Hey, Rhino news. This is me again. I don’t know if you can hear all this noise back here, but it’s been a week since I called you last time. And they’re still digging in front of my house. Listen to this noise. How is this tolerated? How am I supposed to sleep when they’re digging? They’ve been working, and they start digging, jackhammering, at 11 o’clock at night. This city is nuts. When are you supposed to sleep? Can’t do it during the daytime when the people are working and everybody is up? No. Got to do it when we’re trying to sleep. Thanks, Greensboro.
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Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire.
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Greensboro Fire Department recently graduated 18 new firemen. Unfortunately, City Councilwoman Sharon Hightower, who represents predominately black District 1, did not attend in order to protest the lack of minorities in the class. Although one of the 18 graduates was black, six or seven minority students dropped out. Apparently, about one-third of the students started the training were minorities and simply did not finish. These 18 first responders graduated in a class and showed class. Sharon Hightower showed none. Greensboro Fire Chief Bobby Nugent said he did not even realize that Sharon was not there.
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It’s Saturday morning, July 2, and the news is reporting there’s 20 people killed in Bangladesh. I assume that they’re going to take up all the guns over there, fix it where you can’t buy one. That seems to be the thing in the US. If you just take up the guns or fix it where you can’t buy one, it’ll stop. One day the people in the world is going to realize the reason for ISIS is because President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all the troops out of Iraq after all the generals warned him not to do that. Then ISIS sprung up. And now we’ve got them all over the world because he wouldn’t do one thing about it. When he’s through, he’s going to go down in history all right, but it ain’t going to be good.
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Over the past few years, how could citizens of Greensboro be so thoughtless as to elect some of the members of the City Council? They gave money to undeserving policemen but have condemned David Wray who is a man of sterling character. Isn’t that a reflection of their sense of values?
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Please explain two things you wrote in your June 30 Under the Hammer. One, you said, “I don’t even think Trump knows what he will do. But not knowing what he will do isn’t the same as not having any idea what he will do.” What is the difference? Two, you wrote, “It appears the Democrats have done a much better job of keeping the right-wing Republicans off the court than the Democrats.” How did the Democrats do a better job than the Democrats?
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This is in regard to the letter from Debbie Hill in the letters to the editor. Ms. Hill, you hit the nail right on the head. Obama is a Muslim. There’s no two ways about that. Everything he’s done since he’s took office – the first thing he done was went on an apology tour around the world apologizing to every Muslim they could find and bending over to them. Everything he’s done since he’s been in office. The woman he speaks to everyday, Valerie Jarrett, is an Iranian-born woman who in the 1970s said Islam would take over America without firing a shot. Every one of these czars he has in the White House if you look has a Muslim name and are Muslims including Mr. Brennan, our CIA chief. He is a Muslim.
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I’d like to inform folks around there, if you ever wonder why your local news media seems so biased and don’t report the news that’s going on in there about Obama and anything going on in the White House, maybe this will answer any questions. ABC News Executive Producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, national security advisor. CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy of national security advisor for strategic communications. ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
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I see over in Baghdad, Iraq, a truck bomb killed nearly 150 people, and it might go up. The Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and all the rest of the Democrats, Harry Reid, and the rest of them, if they think that taking up guns will stop these terrorists’ attacks, they got another thought coming. That ain’t a thing In the world but trying get people that’s against guns to vote for them. That’s not going to stop it. What would have stopped it is Barack Hussein Obama had done something about these people when they first started when he was calling them the jayvee team. That would have done something about it. But so far they haven’t talked about that. But they will be talking about it before this election comes up.
