Hi. I just want to make a comment about the guy that called in about what comes around goes around for the police getting killed. My question is, what in the world is wrong with you? You sound like you must be cold and heartless to even make that remark that what goes around comes around. I mean, I don’t know who you are, but I think you must be a cold person, also some fool to make that kind of statement. Have you ever stop to consider that some of the families that have been left behind, and the children of these police officers left behind when they were killed? You think it’s fair to them, you know, that these thugs went and killed these police officers? You know, seriously? And you even called in and make these statements? What in the world is wrong with you? All I can say is, you must be some cold, heartless fool.
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Bill and Hillary are the best we’ve got after 35 years? The people better watch those two. They’re vicious, vicious people. And it’s amazing that people still follow them like lemmings. They don’t care about you. They care about self, and that’s all they care about is power. That’s all they want. After 35 years, 25 years, wake up people. Better watch out, because they’re coming to steal the quarters off your eyelids. Good day.
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Hello, Beep. Thomasville here. So what if Russia or China or anybody affiliated with Trump and/or us Republicans hacked into the DNC and released those emails? It wasn’t like WikiLeaks released nuclear codes or grandma’s pound cake recipe. All it did was reveal what and who the Democrats are: conniving, corrupt hypocrites. Thanks a lot guys.
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Donald J. Trump is going to lose this election if he keeps on running his big, fat mouth. He’s going to, just like Mitt Romney did in the last election. He’s going to keep running his mouth until he loses this whole election, which he deserves to lose. Republicans, you Republicans are not even supporting him because of the big-time Hillarys of the Republican Party. So, you all might as well come on over to the Democratic side, because you Republicans don’t have anybody running that can beat big-time Hillary Clinton. But Donald Trump is going to keep running his mouth, and let him keep on running his arrogant mouth until it’s just going to cause him to lose the election.
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Well, I listened to Bill Clinton the other night with his lovely speech, and the love of his life, and that lovely girl he married, and how much they love each other. If Bill Clinton loved his wife so much, how is it that he wound up with all those extra women on the side? It sounds like to me he was standing up there telling a bunch of lies. Monica Lewinsky and the women in the White House. I didn’t like it at all. They’re all big fat liars.
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For those of you who don’t know it, the News & Record, my bird-cage liner, has gone up in price by approximately 12 percent this past year. But, in addition, that doesn’t include the fact that they are now billing you without your approval for the 1808 Greensboro magazine. You are paying something like $1 an issue for that, or $1 a month. And the way they’re burying that is by shortening your annual subscription. So they’re not raising the price, they’re shortening the subscription. Anyway, just thought everybody would love to know.
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Blue lives matter.
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I’ve got something to say in regards to that guy that called in about Donald Trump about thinking his supporters are idolizing him. Let me explain something to you, young man or young woman who called this in. I support Trump, but I in no way idolize or worship him. I support him because he’s a whole lot better choice than Hillary is on the Democrat side, who is actually a criminal and a liar. And I’m not really all that crazy about Trump, but I guarantee you, he would make a much better choice than the lying criminal. And, also, you need to understand this as well. I don’t worship Trump, because he’s a man, and he makes mistakes just like everyone else do. So, if you just sit there and say his supporters must be into idolatry worship, that’s a preposterous statement for you to even be making. Goodbye.
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Nine congressional hearings at millions of dollars of expense to taxpayers found that Hillary Clinton didn’t do anything wrong with the Benghazi situation. You know this simply because at the end of this, when all conclusions were drawn, and they ask the head of the congressional group trade Gowdy, his opinion on what it was. He said, well I’m not going to say. You need to just read it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Well, I can tell you right now. If there was something there to prove her guilty of anything, he would have been shouting it from the mountaintops. So, by him saying what he said proves there is nothing, absolutely nothing there. So, let’s quit it with this rhetoric about Hillary lied, four people died.
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I was just reading The Sound of the Beep of the July 21 issue. And somebody called in about the Black Lives Matter and all lives matter. I’d like to say I totally agree with what they say. But I’d just like to caution them that saying all lives matter will label you a racist by the Black Lives Matter hate group. Just thought I’d like to mention that. And they’re just like the KKK that they were against – they were both hate groups and both started by Democrats. Think about that for a while.
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Hi. Heads up when getting your oil changed. Two months after my oil change I was almost a quart overfilled. This was done by the so-called experts at a local dealership in spite of all the warnings over overfilling in the owner’s manual. I think they may be creating more work for themselves in the future. I was shocked at this dirty trick by a big, local company. Just trying to help save some people some big bucks. Thanks, Beep, for letting me sound off. Bye-bye.
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You know, if I was a Democrat, which I used to be, I would really be angry about the rogues that are running the party. It’s terrible. It’s no wonder everybody is fed up with politicians. Have a great day and stay cool.
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Hillary Clinton’s campaign is not just lopsided, it’s upside down. I understand that she’s going to have the mothers of some of these black young men that were shot by police talk tonight. But not the wives and children of the police officers that’s been shot. I’m 81 years old, and if a police officer walks in this house right now and says, “You’re under arrest,” I would go with him. Then I would prove I was innocent later. You cannot fight the police. I’m an avid news watcher. Everybody that’s been shot, black and white, was resisting arrest.
