I heard on the news today that the drug cartels, the human sex traffickers, the smugglers and the coyotes are all in favor of open borders, and the Democrats are, too.
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Yes, so many people are asking why there is so much hate in this country due to the government and – well, there’s only one answer. That’s Donald J. Trump. I can’t understand what the deplorables, which Hillary called, and she was so right, the people that voted for him. And Robert De Niro was right on track when he said what he did at the end of the Tony Awards. Thank you very much. Have a good day.
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Yes, I hope I can express this in the timeframe that I have allowed. The election of this Cortez woman, she’s not elected yet, but more than likely she will be in New York, and her actual pronouncement that she is a socialist should alarm all the people in this country. Take a look at Venezuela, how things started and how they are now basically surviving, the people being trashed, the money completely out of control. Is that the path that the United States wants to go on? Bernie Sanders was a big proponent of these people in Nicaragua. In fact, he went down there. Again, is this the path, the socialist path, that we want to go down? You really look at the Alinsky – Saul Alinsky principles, and they’re almost being followed to the T by this leftwing group of progressive Democratic socialists.
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One thing I want all taxpayers to remember. In 2008, the United States government loaned Harley Davidson $2.3 billion. The same year General Motors cost the taxpayers $11.2 billion. So, when they start crying because we want tariffs, they’re ridiculous. We’ve already bailed them out, and this is the thanks they give us? No, thank you.
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The journalist on the cover of the Rhino Times cover page interviewing Alan Branson, county commissioner, Republican, in her slippers must be a Democrat. Early voting is a craft and legacy of Obama error. Most voters will forget who they voted for by November 2018. The dictionary defines illegal as illegal. Children are not being separated by their parents when the same parent blocked their safety to migrate illegally and the new influx of more DACA students funded by US citizens. Thank you.
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Hello. I’m calling about Madeleine Albright that’s out there talking about Trump being the most ridiculous president that we’ve ever had in our American history. And she’s the one that said if you’re a woman and you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton that you were going to hell. I’d like to tell her that we don’t need any comments from her about our president. American people voted him in and she needs to just clamp it. That’s what she needs to do. She needs to just clamp it and go in the woods with Hillary. We don’t need to hear any of her comments about Donald Trump. Also, too, about these immigrants coming in here being in cages and stuff. Why wasn’t these people protesting when Obama put these children in cages? You never seen any of these Democrats coming out running their big mouth, flapping their gums, getting up there protesting when Obama put all these kids in cages.
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Yes, my wife alerted me to something that, apparently, was on Facebook about Wal-Mart selling T-shirts that say, “impeach 45.” So, I called the store and, apparently, they’re being sold. I don’t know if it is – it must be online, OK? The man I spoke to – in fairness to Wal-Mart – said that he was calling corporate office. He’s had several calls about it. And he actually checked his stock in the store to make sure that was the case and apologized to me. But I think this is important enough that everyone in Greensboro and all the people who read your newspaper understand. I could certainly accept this if, for example, if Wal-Mart wants to go political if they had a T-shirt that said, “number 44 was the worst president we’ve ever had and a socialist,” but they didn’t do that. They actually attacked a duly elected Republican president …
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Hi, Beep. I understand the new congresswoman, the real, big congresswoman from New York, the one who won the primary, I understand she wants to abolish the prisons and let people out, rapists, murderers, everyone. Well, she’s a Democrat. So, what is the Me Too movement about but putting rapists away in prison like Harvey Weinstein? Why are they persecuting Harvey Weinstein? I believe he deserves it. But why are they persecuting him if they’re soon going to let every rapist out and every murderer? Because the Democratic Party now for some reason doesn’t believe in prisons. Why are they even doing the Me Too movement if rape is not a problem? I just want an answer to that. Somebody give me an answer. Thank you, Beep.
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Hi, Beep. How can a government that will not be able to afford Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid for its citizens be able to spend money on illegal immigrants? Because most illegal immigrants don’t have a high school education or computer skills or even good language skills. They’re costing our government a lot of money. It takes money to educate them and sustain them until they can support themselves. In the meantime, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are very underfunded as are most state pensions. Thank you, Beep.