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The comments by the commissioners, Branson and Phillips and Conrad about the Rich Fork Preserve in Guilford County parks and recreation are a bit disingenuous. If these commissioners would only read the agenda and the minutes of the Parks and Rec Commission they would see Rich Fork Preserve was only on the commission agenda once this year, and that was in April. At that meeting, commission members were very critical of the master plan presented by the county staff and they voted unanimously to request that the county staff also provide a master plan that did not include a mountain biking option. That has yet to be done. Two of the six commission meetings scheduled for this year have been canceled. The February meeting conflicted with a political event Commissioner Branson attended in Raleigh, and the June meeting conflicted with the Trump rally, which Commissioner Branson also attended.
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Good afternoon, Beep. Just watched Obama on TV congratulating our troops about the Independence Day. There weren’t a white person on there at all except for the cameraman. He’s out campaigning for Hillary Clinton. They’re both in the same plane. Why should we pay for him and her to campaign? This is totally wrong. OK, people, better wake up. Not a white person on the TV at all in the White House, not even a Hispanic. Better watch out. Thank you.
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You know I know there’s got to be some good Democrats out there, but man there’s a lot of Democrats that are leaving a sour taste in everybody’s mouth. Just seems like none of the rules apply to the Democrats. Hillary Clinton, all the emails, and Bill doing what he did with Loretta Lynch. And then it’s just one thing after another. How can you actually do this to our country? Oh, by the way, now the illegals don’t have to assimilate and speak English. So, way to go. We really appreciate what y’all done to us. I guess. Because you darn sure haven’t done anything for us.
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In their usual underhanded manner, the News & Record raised their rates really without telling anybody. They include the, quote, magazine, unquote, that they now throw in once a month. And they manage to cut off approximately 30 days of your service. In other words, if you’re getting 12 months, you’re going to find out that you got another bill in 11 months. And that is because they are charging you for the magazine that you did not authorize.
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How long, oh, Lord, will the corrupt, wicked and evil people be allowed to continue. The Clintons, Obama and the Democrats just keep rolling along. God in his due time will take them all down. If you support them, you’re just as guilty. There is no justice in America. God save us.
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Wake up, America, and connect the dots. Remember the shooting of Pope John Paul II, the World Trade bombing in 1984, the attack on the Cole, the 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon, Fort Hood massacre, the Boston Marathon bombing, the Chattanooga attacks, San Bernardino and the Orlando massacre and countless others in the rest of the world. The religion of peace is responsible, yet your president lectures on tolerance and diversity to the wrong people. Why is he bringing sharia to our nation?
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You know what’s interesting? I was on the archive page looking at old movies. And I’ve noticed something. And I even did a history search on this. Did you know every movie that Dan Aykroyd has ever been in there has been a Murray or Belushi somewhere in the movie staff as an actor, even going all the way back to Trading Places back in ’83? John Belushi’s brother plays the gorilla on the train. And I always thought that was interesting that those three seem to be always, you find one, you find the other. I mean going back all the way to the beginning of their careers. I know they were together, Belushi and Aykroyd on Saturday Night Live. I don’t know if Bill Murray was in that. I think he might have been in that set. I’m not sure. That’s when I was a preemie.
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Hey, we’re going to see Hillary Clinton today, and we’re going to fly across the state, about a two-hour drive and see Donald Trump tonight. But, basically, so far we’re standing in line at the Hillary Clinton event, and there’s actually some anti-Clinton protestors over here across the street. I don’t know if they’re going to get any coverage from the news or not. The odds are the local news will probably not show the protestors against Clinton. But they’re holding up signs and everything. Secret Service is keeping an eye on them, because, you know, Obama is in town. But, anyway, so far the turnout is not that very impressive. I’ve been waiting in line for, oh, probably three, maybe two hours. And if we knew the turnout was going to be this low, we probably would have gone and gotten something to eat first. But I’m hoping it will pick up. It’s 2 o’clock. And the line is still not that impressive.