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During the Democratic convention on Monday night, the announcer came on with this heading: dirty Democrats. Pictures showed the floor of the convention so strewn with food plates, chicken bones, biscuits, french fries, that you couldn’t walk without stepping on the litter or the food. He reported that the bathroom was in worse shape than this. This speaks volumes of who and what these people are. No values. No responsibility. Dirty, not dignity, filthy, and don’t give a hoot. What do you expect?
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Bernie did what he claimed he would never do. He sold out to Hillary Clinton after all of the hard work, the contributions and the dedication of his people. He has lied to us. Rumors are that he got a lot of cash to endorse Hillary. You can’t trust a politician. I’m not going to vote. They are all liars.
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Hello, Readers. I recommend you go and see Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America, and then vote.
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Hi. I just heard that our voting laws were voided. And I am so angry and so frightened that two judges, two that were from the Democratic Party and one Republican, were the ones that decided this. There has been murders and untimely deaths in Arkansas. And I read that the blood flowed uphill in one of those. And whatever in between. Theft from the White House. But that was just OK. Just return it. It will be OK. The latest after other laws filed, now erased and lost emails. Lies, lies, lies. As the movie about Hillary said, they just deny, deny, deny. Now our voting laws being voided. Those too foolish to get ID all the time allowed but couldn’t even though they can get bused and carried to vote. And I saw three Greyhound buses at one time myself at the courthouse with voters.
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Hello, Beep. Hello, Reid. And welcome to the Bernie Sanders show featuring Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton and a special appearance by Hillary Clinton. A good time and tears are guaranteed for all. And, please, leave your dignity at the door. Southern Guilford County here.
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What did I get out of Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic convention? Hillary, marry me, and we’ll get rich at the expense of the American public. Southern Guilford County here.
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Yes, it seems transgender is in. After all, if Clinton wins this year’s election, then Bill will be our first lady. And it is he that will be wearing the dresses after all. Thank you. DJS.
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So, Bill Clinton left out a few items in his speech last night: impeachment, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Parker, Paula Jones, Whitewater, Filegate, emails and, most of all, the video about Benghazi which was not so true. How can anyone vote for her?
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I hope once the Democrats adjourn from their convention in Philadelphia this week that Hillary and her running mate will take a well-deserved break from the chaos that the DNC week has been. May I suggest possibly Martha’s Vineyard for some much-needed R&R? While you’re there, do all of us a huge favor and take a long walk off a short pier. All decent God-fearing true Americans would appreciate it.
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Wake up, Sedgefield and Grandover. You’re never going to sell your homes or have more development and improve Four Seasons Mall until you demand better schools from the board of ed, or build your own private schools, or magnet schools. Why do you think Northwest is growing? Politicians all live there, and they funnel all the money for their schools and development. You better get involved.
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I called in to the Beep saying Hillary Clinton is running a TV commercial showing excerpts from some of Donald Trump’s speeches that are inappropriate for children. You published my Beep as saying they were excerpts from her speeches.
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Editor’s Note: We apologize for the occasional transcription error. It’s harder than you would think. Thank you for calling in a correction.
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This is Old Robert Down Here in the Country. I haven’t been calling lately. But just been having some health problems. And my age won’t let me stay up late. Hey, by the way, I want to just say I’d love for everybody in Greensboro to go and see the movie, Hillary’s America. It tells the true nature of how the blacks have been treated all these years, and it was not the Democrats that freed them from slavery. My son is a history buff, and he’s been telling me this for years, and I’ve finally seen the movie. And I say they would get a real encouragement and real live story out of this movie. Anyway, I’m going to hang up now. Relax a while. But it’s a great movie. Please, go see it.
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I was just watching the Democratic convention, and I think I got it figured out. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, I think they’re transgender, because she wears a pantsuit all the time. And all the lies she told, I think, is they’ve been changed around a bit, because he’s got a squeaky voice, and I think she uses Percocet. They’ve got the biggest problems, because all the lies she’s told, something had to change.
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To straighten the guy out who called in about the Hillary Clinton TV commercial, kids learn by what they see. And if they see a large number of people support a misogynistic, bigoted racist to be president, then they will think it is OK to do that in everyday life. That is the point of the commercial, not that kids don’t need to be watching what Donald Trump’s saying. Because it comes on all day, every day. So, you’re going to hear what he says no matter whether you’re a kid or not. So, if he would start speaking in a way that was – I don’t know – just a little more appropriate. It would probably make a difference.
I’ve noticed that the sod has been laid on the median at the Benjamin Parkway/Bryan Boulevard area looks dead. How much did the city spend on all this grass, and who decided to put it out in August when it has probably zero chance of surviving? This is not a good idea.
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Yes, so I just heard the Republicans are the party of the hate. So I’ll take that label because I definitely hate you foolish Democrats who put Obama in office. And now you’re going to be ignorant enough to vote for Hillary Clinton.
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