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Yes, I’m calling about Duke Power and Piedmont Natural Gas. I noticed on our Piedmont Gas bill that Duke Power would show up on our bank statement if we paid Piedmont Gas. Well, I called them, and come to find out, Duke Power has bought Piedmont Natural Gas. And my point being that if Duke Power has the money to buy Piedmont Natural Gas, why do they expect we citizens to pay for the ash cleanup and also to be raising our rates? Just wondered if all the other folks out there reading your paper and realize that Duke Power has bought out Piedmont Gas. Again, referencing the point that if they’ve got the money to buy Piedmont Gas, they should pay for their own cleanup and not raise our rates. Thank you.
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Well, I am more than happy to celebrate the Fourth of July. And I am more than happy to wave a flag and tell everybody how much I do love this country. But I will love this country even more after we get that Supreme Court stacked with conservatives and roll back some of these ridiculous laws that we have passed. For instance, I would love to see Roe v. Wade reversed and thrown back to the states or even abolish abortion altogether. If America was educated on how horrific this really was, and how it is really murder, you wouldn’t have very many people favor abortions in this country if they only knew. A constitutional amendment forbidding gay marriage, making it illegal, would make things a whole lot better.
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I enjoy getting the paper and reading it. It gives me a laugh – sort of. If the country wasn’t in such bad shape, I’d really get a good laugh the way most of – the majority of your readers follow Donald J. Trump, take everything at face value what he says. It’s – a lot of people are drinking the Kool-Aid. If this man were a Democrat, which he used to be, and probably at some point will be again, you guys would be calling him every name in the book saying he’s crazy. He’s a nut job, but because he has an R beside his name, everything he does is OK. I mean, he is – the tariffs. Jobs are leaving the US. Other countries are putting tariffs on us. And will continue to do so.
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I turned over this morning to CNN and MSNBC just to see how bad it was. If I was the people giving the news on those two channels, I would leave here and go to Cuba or Venezuela or somewhere like that. Because when they stand around and talk about the president of the US, they’re really talking about the US. Because he’s the president. He’s leading us. I cannot understand if people has got stock in that company, those companies have got to be a stock company, it looks like they would try to put a stop to it. But negative news hurts this country. And they’re pouring it on. They’ve done everything they could do to try to stop Donald Trump, and he just keeps on gaining. It looks like somebody would have enough sense to know that that needs to be stopped. I don’t know how to go about it, but if the man does do away with all of those nukes, what are they going to say then? It’s a lack of education and common sense.
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Hello. Would somebody, or I’m the only one who has this question I should say, how can AT&T buy Time Warner when we thought that Spectrum had bought Time Warner or at least that’s kind of what’s going on with our Cablevision bill. Mine has Time Warner and Spectrum on it already. And now we’re finding out that AT&T is buying Time Warner. I just don’t get it. Can somebody clue me in or help? Thanks.
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I’m tired of all these crybabies. They need to realize that he’s the duly elected president. They need to leave him alone and stop talking junk about him. I mean, they can create a race war in this world if they want to, but they need to leave our president alone. He’s our president. He was duly elected. Hillary Clinton wasn’t. Thank you.
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Folks, I recently read a startling statistic that needs to be put into perspective. Approximately 70 million people perished in World War II worldwide. Since Roe v. Wade in January 1973, roughly 61 million babies have been aborted in the US. In no disrespect to the 70 million souls who perished in World War II, we, as a nation, have aborted approximately 9 million less in the last 45 years. I am not a minister or a Bible scholar. I did not go to seminary school. But pray tell, how can the lord God not administer judgment on our country for this abomination?
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You know what? We have all these illegal aliens coming into the US from Mexico. And then they have a kid. And then their kid is technically a US citizen. You know what they should do when they export these people back, and the kids have to stay, because the kids are actual legal US citizens, you know, from being born here? I think what they need to do is start rounding up those kids and giving them to homes for parents and people that cannot have a child. There are tons of homes out there that would take them in and adopt them. And treat them as their own kids, you know, until their parents become legalized and have like a foster program put in place where these kids will be tracked so they know where they’re located and their parents would be identified. And, basically, people that want to raise a child or cannot have a child could take one of these newborn children that was born in the US – I think they call them border babies – and actually give them a loving good home until their parents can go through the legalization program.
