MSNBC has stooped to a new low. If you thought they couldn’t get any lower, you were wrong. There was a man on there, I don’t know who he was. He said that anybody that voted for Trump or voted a Republican ticket was just as guilty as Trump, because they were abusing the children. He says you need to know that before you go to the polls. You are as bad as he is. There is one thing I did learn in school. The best way in this country, the best way in a country to get them divided, that’s the way to take over a country. And the news is absolutely trying to destroy this country, and people standing by and doing nothing about it. CNN and ABC and CBS, MSNBC has got to be stock companies. It looks like to me if a Republican had money in it, he would draw it out. This is awful what they’re doing to this country.

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Several weeks ago, I had a Sound of the Beep in the Rhino about my recent visit to the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia, on the 74th anniversary of D-Day, Wednesday, June 6, The Longest Day. Space did not allow me to say in that issue that the two-hour drive up 29 North from the triad is well worth your time to visit. The memorial is magnificent. And you may leave with a lump in your throat. God bless every man who was there that day. Thank a World War II vet for all they did if you see or come across one before, sadly, they’re all gone.

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The Democrats in the restaurant business are refusing to serve anybody that works for Donald Trump or anybody who voted for Donald Trump. But I thought they were the party of acceptance and tolerance. I guess so much for that, right? Now they want to do away with ICE. They want to do away with all border control. They want open borders. Americans, listen up. Open your eyes. You can easily see what the Democrats will do to America if, heaven forbid, they ever get back in power. Go to the polls in November and vote in straight Republicans. Let’s give Donald Trump the 60 senators that he needs in the Senate, and let’s make sure he has the majority in the House.

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You know the end times are near when Britain is rationing beer.

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To all those extreme left progressive liberals and all you Democratic liberals, you are working for the devil himself. And all I can say is you have ears but you don’t want to hear the truth. And you have eyes but you don’t see the truth. And this is what I think of each and every one of you no-good liberals. Roses are red. Violets are blue. A head like yours belongs in the zoo. And I appreciate you, Hammer. Keep telling the truth, Hammer, in your Rhino. Because you’ve got the best news out there. All these other papers are fake news. But we can get the truth out of the Rhino. God bless you, John Hammer.

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I understand Ted Cruz is trying to get a law passed if an illegal immigrant comes to this country, they do not break up the families, and they’re provided with a place to stay. Man, woman and maybe two or three kids come into this country with absolutely no papers whatsoever. So, we have no idea whether they’re married, whether the children are theirs or anything else like that. So, it could very well be human trafficking. It’s not unheard of for people to do that either with bringing children in for sex or for sale. While they’re here, they get free housing, free food, free dental, medical, daycare and other benefits, all for an undesignated period of time. While they’re here, they can get a job, they don’t have to pay any taxes, and whatever they receive, they don’t even have to pay their own expenses.

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You would certainly think that the people that’s in charge of MSNBC and CBS and CNN would have good common sense and an education. But, undoubtedly, they do not. They can continue to fan the flames about children being abused, just anything they can do to try to put down this administration. It’s a fact that there is a lot of people out there that’s on the edge of committing some kind of horrible crime. And if they will keep doing this, I’m afraid that’s what’s going to happen. And these news people is going to be directly responsible. There ought to be some law that they could stop them from doing it. I don’t know what that is, but that just shows you how bad the Democrats are wanting to get back in.

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I’m calling in about the Democrats. They think Donald Trump hasn’t done anything. Are you people blind? Can you not see what’s going on in this country? Donald Trump has done more in the time he’s been in office than Barack Hussein Obama did in eight years. If you’re so disgusted with Donald Trump, call your brokers and lock in your IRAs at the end of 2016. Don’t participate in the thriving market we have since Donald Trump has come into office and brought jobs in, brought companies back, done so much for the American people. Now he’s fighting for our right to have our own Homeland Security and build a fence. I’m sure you don’t want that either.