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Just want to let you know I had a great time at the Fourth of July celebration downtown. A really great time. I parked in the Bellemeade Street parking garage and was stuck there for over an hour after the fireworks ended because nobody could get out. No traffic moved. Nothing moved. And finally the police had to come and get us out of there. I don’t know if there was a gate that was stuck or one of the ramps had a gate down that should be opened but it was ridiculous. We all sat there looking at each other. Again, the police had to come up clear to the third floor to get us out of there. Had a great time at the Fourth. Thanks a lot.
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I noticed from the obituaries in the newspaper that people are still giving to the Guilford County Animal Shelter. I hope they know that their check will not be able to be used for tax purposes. They’re not a 503(c)(3). And the county is just holding out its grubby little hand spending your donation any way they want to.
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Well, looks like the two criminals are in North Carolina at the same time. Our criminal president who is the second one – the first one since Nixon got elected. He was the first criminal. Then Obama. Then Clinton. She gets away with treason and they’re patting her on the back. Boy, this nation is going to hell fast. And it ain’t going to get no better either.
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The arrogance of the Clintons and the Obamas is just amazing. How can you actually consider even voting for Hillary Clinton? You better get an extra bucket, because the ship of the US is sinking a little faster every day.
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Just to say that I wonder where king Obama got that little bobblehead that was with him at the speech that they gave in Charlotte. It was just amazing how much she looked like the little bobblehead that I have on my dashboard. Thank you. Her little head going up and down, up and down.
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Yes, this is in regards to the shooting in Baton Rouge. I just wonder if these people thought that this guy had surrendered to the cops like he should have he wouldn’t have been shot. Also, I wonder if they would be rioting and raising Cain if they had left him alone and he’d killed two or three people there in the store. And, then, they’d have hollered because the police didn’t do anything. They can’t have their cake and eat it too. You got to make a decision that you’re supposed to obey the law and do what the law tells you do and, then, prove your innocence or guilt. They just don’t want it that way it seems like. Thank you.
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I watched a holiday special of The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Network over the Fourth of July weekend. Many of you are familiar with Bill O’Reilly’s young cohost, Jesse Watters, who has about once a week a special segment called Watters’ World. His special over the weekend show interviewing mainly college millennials at different beaches. He was asking them questions about American history, and I was absolutely floored at the level of ignorance these kids displayed when asked about the wars our nations have fought in since its founding. Folks, Rush Limbaugh is right about the liberal mush being fed into their brains by today’s college professors. It was shocking and horrifying to hear the level of ignorance displayed.
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Yeah, Steely Dan Fan Man. I was watching TV yesterday, and Hillary Clinton said that if Chris Christie would quit following Trump around and do his own job, quote, and I’m thinking to myself, yeah, well Obambi is following her around, and he’s not doing his job either. In fact, he hasn’t done it for eight years. So when is he going to start? I don’t understand how his approval rating got so high, so fast, when he quit doing anything at all. And, you know, just seems like a conflict of interest. He says, she’s the most qualified for the job of any person ever. Well, sure he’s going to say that. He says, well, I know, because I’ve been in there eight years. Well, of course, he’s going to say that. Because he wants her to succeed him. What else would he say? We got bad news coming, people. That’s all I can tell you.
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Illegal immigrants are coming in from other countries. And I’ve spoken with a girl from Thailand. And she explained that America was a great place. Well, I kind of agree with that, but at the same time I beg to differ. You know, every country has something wrong with it, but America is like – it’s completely prejudiced toward foreigners or foreign people. Completely prejudiced even though the entire country is made up of immigrants. All of us. Except for Native Americans who are native to America. But America started with wrong …
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Greensboro people, you need to remember this name: Sharon Hightower, councilwoman. What a fool. Didn’t show up for the graduating class for firefighters because there was only one black firefighter in the class. Are you kidding me? You know what? They didn’t want you there anyway. People need to remember your name and not reelect you. That’s just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. So now we have to have so many blacks or Hispanics in the Fire Department. Are you kidding me? If you can’t do the job, don’t go and apply for the job.
