Yeah, I’m just calling about the incident with Sharon Hightower trying to park in the handicapped place out there at Gillespie Park and getting all irate at the police officer that wouldn’t let her do so. When I read it, you know what it sounded like to me? It sounded like what we got here in the person of Sharon Hightower is the second coming of Dianne Bellamy-Small. Remember her? And that is about the last person we ever need to have back in this town again. So, somebody tell Ms. Hightower to reign herself in, because we don’t need another Dianne Bellamy-Small ever again. Thank you.
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Editor’s Note: Dianne Bellamy-Small is running unopposed for a seat on the Guilford County Board of Education.
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I read in the News & Record that another committee is wasting time and money debating whether or not to try 16- or 17-year-olds as adult. One only has to read the recent crime reports to see where 16- and 17- and as low as 12-year-olds are robbing and killing people. It would be a big mistake to leave them as juveniles when they’re 17 years old. Most of the gang members now are in their early and mid-teens, and they’re committing some serious crimes. Thank you.
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Following several instances of barbaric and gratuitous mass murder committed by Muslims in his country, the mayor of Cannes has decided to ban the female Islamic fundamentalist beach garb known as the burkini. Fiercely secular France insists on maintaining its hard won cultural values, and why shouldn’t it? A spokesman for the Collective Against Islamophobia was quoted on NPR as saying this measure was clearly anti-Islam. So what if it is? This is France, not Iran. Are Western women allowed to wear bikinis in Iran? The adherents of the intolerant creed of Islam must learn that if they demand respect for their beliefs, then they must respect Western beliefs, especially when they choose to live here. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Hello, Beep. Evan McMullin. What do we know about him? From what I know he has the credentials to cause an upset. And for what is being said, I can understand why. Trump and Clinton might want to think about this third-party interceptor. Southern Guilford County here. Thangs can change.
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Editor’s Note: Evan who?
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Hillary Clinton, what a hypocrite. What a hypocrite. Gets up and says all these words and speeches and everything, and she don’t understand everything she says comes right back and sits on her porch. Good day.
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Well, one of the criminal Clintons finally gets their just desserts by getting sued. Hip, hip, hooray. Now, all they had to do is get people thinking straight about how much of a crook her and her husband are. She should be in prison already and him as well. And Trump’s a fool talking down people that end up being taken prisoner during the Vietnam War, people in Korea and people that went in World War II. I don’t know who’s the biggest fool, her or him.
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I’m calling about that place downtown, the Interactive Resource Center that’s for homeless people. I can’t believe the place is still open. My sister was up there last week, and she said somebody pulled a knife on her and robbed her. They don’t do anything about it. They don’t have any security. Somebody is going to get killed there, and the city keeps giving them money. And they just keep on just doing whatever, letting whatever go on. They do nothing. They’re so liberal up there that they just want to give everybody a big hug and think all the problems are going to go away. They need to get rid of that lady that’s running that place.
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This is a message for John Hammer. Hammer, I know what you’re thinking. There are two or three debates. To tell you the truth, in all of this confusion, I don’t know myself, but you’ve got to ask yourself, when it comes to Trump, do I really want a president who is as dumb as I am? Well, do you, punk?
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Donald Trump said that Hillary was the devil. The devil overheard this and hung his head in shame and embarrassment.
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It looks like to me this is going to be the first Republican ever put a Democrat in the White House. These Republicans that don’t want to back Trump, it looks like they’d have enough common sense just to keep their mouth shut. Don’t vote for him. Don’t vote at all. Vote for Hillary Clinton, but don’t go tell the world that I’m not going to vote for Donald Trump. You registered Republican. You were put in by Republicans and you running around saying I’m not going to vote a Republican ticket. How foolish.
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Yes, another thing about Donald Trump: There was a small, little article in the Greensboro daily news which should have been a headliner about Donald Trump’s Taj Mahal casino being closed down. Now, what kind of economic plan can Donald Trump present to the American people if he can’t even keep his own casinos open? And the owner says that he would shut down the Taj Mahal after Labor Day saying that he’s losing millions of dollars a month. And that would leave Atlantic City with 11 casinos. Atlantic City’s main casinos have been on strike against Trump at the Taj Mahal since July 1.
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Editor’s Note: Donald Trump sold the Trump Taj Mahal.
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Hillary Clinton sent a clear message the other day when she and her campaign people had the father of the terrorists who killed all those people at the Pulse club down in Orlando. She had this man sitting right behind her while she was giving her campaign speech. And this man was cheering her on about her gun control ideas. Why not? That way the Americans have no way to protect themselves. Americans better hope Trump gets in the White House.