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The Navy is fixing to spend $233 million to build a facility to house 25,000 illegal aliens in this country. These people pouring across that border because of Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros and groups like that that go down there and send these people up and tell them what to say when they sneak across the border. Donald Trump is trying to stop this. We have got to get control of our border. We have got to get a border fence built.

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Yeah, for all you unwitting Trump supporters, the Democrats were in charge for eight years. If we wanted open borders, there would be open borders from President Obama. But, instead, he set a record for deporting the people. He set a record for deporting almost 3 million people. The only one talking about open borders is the buffoon, Trump. He’s the only one that’s brought it up. Chuck Schumer doesn’t want it. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want it. No Democrat wants open borders. The only ones talking about it is Trump. Look it up. Trump is using that lie like usual to make his self look good. All you got to do is look it up. Democrats do not want open borders.

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A caller last week stated that President Trump was utterly incompetent and a no-class, gutless street punk. The caller also stated that the ethical and moral people, the Democrats, should be running our country. Now, aren’t the Democrats the left, the party that champions the murder of unborn children and worships same-sex marriage? God in his word hates such ungodliness. Moral, my foot. It’s the height of idolatry. Also, I figured out who the real punk is.

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James Comey is so embarrassed that he wanted to call his self a Canadian. The only thing he’s embarrassed about is he got caught. He got caught trying to overthrow the sitting president of the USA and he should be in jail. And all of these poor people at the border, all you Democrats, all you Republicans, anybody that votes legally should be very, very mad, because all these bucks that they’re charging us – that they’re charging us – it’s all hard-working American money. And you worked for it, and they’re taking it from you by trying to overthrow the government financially, causing the burden that they’ve caused. Have a great Sunday.

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New York Post headline: Navy Drafting Plans to House up to 25,000 migrants. The details of that include $233 million paid over six months to house and maintain 25,000 illegal aliens. What does it work out to per person? About $9,300. You know what? That could go a long way to giving me and mine back into the labor market full-time. Go a long way to paying off student loans on a monthly basis. That money pays a bunch of illegal alien Hondurans? Make them all apply at our embassy in their own country. Get the heck out of mine.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, was thrown out of a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, some place called the Red Hen. I’ll tell you why there is going to be a red wave during the mid-terms and the Democrats are going to eat their lunch, because they just won’t believe it how badly they’re going to lose. Because this is what could happen to any of us. This is what we see. We see Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family being thrown out simply because of her job and her connection to the White House and the administration. That never happened under Obama ever. We all held our opinions. This is unbelievable. This is why the Democrats are just going to flatly lose.

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I live in Alamance County. I have a complaint with the North Carolina Department of Justice. I’m also a senior citizen without a computer. But I paid Office Depot $25 to send a 13-page fax to Attorney General Josh Stein. The facts were sent Jan. 25, 2018. Six months later, here it is, and I haven’t received a phone call or a letter in reply to my fax. Why not Mr. Stein? I’m waiting for a reply. I included my phone number and my address, and I haven’t heard from you. Well, that’s my complaint. Thank you for hearing my remarks.

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Just looking at your Rhino Times Guilford County school salaries 2017-2018. You have 21 positions that’s in the top 21 people within Guilford County schools. You have 21 people that are earning $3 million. And teachers in Guilford County and so on wonder why they can’t get a raise? You can’t get a raise, because 21 people are sucking this darn system dry. What you need to do is protest, not in Raleigh about people like us that pay taxes. You need to be rallying against 21 people that are earning $3 million. Please, get off your high horse, teachers, and get on your really high horse and protest 21 people.

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Good morning. It’s time for the Democrats to put their money where their mouths are. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, particularly Maxine Waters, not to mention Peter Fonda and all the Hollywood liberal crazies, they need to put their money where their mouth is. Let’s build a refugee camp at their expense, not the American taxpayers’ expense, but Hollywood and the liberals’ expense right there in the middle of California. Let them support all these people and let them deal with all the problems that come with it. The American taxpayers are fed up with having to support every Tom, Dick, Harry, Joe and whoever that slips across the border and sneaks into this country. Not to mention the fact that we have people who are trying to get in here legally. Thank you.