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I was watching Bill O’Reilly’s show on the Fox News channel last night, Thursday, July 7. I was disgusted but not at all surprised to learn that this week’s Senate Democrats had voted against Kate’s Law, a proposed bill that Bill O’Reilly himself has personally pushed for many months now. Kate, and I do not recall the lady’s last name, was the young lady in San Francisco who was tragically shot and killed by an illegal alien who had been deported five times. Unbelievable. Folks, Bill O’Reilly summed it up for me by saying that today’s Democratic Party is – I hope it is crystal clear to everyone out there to now understand why the symbol of the Democratic Party is a jackass.
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Regarding this shooting over in Rockingham County, those guys just pleaded guilty to. I don’t believe a word of that. It’s a funny thing that girl and her boyfriend, and I believe her family didn’t have nothing to do with, married later and moved out of the state. But, yet, this guy goes and tells this big tale about wandering in and out of the house for seven or eight times. I never heard of such crud. He ought to be in the Obama administration. He fits right in with that bunch of liars up there in Washington. I believe down the road if he comes to common conscious maybe he’ll tell the fact of what really happened. I don’t believe that. And I don’t believe many people that live around there believe that. What a disgrace. As far as Obama, I see him already on the gun trail over these shootings.
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Last week I did not predict the demise of the United Kingdom. What I did say was that if Donald Trump thought it was a good thing for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, that it probably wasn’t. And that was the only comparison I was drawing. As far as comparing the United Kingdom to the rest of the European Union, I didn’t do that either. And I’m not going to do that. You compare the United Kingdom to itself now as to how it will be affected by being out of the UK. And I’m not going to make $100 wager with you on that. And if it takes five years for y’all to get back to where you are now, I’m still not going to say that was a smart move.
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What a sad day for American no justice. Of course, you know I’m talking about Hillary and Director Comey. I believe it was Ayn Rand that said, when the law no longer protects you from the corrupt but protects the corrupt from you, you know the nation is doomed.
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Since you guys have all the answers, if lowering taxes increases revenue, I would sure like for someone to explain how that is possible. And by what I got from the editor’s notes, lowering taxes might be a good idea. How do you pay off all this stuff and still keep the state afloat while lowering taxes?
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Editor’s Note: In theory, lowering taxes causes the economy to improve. An improved economy means more people are earning more money, so even though the tax rate is lower, the revenue is higher. It’s essentially the same way a business can increase revenue by lowering prices.
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This is the morning after Dallas. And I hope our City Council lady that boycotted the graduation at the Fire Department academy realizes that that’s the type of thing that attributes to that situation. I was a firefighter for 35 years. I am familiar with the current chief. And as Chief Hilliard said in the editorial page of the Greensboro N&R, the fire chief is an honorable and honest individual of the highest caliber. But we received no support from the mayor, or any other councilmembers. You always got to remember to do what’s correct politically. And I can testify to what goes on. In the Fire Department you want an individual that is committed to come after you if you reach danger. And you know, and he knows, or she, that you are coming after them. So, you’ve got to go through weeks of hell in training to be able to confront those situations.
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Hello, Triad. I guess now we know in considering the Dallas assassination of police officers, there is no difference between the KKK and the Black Lives Matter movement, is there? The shooting in Dallas was motivated by the Black Lives Matter movement. So, I guess they’re just as racist as the KKK is. They should go and regroup and consider their function in life. Thank you. Bye.
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Hello, Beep. Hello, Reid. Regarding the Dallas police officers that were shot, and law enforcement everywhere, one day you’re a hero and the next day you’re a target. What a nightmare your job must be. I salute you for your courage. I wonder. Will this type of behavior discourage men and women from pursuing a career in law enforcement? Will our military volunteers decline should Hillary become president? These are the things that will weaken America and won’t go unnoticed by our enemies. Southern Guilford here. The whole world is watching.