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Hey, I was employed at DSS. I remember being told by the county commissioners to be glad you have a job. It didn’t matter with them that DSS employees were overworked to some capacity. Remember, the county commissioners eliminated a lot of positions and the remaining staff worked two positions as one. And we were told don’t complain about your pay. Don’t complain about your working conditions. Now I hear workers complaining about the unbearable working conditions. And I say to them, you have four commissioners who are up for reelection. You have been forced to work 15 hours overtime each week. You’re accused of being expensive, and you’ve been told to remove personal items and pictures from your cube.
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I’m behind, and I just read the July 28 edition of the Rhino. And I do have a suggestion for the city and David Wray. I think they should pay him. But I also think they should send a bill to Mitch Johnson for that. They can send it to his current employer. He’s still at GTCC. I think it would be a win-win if he had to pay that himself for all the lies he told.
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I’m calling to let you know there’s a third party running, Libertarian. Gary Johnson is running. If you don’t want to vote for Hillary and Trump, you do have a third choice. Let all the people know that. Thank you. Have a good day.
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Hello. I’m calling in regards to the election that’s going on. I’d just like to say to all women out there, I know that everybody wants a woman for president. I do, too. But I don’t want Hillary Clinton. She’s not capable or fit to be our president. I’m a woman, and I would love to have a woman president. But I don’t want her. She’s corrupt. She’s evil. She’s got blood all over her hands. She’s got those four men from Benghazi and now she’s got that guy from Iran. I do not want this woman to be our president. Not only that, she’s trying to take away our Second Amendment. And that’s not right. We need our guns. If you’re a woman and you’re by yourself, you need to have a gun to protect you. If you’re a woman and you have children, and you’re by yourself, you need to protect your family.
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Good morning, Beep. Does anyone feel that if Hillary Clinton is elected, we’ll be in a monarchy instead of a democracy? Oh, and by the way, I think the SBI needs to investigate the museum.
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I thought I had heard every shocking thing you could possibly imagine about ungodly, habitual liar Hillary Clinton. I was wrong. While having lunch with my pastor yesterday, I learned that several weeks ago she actually spoke at a protestant church on a Sunday morning and told the congregation they needed to understand that the nation has changed to the extent that it won’t, or can’t be a Christian nation anymore. And that they, that particular congregation, has got to accept it as fact. My pastor and I have now added this to the myriad reasons why we would never vote for Hillary for dog catcher much less president of the United States. She is totally unfit to ever be in the Oval Office. Folks, please tell this to anyone you know that is even remotely thinking of voting for this vile, ungodly lying woman.
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Hi. Just wanted to let y’all know that I did go see that movie yesterday, Hillary’s America. And I strongly recommend that everybody see this movie before they vote in the election this year, as it really is an eye-opener on the Democratic Party. And it really shows the Democratic Party for what they really are, not what they’re trying to lead people to believe. So I highly recommend that everybody go see that. If you’re wanting to know where it’s being played, it’s being played at the Carmike 18 Cinemas off of Koger Boulevard, and it’s also played in theaters at Friendly shopping center. You need to go see this. It’s really a good movie. Definitely worth seeing.
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Hello. I’m calling in regards to Hillary Clinton. On Hannity tonight, he had a guest on there. And this is about Hillary Clinton, back in 1975, she represented a 41-year-old man who had raped a 12-year-old girl. And the girl was raped and Hillary Clinton represented the guy that raped a girl. And she can’t have no children or anything else because the rape was so bad, and Hillary Clinton got the 41-year-old man off because she destroyed the evidence and everything. So, this is what the champion for women will do for you. So, I just wanted to let everybody know out there that’s going to vote for Hillary that’s a woman that this is not a champion for women. This is an evil woman.
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I had just called about Hillary Clinton. I wanted to add to that she ruined that girl’s life. That girl can no longer – she cannot have children. And the girl lives with it every day of her life. And the girl was on The Sean Hannity Show. And she was pitiful. And this happened in 1975. And Hillary Clinton was talking about it with her friends, and she was laughing about it because the man had to do a lie detector’s test, and he passed it because Hillary coached him in how to do it.
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I understand that if Hillary is elected, she will put Bill in charge of pizza for the weekend and get Monica to make delivery if she can find her a blue dress.
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This is in response to the editor’s note about Uber. You’re right. We do need to move into the 21st century when it comes to a lot of things. In regards to Uber, a transportation service where people use their personal cars as taxis, is that the 21st century? Drivers that cannot tell their insurance agents that they drive for Uber because they will be canceled. Is that the 21st century? Drivers that are not covered by insurance while they’re trolling, waiting on fairs, driving uninsured. Is that the 21st century?