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Hello. I’m calling about Spectrum cablevision. I’d like to ask, how in the world can they charge these outrageous prices for cablevision? I mean, $200 a month almost for cablevision is just ridiculous. And I don’t understand how they think that people can afford this. It’s getting to the point where your cablevision is almost as expensive as a car payment, you know? I think that somebody needs to put a check on this. Also, too, I’d like to comment on the commercial where there’s a crying baby. I guess they’re trying to tear at people’s heart about these illegal babies being torn from their mothers. But you know what? We’ve got crying children here in America that go to bed every night without food and stuff like that, too. You know?
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Hello, Rhino. I was just wondering if the Schmoozefest was taking the summer off again as well. But if they do, that’s fine. They deserve it. But sure do wish they would be around.
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Editor’s Note: Yes, the Schmoozefest is taking the summer off and will return in the fall.
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Dear John, Zack Matheny surely dropped the ball on the July 4 celebration down in Greensboro. We didn’t see but two or three food trucks. Everything was lost with few people walking around. Zack needs to get up in the morning, go to Fox 8 News a week before the Fourth of July celebration, go to News 2 and go there and see what’s going on with News 2 and let the people of Greensboro know. He did no good jobs for the City of Greensboro. He didn’t do anything for the merchants of Greensboro. There was less people there than there were at a parade that last year we went to. Scott, you need to help this guy. He needs help. He needs to go. You need to get somebody else in charge of DGI. Thank you.
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Thank you, Rhino Times, for posting the salaries of our overpaid government officials. This needs to be corrected. Why is it we pay bureaucrats way too much money for doing essentially nothing, yet, our teachers and our policemen are compensated in a different manner? Collectively, we need to come together and stop this abuse.
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You know, the Civil War was about withdrawing from the Union. It had nothing to do with slavery. Now, those people that have been trying to get rid of our heritage, our heroes, from the South. Now they’ve got rid of the Fourth of July celebration in Greensboro. What’s going to be next, get rid of our government? These people are crazy. We need to put an end to it. Thank you.
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In last week’s Rhino Times, a caller to The Sound of the Beep said, quote, teachers would not have to buy paper for their classrooms if they were fully funded, quote, unquote. Well, actually, the caller is wrong. But he’s being played by the school administration. You see, the schools are fully funded, massively overfunded in fact. But the same school administration that claims they fund from the bottom up, which obviously they don’t or paper would be one of the first things they would buy, actually funds from the top down – precisely because they are trying to create a shortage at the classroom level. Because that’s where, if you run out of something, you can stir the emotions of the uninformed voters. And that’s what’s happen to this caller. He’s been played by a school administration scheme that makes sure there will always be a shortage at the classroom level.
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The woman that crawled up on the Statue of Liberty, whoever she was with protesting, she should be fined for every minute that the Statue of Liberty was closed down, and she should have to pay for her own rescue in fines levied by the court. The only way you’re going to stop these jokers is to hit them right in the pocketbook, every one of them. It’s just like Antifa destroying all these buildings and everything. Get one of them, capture one of them, and that person should be fined and all of the rest of them should help them. If they’re so solidly, you know, put together and everything, whatever you want to call it. Their movement should pay for all the damages incurred.
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Yes, I want to thank President Trump for putting all them 4-, or 5-, 6-, 7-year-olds in cages saving us from the MS13 and their mommies. So, thank you, Trump. And by the way, if you unwitting Trump supporters would watch the real news instead of Fox that never tells you the whole story, MS13 started in California and has spread throughout the United States. So, they were born here. And they continue to be here. And, now, thanks to Trump, the American taxpayers have to pay for all these children that are being kept in cages. And, now, he’s going to do DNA testing. It would have been so simple when they crossed the border before they was split off from their parents, get all the information then.
