in the weather or nothing. You know, just my thinking.
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Here we go again. Once again, those poor old NFL players. They can’t stand up and honor the people that have given them what they have. They just want to make waves so let the people make their own waves back. I don’t care if they ever play on another field in my life. I don’t care. It’s a mockery. This nation has given them a good life, a good salary for playing a game, and they can’t even stand up. Poor old football players. What a disgrace. They’re as bad as politicians and lawyers.
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There is some mystery to Jerry Lewis, the actor. To begin with he used to be seen in Clemmons, North Carolina, quite a lot. He had a bank account that was at the Northwestern Bank, which was in downtown Clemmons, which became First Union. But he used to play golf at a golf course going towards Winston that was off Stratford Road. He used to come there quite lot and play golf. Back when I was in junior high, I got a job working there, renting golf clubs and stuff, and I would see him about every two months at that golf course. Now this is my curiosity. He came to North Carolina to Clemmons and had to be taken to Baptist Hospital, or was it Forsyth Hospital, one of the two. And it was in the news. But I can’t even find anything on the internet about it and I was curious if anyone knows why he was coming to a little town of Clemmons every eight weeks and why he was playing at this unknown golf course on Stratford Road. I know I’m not going nuts. I’ve had other people tell me the same thing. It was it was actually him.
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To the person who called in about The View and Whoopi Goldberg. In all honesty, I do not like watching The View myself. I have in the past a couple of times and what I have noticed with them is that they are discriminating and bullying anybody and everyone, no matter who they are, if they are not like them, they don’t think like them, don’t act like them. They’re just like two little girls. They’re, you know, if you don’t join up with this group of mine, then you’re just going to be blackballed and we’re going to punish you and we’re going to bully you out of here and everything.
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Hello, Beep. Southern Guilford here. There was a time when it was said, those that live by the sword die by the sword. I think it’s safe to say now that those that live by the gun die by the gun. Otis says hello.
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The devil seems to be very busy these days. And I hate to say it, but I believe he’s using Democrats to do his bidding. Keep in mind, the way a man thinks makes a man who he is. And as of now, Democrats are being very childish. Southern Guilford here. Have a nice day.
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Dear John. Could you find out something for me, please? A professional golfer plays about 26, 27 golf tournaments per year. Now we have a president that plays golf whenever he wants to. I’m a regular golfer. I play one or two rounds a week because I’m retired. The president has a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week job. How many rounds of golf does he get in per year with a 24/7 job? And it costs me about $35 to $45 per round. How much does the president pay per round of golf? He may own a golf course, so he can get in free. But what about the other expenses? How many rounds does he play per year? Many golfers can’t afford to play golf every day, unless they’re very rich. And they don’t play that much. But the president, seems like every weekend he’s playing golf. But he’s got a full-time 24-hour job – 24 hours a day. But he can find time to play golf, every weekend seems like. Explain that if you can.
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I see where pre-season football is started and the cry-baby millionaire athletes have already started their kneeling and not standing for the national anthem. Anybody that would sit in front of their television and watch this production of garbage must have a very, very empty life. These people thumb their nose at the soldiers who have died for our freedom, the soldiers that died so they have the freedom to play their little kiddy game. It’s unbelievable. Boycott the NFL. Boycott the products that are advertised. When the sponsorship money has dried up, these big-time salaries will be gone and the NFL will be abolished.
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I recently purchased a Trump 2020 shirt. That’s what you do to people for treason in the United States. I love the reaction I get from people. People be smiling, I’m not going to name the place, I go up and check out and then they frown, they look at the shirt. Some of them are nice; some just don’t say anything. You’ve got people that love it, I guess. You some people have the nerve to wear stuff like that. Just letting people know, get out, Trump, he’s going to be the next president again. And you know, the heck with Democrats and liberals.
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It looks like they passed a law in Wisconsin where there is no minimum age for hunting. You heard me right. No minimum age for hunting. That means an infant can go hunting in Wisconsin. If that is not something stupid, there is nothing stupid in this world. Thank you, Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
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I’m calling about the coach that hit that guy up in New York with his fist and I want to know something. Why couldn’t that coach help that guy? Why couldn’t he have gotten out of his car and saw that that guy was in distress and helped him instead of hitting him in the face and killing him? You know, that would have been the proper thing to do of him being a coach and dealing with kids. It looks like, and young people, he could have done that instead of getting out of his car and beating the guy to death and killing him. I mean that sounds like the guy had an anger management problem. Not only that I want to know this. This was a black guy that killed a white guy and this black guy gets a slap on his wrist. But, if it was a white guy that jumped out and did this to the black guy, it would be an outrage.
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Omarosa is a piece of work. Donald Trump took her in. She was enamored by him. She loved this man. And now all of a sudden she’s got knives stabbing him in the back. She recorded some conversations which, by the way, probably in a confidential room and she should be in jail along with that lying Hillary Clinton. Both of them should be in prison. But the left at one time hated her guts. They just wanted to make fun of her, laugh at her. Now they embrace her, they love her. They think she’s a greatest thing since sliced bread. Her and the left or nothing but pieces of work.
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I want to publicly thank crooked, ungodly, ultra-liberal, disgraceful Hillary Clinton for telling me I was, in November 2016, a deplorable. Thank you godless and crooked Hillary. I am indeed proud and grateful that I was able to vote against you and ultimately keep you out of the Oval Office. The very thought of you being behind that desk is nauseating to me. If I am still alive in November 2020, and I sure hope I am, I will gladly vote against whoever your disgraceful, ungodly, lunatic, warp-minded Democrats choose as your “nominee.” I honestly don’t know if anyone your ridiculous party chooses could be any worse than you, girlfriend. I do know they can’t be any better.
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You know if we had the foresight to see, to follow the young Democratic leaders of today, we could be waking up in beautiful Venezuela. Gee, what we’re missing out on.
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You know, when American socialists and radicals or probably more in love with their own chaos, and they are with any agenda, but when American socialists begin to tear down monuments, physically tear down monuments, to a war that claimed more lives than World War II, when they tear down the Civil War and they attempt to tear down history, what I can’t forget as a comparison is the way the communists behaved in China. They tore down thousands of years of history, of monuments, of religion, of, you know, honorable past was destroyed by the Red Guards in China. There’s no difference between the Red Guards in China, ISIS destroying Palmera and leftists in America tearing down our monuments. You don’t like history. Too bad. It’s history. It is not a commentary on today. You need to wreck your own monuments and not tear down history.