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Hillary Clinton’s “what difference does it make” statement was not about the fact that four Americans died in Benghazi. It was about whether if the attack on our embassy there was over a video or something else. She was trying to say that it didn’t really matter what the reason they attacked was. The attack was done. So, can y’all, please, read the transcript or listen to the actual testimony and get that through your thick-headed skulls that she did not say that about Americans dying.
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Editor’s Note: But it does matter. If it didn’t matter, Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have lied about the attack. She knew the American compound was attacked by terrorists with heavy machine guns, mortars and rocket propelled grenades.
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Could it be that the attacks on the embassy in Benghazi were terrorist attacks over a YouTube video? I think I’ve covered the two things that you have said could be the cause of what happened there. And I don’t see why anyone who has any kind of a brain can’t see that, yes, maybe the YouTube video caused a terrorist attack. Gee.
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I don’t why Hillary Clinton is spending time, energy and millions of dollars to campaign. Donald Trump’s mouth is going to get her elected; and, then, it’s going to be a sad day having her as president.
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The Sound of the Beep has done excellent production, and we really do thank you for it. There’s about a half a dozen of us that feel like that we need to share our experience with Roy Cooper’s attorney general’s office. And it absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing but a correspondence society. That’s all it is. They send out one letter and they send you a copy of the response, and that ends it. Unless you want to go to – they do have some attorneys that are supposed to oversee and make sure that justice is being done and that the consumer is being protected. Now, let me tell you how our experience with them has been. You might as well talk to the wall. Because you talk to them, and they seem to be interested, and you never hear back.
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When Donald Trump loses this election, not if but when he loses, it won’t be because of people not voting correctly, or that it will be voter fraud, especially in states like Pennsylvania. It won’t be because Hillary Clinton cheated. It will be because Donald Trump is the one and the only reason why he will lose. You have to take responsibility for yourself, Donald, and don’t blame the media. Don’t blame Hillary Clinton. Don’t blame voter fraud as your reason for losing. You will lose this election because of Donald J. Trump.
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Last Saturday over in High Point off of 311 Main, over there nearby Kagan’s Furniture, right in that area, they had a huge, huge group of Muslims that went and did a sit-down to protest against the Republican election candidate. And it didn’t make the news. It didn’t get any coverage. It was like the news stations stayed away from it on purpose for some reason. Cops didn’t bug them. It was pretty peaceful. There was a good turnout, but it was interesting that it didn’t make the news. It didn’t do anything. It’s like, I guess since they had to with Muslims, and a protest, I guess the news outlets decided not to go nowhere near it.
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Yeah, I was reading about the early voting. You know, Democrats passed a motion that, and a Republican had to be secondary to motion it, because they only have one Democratic – well, anyway, I just thought it was kind of interesting you might want to do a story on that and give us some information on who voted for what and who. Because a Democrat motioned it, and a Republican had to secondary motion it. And we’re just wondering which one did it. And what their reason was for – well, anyway, it was kind of an interesting situation. It seems like a lot of Republicans are switching to Democrat now as if Hillary Clinton has already won the White House, because so many Republicans are switching.
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I will make this as simple as possible. If you are as fed up as most Americans are about the state of practically everything in our country right now, and are even possibly entertaining the idea of voting for in all likelihood the most ungodly, incompetent, wicked, dishonest, habitual liar in the history of US political elections, you are only adding fuel to the fire. Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over and over again and expecting a different result. Eight years of king Barack Hussein Obama will equal at least 12 years of this disastrous hope and change nonsense if the female version of him wins in November. Give that serious thought before Nov. 8.
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Real men vote Republican. See, real men, they don’t want their child to be slaughtered at the hands of the abortion doctor. They suck it up, go to work, and raise and support the child until they’re 18 years old. Real men believe that the men should marry the women, and the women should marry the men. Real men don’t support gay marriage. Real men do not vote for the Democrats. They vote for the Republicans. Real men believe you should go to work every day and earn your own money. Real men don’t want a free check from the government every month. So, if you are a real man, vote Republican. If you’re not, vote for the Democrats.
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As a lifelong resident of Guilford County, I would like to know how students who are not residents here, have a residence back home, can vote in our election and they pay no taxes, own no property and don’t have a legal residence here, yet, I, as a property owner in Greensboro, but don’t reside in Greensboro, cannot vote on things that affect my property. Thank you.
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Editor’s Note: A dorm room or apartment is a legal residence. Since they legally reside in Greensboro, they can register and vote.