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It’s Friday, July 6, and Fox News is reporting and showed the picture of a real pretty little black girl in Baltimore, Maryland, that was shot and severely injured. She’s in a hospital fighting for her life, a stray bullet. If it’s ever been a country that the leaders did not have good common sense, the United States is the one. Some man got on there and said what we need to do is all come together. Yeah, we need to all come together and stop a man from walking out of the house with a gun in his pocket. You cannot shoot a man without a gun. I don’t know how they can’t understand that.
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I guess the Republicans want to use religious freedom as their basis for denying service to someone. And they’re the ones that made the law, and enacted it, and put it into place for people to deny service. And, now, the Republicans are upset that someone denied service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Are you kidding me? They’re the ones that put the law into place. So, if they got a problem with it, maybe it’s something they should address amongst themselves.
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Hey, Mr. Hammer. I was just wondering when the Schmoozefest was going be back. I think they took off for the summertime. But I’m just wondering when they’re going to come back. Thanks, and have a good day.
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Hillary Clinton, along with the Democratic Party, got exactly what they deserved election night 2016. They were laughed at, mocked and disgraced by the whole world. Matter of fact, the world is still laughing. They were shown to be the horrible people that they really are. The American people showed the rest of the world what they thought of the Democratic Party and their ridiculous candidate, and their ridiculous policies. Thank you, America, for finally waking up. I’m just so thankful that Donald Trump’s base is strong enough to reelect him again and to win the midterms this coming November. Remember, Republicans, get out and vote.
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Since you really can’t know what anyone else is thinking, then why don’t you just call in and tell people what you think about an issue, not what you think the other side is thinking about an issue because you really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about unless it is your own thought. And what I see is when Republicans call into The Sound of the Beep, they’re just ranting and raving and name calling. Why don’t you tell us what you think about a specific issue instead of what you think the other side thinks about the issue?
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This is for all you traitor Trump supporters that elected Russian-sponsored Trump for president. Good job. The world is coming to an end. Ha, ha, ha.
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Good morning. Welcome to America. This is my country. This is your country. Until the cobbler places my shoes on your feet, you will never know of my victories or defeat. Thank you, Rhino Times, for the freedom of the press. The Son of a Legal Russian Immigrant.
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Blue wave my foot. I truly feel in my heart now that a red wave is coming in November. God help us if the ungodly, deranged, unhinged, warped lunatic ultra, ultra-liberal Democrats get control of the House, people. Believe me, it will affect all of us horribly if they do. Pray to God for a red wave, and get off your duffs on Election Day, and vote straight Republican. And tell all your conservative friends to do the same in November.
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Hi, I’m calling about this white guy that’s accused of throwing this black woman out of the swimming pool, and her child out of the neighborhood swimming pool. I just wanted to say this. People have just gone crazy, and I hope you print this because this is true. If you go in Bur-Mil Park, you get stamped. And if you go out, I mean if you go out of that swimming pool, you got to get stamped in order to come back in. If you go into a private pool, you have to have a pass. I work in property management, and we gave every new resident a tag, and you were supposed to have those tags when you come in to that swimming pool. And we had a pool monitor that would come at different times, and they would check those tags to make sure that you had those tags; and if you didn’t have those tags, you had to leave.
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Well, High Point is trying to come up with a name for the new baseball team. I’ve got one they haven’t submitted. It’s called the Carpet Baggers. Have a good nice day.
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Folks, now you were probably realizing what I have said in the past that CNN really should stand for the communist news network. I think the same for all the quote, alphabet networks, end of quote, as I like to call them, including MSNBC. The Rush, I believe, correctly likes to add a letter at the beginning of their call letters. We should all thank God literally for Fox. I’m old enough to remember when you had three choices: CBS, NBC and ABC. That was it. If you couldn’t, like myself, stomach that when you got old enough to know what they were really shoving down our throats, it was tough noogies till Fox arrived. I think it speaks volumes how Fox is blowing all the lib networks out of the water, and have for some time, with ratings. That speaks volumes, folks.