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Well, pre-season football will be starting in a few months. And am I the only one in North Carolina that hopes the Panthers never win another game? They had a great season, and they get to the Super Bowl, and they played like a bunch of snotty-nose crybabies that they are. The quarterback wouldn’t even dive on a huddle. I guess he didn’t want to get hurt. Someone needs to tell him that football is a full-contact sport. I just don’t understand it. They play great all year, and then they get to the biggest game of their career, and let’s hope they never get there again. So, they played the biggest game of their career and they blew it. They get 10 points behind and they stop playing. Then they cry, cry and whine and fuss during interviews.
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Shortly after Obama gave his little speech declaring blacks and Hispanics are picked on by law enforcement more than any other nationality, the next day he gives his condolences to the police officers killed in Dallas. Both Obama and his statements are oxymorons at best. Southern Guilford County here. PS: When the man is out of office, maybe, just maybe, we’ll all find a little peace and quiet here.
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I just came down Yanceyville up here by the church on the right past the railroad tracks, Lankford. People flying. I don’t know how fast they was running, but they’re flying. Guess who’s sitting in the parking lot with the motor running, and their air conditioning, talking on the phone? It’s one of your Greensboro police officers doing his job. Thank you, Mayor Vaughan. We appreciate what you’re doing for us.
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Looks like the Democratic politicians have just messed this country up from the top to bottom. Take control of this country back and vote the Democrats out if you care about your future, your children’s future. Have a good day.
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I’m calling in reference to the article in the paper, the Greensboro news about the recent firefighting class that just graduated. There was 18 that graduated. Just concerned about Ms. Hightower, city councilwoman, who complained because there wasn’t enough blacks that graduated. Are we now supposed to dumb down the firefighting class so that more blacks can be in the class, because that’s what she was complaining about. They have to go through an agility test, a written test, and be able to fight fires under stress conditions, and so forth. And she wants to dumb down the firefighting people. There are people out there that don’t know what they’re doing could get seriously hurt, or kill someone, or maybe someone standing by. We need to do something about this and stop this complaining about firefighters not having enough blacks or police department not having enough blacks, and this and that and the other.
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Our wise and illustrious attorney general, Barack and Hillary have found a way to defeat the people that kill, bomb, burn women alive, behead children, throw gays off buildings and kill Christians – love them to death. Be sure to vote for Hillary so the love will continue. God help us.
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Due to the election coming down in November, presumptuous presidents who they will be, it doesn’t matter. Because guess what? Wait until each one of them – either one of them get in office, the world as we know it will be destroyed. Just think. One wants this way. One wants this way. Think. They look out for each other. And guess what? Middle class, poor class, rich class, they are looking out for each other. Do me a favor. This is the Original Thinker. Please, get down and think when you want to die? When you want to die?
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Hey, I’ll tell you a good one a lot of people did not catch. There is a movie called World War Z that has Brad Pitt in it. OK? Well, Brad Pitt is flying on a plane back from Israel. And it’s about zombies. The movie is. But, anyway, the plane is overtaken by a bunch of zombies. Now, what’s so interesting about this is, the plane goes down. Brad Pitt gets a piece of metal stuck in him. They go wandering through English towns. OK. Now, this is parody part of the World War Z that people just don’t – a lot of people haven’t caught at first. OK. He wanders up to who? WHO Research Center. Think about that. In London, Belfast. And he wanders up to WHO Research Center and passes out.
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When he awakes he’s staring right into the eyes of Dr. Who, the current actor who plays a role. Now, is that funny? It was done on purpose, actually. A lot of people do not – did not understand the parody or the joke behind it. But he wanders up to Who Research Center, and when he wakes up Dr. Who is staring at him. I guess you have to know who Dr. Who is or follow. You probably has no idea what I’m talking about. But it was actually worked into the movie. I guess that’s a joke. But I thought it was kind of interesting. A lot of people don’t catch it. There’s another parody in the movie. Rent it. Watch it. See if you can figure out where it’s at.
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