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How asinine. Not only Trump left Washington for a trip to Texas to supposedly show concern and compassion for children who were separated from their parents, but she wore a jacket in blazing, quote, I really don’t care, do you, end quote. And wore that jacket back to Washington. The president tweeted that the message was for something else. Whatever happened to plain, old common sense? Oh, I guess the Trumps and their advisors never had any. Another thing, did Mrs. Trump and her entourage fly to Texas on Air Force One? We know the trip was for show, but what was the total cost to the taxpayers for her to make a one-hour tour of the facility?

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You know, everybody and his mother wants to tear down every Confederate item or every Confederate statue that we see. And, you know, I just read an article in another county. A Confederate statue got torn down in the middle of the night while everybody was asleep. Police came out. Since it did not belong to the county, it did not belong to the state, all the police could do is just basically find out who was tearing it down and, I guess, let the owner know. But, anyway, there is a statue still in Salisbury, and there is one in Lexington. And the one in Salisbury, they just had a meeting about a couple of weeks ago. It’s a privately owned entity also. City does not own it, does not maintain it, has nothing to do with it. In fact, there is a group that owns it that actually pays county taxes on the land it sits on, apparently. So, I was wondering, when is this going to stop?

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Yes, I had to empathize with the caller from two weeks ago. I believe it was the issue of June 14 who was paying over $200 a year to receive the News & Record and couldn’t get consistent delivery. I, likewise, was paying $200-plus per year for the delivery of my paper. But delivery was not the issue. But quite by accident I found out from a neighbor that I was paying twice as much, actually more than twice as much, to have it delivered as he was. And in checking around with other neighbors, I found the vast majority were paying about half what I was paying as a 40-year subscriber to the News & Record. When I pointed that out to the circulation personnel who answered the phone, they refused to make any sort of adjustment. I felt that I had a bit of a credit balance. Anyway, that will probably make him feel better if he allows his subscription to lapse. I am perfectly satisfied with my situation. Thank you.

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Hi. I’m calling about all these immigrants coming across the border. And you sit here, and you watch TV night after night after night and all you hear are these liberal Democrats running their mouth about these poor children. These children would not be here unless their parents brought them. So, you can’t blame the children. You blame the parent. And if they didn’t want their kid separated, they shouldn’t have come here. Also, I’d like to say this to John Legend, and to Maxine Waters, John Legend, you’re not the president. You don’t rule the USA. So, you just need to keep to what you do best and that’s singing. If you can even do that at all. I don’t think you do very good at that. And, also, Maxine Waters, you need to be taken out of the House. You are a disgrace to women.

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I’m calling about your comments in Under the Hammer about Trump and all them people in the FBI and attorney general and stuff. I mean, what is the problem, John, that he can’t just go in there and wipe all that out and put fresh minds and fresh people in there? Can you answer that? Thank you.

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Editor’s Note: I hope there will be major changes made to the staff after the Mueller investigation ends.

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I’m calling about the letters to the editor by Chuck Mann. Mr. Mann, this is for you. I don’t care how many people Trump has to talk to to keep from sending nuclear bombs over here, whether they be communists or not. Get a life.

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Remind me to never patronize the Red Hen the next time I’m in Lexington, Virginia, folks. Also, Maxine Waters is a godless, whacko California ultra, ultra-liberal, looney tunes lunatic.

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I am so sick and tired of seeing these bums on the side of the road with their hand out. I tell you what, most of them are smoking. Have you noticed that? Do you know how much cigarettes cost? I was at Harris Teeter the other day. A pack of cigarettes is over $7. So, if these guys can stand there with their hand out, help me, I’m hungry, please, God bless, and they’re smoking all day long. Well, they’ve got plenty of money. Also, look at their shoes. Their shoes are often new. Nicer than mine. And they work banker’s hours: Monday through Friday. They’re not out there on the weekends. So, I don’t know what the deal is, but these guys have a pretty good life. As I saw one guy getting picked up by a woman, putting his stuff in the back of the trunk. And this was a nicer sedan than I have. So, anyway, thanks for printing it.

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Yes, I’d like to comment on the election in the Bronx of a socialist. People have to remember that a socialist is not for capitalism. They’re for revolution. They’re for the workers owning the plants. They’re for social justice, equal pay regardless of whether or not they work well or not. And they don’t have any religion. They believe in libertarian religion, which ultimately does not believe in God. The difference between them and progressives is progressives, instead of revolution, progressives on the left, they do things methodically. They go after things through the court. They’re willing to wait and wait you out. For example, abortion in 1972, Voting Rights Act in the 1960s.

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Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. Incumbent Democrats are losing to a bunch of kids, radicals, socialists. Nancy, it’s time to leave the stage, baby. Hillary got the chardonnay and old Harry Reid has got the shuffleboard, although he’s only going to be leaning to one side, because he can’t see out of one eye. Time to go, Nancy. Adios. You’ve done your best. God help us all.

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One comment for social media users, especially. It seems like they’re out of control. What’s right is right if nobody does it. And what’s wrong is wrong if everybody does it.

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Trump seems very intent on making himself emperor. People like Steve Colbert are necessary to point out that this emperor has no clothes. He must be kept humble. Trump must fail. He’s always got everything he’s ever got in his life. He’s a spoilt rich man. He needs to play in the vest. If anything were to happen to Trump, I would not shed a tear except that it would mean that Pence would be in power. And he’s probably even worse than Trump.

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Well, it looks like the Dems need some more cheese with that good whine. They sure can wine. Somebody get them a tissue. Have a good day, Beep.

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Welcome to Battleground Avenue, the new High Point Road of Greensboro, including the crime.

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Yeah, this is in response to the person that said Hillary won because of James Comey or Hillary lost because of James Comey, which is true. But Trump won because of the Russians. Hillary did lose because of James Comey. Trump did win because of the Russians.

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I’m sitting here reading the June 28 edition of the Times. Page 21 there’s a call to the Beep. A fellow whose dad had made a mistake when he was 6 years old and went to the penitentiary. I can relate. I could have wrote that letter or the Beep right there. I went through the same thing. And I wondered the same things that he wondered. What are we doing? What is the USA doing? I guess we’re just building votes for the Democratic Party. Good luck to you, fella.

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Hey, Rhino. This is for all those crazy, sorry, idiotic leftwing liberals out there. And there’s a few of them that call in on the Rhino line. I see their calls. You people are nuts. Get over it. You lost the election. OK? Like Maxine Waters, Robert De Niro, Hillary Clinton. You lost the election. So, get over it. Trump is doing a good job. Leave the man alone. You hate Trump so much that you would rather see the country fail. And it’s ludicrous. You people are crazy. And by the way, people like De Niro and Springsteen and all you fools out there and restaurants that are kicking people out because they’re conservative or Republican, you are signing your own death warrant. I will not support you.

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Hi. I’m calling about these Democrats calling for the abolishment of ICE. I just want to say, you know, not only are they calling for the abolishment of ICE, you’ve got Maxine Waters out there flapping her gums telling everybody to rush Donald Trump’s supporters if they see them at a gasoline station, or if they see them at a restaurant or whatever. You know, it is really a crying shame that these people are allowed to have a platform that they’ve got to do this stuff. And George Soros is behind this. I don’t understand why Donald Trump does not put a cease and desist on George Soros and all his cronies. He needs to do that. But for the Democrat Party to think that they’re going to abolish ICE, I think they’re delusional. And I think the Democrat Party is going to lose in 2018.

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So I’m sitting here on Thursday night reading the Rhino Times, and I come across this article, this piece, on a program that hopes to cure violence in Greensboro. It’s going to cost $400,000 just to have this program. And I’m looking at the pictures of people there. They are not going to solve the violence problem in Greensboro. They have yet to get their hands around what’s going on in the community. Kids not going to school, stopping the drugs. A committee with $400,000 and, you know, 10 or 12 people, is not the solution. However, this is how Democrats try to do things. Just my thought.

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I went to the Guilford County Courthouse to get copies from the estate’s office. The clerk told me that the first page of each document is $2. All additional pages were 25 cents. I received 10 pages that were copied. My bill was $13 for 10 pages. I just thought I’d update you. I just got these papers this week.

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Editor’s Note: The price of those copies is set by law. Our article was about public records and the law governing those states that no more than the actual cost of the copy may be charged.

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I don’t understand how the county gives $55,000 to the United Arts Council for all of the arts to share but gives $50,000 to the African American Atelier, a small business downtown. I don’t care if Carolyn Coleman is a good friend of Alma Adams. It’s just an unfair apportioning of county money.

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I think breaking news ought to be that Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, made $1 million last year. He can also see the future. The future of the Supreme Court pick when nobody knows who that is yet. But Bernie, apparently, can. And Kamala Harris, the black senator from California, apparently, also has that ability. And she’s even predicting like an end-of-the-world scenario. She needs to join the group that just passed Stonehenge, the summer solstice group, and get some psychiatric help. Then, there is, of course, the committee. They watch the committee hearings. And I don’t remember his name, the congressman from wherever he is. But he’s the one that originally asked a serious question that if Guam got overpopulated would it dip into the ocean. And I’m dead serious.

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Folks, this is not rocket science. I believe it bears repeating that the ungodly, extreme ultra-liberal Democrats want open borders for every Tom, Dick and Harry to come in with no walls, and want to eliminate ICE. They envision potential Democratic voters who agree with their warped, insane ideology. Sean Hannity has stated correctly that this November midterms will be the most important in our lifetime. Baby boomers, this will affect us one way or the other for potentially the rest of our lives. Think about that. Please, vote straight Republican this November.

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OK, John, here’s one for you. Name a product whose delivery is unpredictable. Its quantity has gone down. The quality has gone down. And the price is going up 40 percent. The answer? News & Record. Who’s behind it? One of the most-respected business people in America, Warren Buffett. You go figure.

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Congratulations to all the Democrats who are getting on board with the #walkaway movement. Or is it #justwalkaway? At any rate, it’s happening in droves. Way to go guys. You’re getting smart. Congratulations. That is bigly huge.

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Yes, can anybody, please, tell me what happened to Carly Hildyard on Fox 8 News channel? Thank you.

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Republicans have control of the White House, the House, the Senate, most of the governorships. Donald Trump is replacing the federal judges for Republican judges in record numbers. Now, Republicans will have control of the Supreme Court. The Democrats see it all slipping away day by day. And on top of that, Ginsberg will probably retire in midterm, which would give him another Supreme Court pick. So, you’re looking at the Donald Trump’s first term. You’re looking at the Supreme Court being 6 to 3 Republican favor, conservative favor.

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Yeah, I’m a Republican. I live in Guilford County. And I think our congressman needs to sit down and try to push a new law where when those illegal or Hispanics come across the border to taking their pictures, sending them a court date and letting them go, we need to just go ahead and take their photograph right there on the spot with an instant camera, get their fingerprints, get their information, and then send them immediately back over the border. You know what? We also need to get some people out here that need to build that wall. You know? Mexico actually has a decent wall in some sections that look likes a prison wall. I think what we ought to do, maybe, instead of separating these people from their kids and stuff. We need, like I said, send them back immediately, which is what your two congressmen, Ted Budd and Mark Walker, could get started. They could both go for it here in North Carolina.

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Spectrum News 14 is nothing but propagandists for the DNC. Day after day it’s nothing but Democratic and lame-liberal talking points. Let’s all hope it’s not being funded by the government in any way, because the 55 percent of North Carolinians that support conservative values and independent values are tossed aside.

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Yeah, I was wondering about downtown High Point. I rode downtown Main Street. Rode all the way from the Hanes Mall, well, whatever mall it’s called, Crabtree Mall. I don’t even know the name of the mall. Anyway, the McDonald’s at the mall. Let’s put it that way. All the way down, all the way down to almost in Archdale. But, anyway, we counted 162 buildings that were vacant that were up for rent. OK? Now, think about that. It’s a long strip of road we just traveled, but that’s a lot of empty buildings. Why are they wanting to build this huge baseball field and these $100,000 homes where they can’t even fill when the market is not in town?

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In response to the uneducated caller who stated North Carolina schools are fully funded, I say balderdash. Get a clue. Teachers would not have to buy paper for their classrooms if they were fully funded.

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With the technology we have in our world today, it puzzles me why the school system still operates in the same manner that it does. What I mean by that is, there is no reason for these school buildings anymore. A child can get their education online. You can have a regionally accredited high school diploma simply by never leaving your house. Just turn on your computer and take your classes. There is no reason for the schools like we have. There is no reason for it. You can get a regionally accredited four-year college degree, two years associate’s degree or a master’s degree online. You did not have to go to the physical schools. Just look at the money that could be saved by the states if you had an internet teacher that taught everybody at one time.

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Good morning, Beep. It’s Sunday morning, July 1. I would bet the protests this weekend cost George Soros and the Democratic Party a lot of money to stage. Also, how about the military, mom and dads who are deployed? They’re separated from their families. You haven’t heard the radicals say anything about that. And they are the ones that are protecting these radicals. Thank you. Have a good day.

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Hello, Beep. I was just wondering, is there any blue water in the Greensboro area? Every lake or pond I see is either green or brown. They really look sick. In fact, the water around Greensboro is so bad that all of the Mexicans here are saying don’t drink the water.

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If the government contacts a woman and tells her it’s time for you to have a baby now, it’s time for you to get pregnant, that’s taking away a woman’s right to choose. But nobody tells a woman to get pregnant. And nobody tells a man to help her get pregnant. So, if abortion is illegal, that’s not taking away a woman’s right to choose, because she has a choice whether to get pregnant or not even if abortion is illegal. Killing babies in the womb of the mother, aren’t we a better country than that? And aren’t we better people than that? Well, some of us are. Thank you.

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It’s July 1, and I see all the people marching, wants to abolish ICE. I heard a man say back in the ’50s, wait till the junk-food babies start running this country. I know exactly what he was talking about now. He’s gone on, but I’m still here. But if there has ever been a country that’s raised up a bunch of people that absolutely can’t tie their shoes, we’ve done it. They don’t realize that ICE is going out here and arresting people that’s committing first-degree murder, pre-mediated first-degree murder. In order to get into MS13 I understand you’ve got to kill somebody. And the country is full of them. And a lot of them came in while our master Obama was in. Just think about this before you start wanting to eliminate some law enforcement.

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Hello. I’m calling in regards to the immigration, all these marches going on and everything. You know, American people are watching TV, and they’re seeing all this. And they’re watching all these protestors, you know, going down the street saying abolish ICE and this, that and the other. Well, why don’t these people that are marching put their money where their mouth is. If they want these immigrants to come into this country that are here already, why don’t they take them into their house? And why don’t they keep them up so the taxpayers don’t have to deal with it? You know, the taxpayers are paying for so much that it’s unfair. And for Michael Moore to sit up there and say he wants to cry. You know, he makes me sick. He needs to go away. He’s nothing but a big-mouth. Just yak, yak, yak, yak.

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