Sounding the Alert

Dear Editor,

It’s time for another civics lesson. Today we look at Article 1, Section 3 of the US Constitution.

Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution as originally written reads, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.”

This meant each State Legislature chooses two people to represent the state in the federal government. Under this system, the House of Representatives represents the people, the Senate represents the state.

Jump ahead to 1911. The House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. The final version was adopted and sent to the states for ratification. On April 8, 1913, three-quarters of the states had ratified the proposed amendment and it was officially included as the 17th Amendment. Thus began the popular election of senators and the end of the representation of individual states in the federal government.

Thanks to this amendment, foreign countries have more representation in the federal government then North Carolina, and the people of the individual states lost more power. How? Let me explain.

Ever heard the old adage “all politics are local”?  When the senators were being selected by the state legislatures, it meant that indirectly the people were choosing them based on how they voted in local elections – local elections, not big money people from all over the country trying to influence what should be a state issue. Under the original concept, the vote of the individual carried a lot of power. Anyone wanting to be a senator would have to consider the wants and needs of the state legislature and thus the wants and needs of their state as a first priority when considering how to vote on a particular piece of legislation. As a result, the state legislatures carried a lot of power.

This is one example of how power and freedom are slowly being taken away from the average American. If you were to check closely, you’d be surprised at the number of laws that are out there that 90 percent of the people don’t know about that can be used to undercut your individual rights, i.e. “I’m going to search you for my protection.”

There are sheep and there are wolves. I consider myself a sheepdog.

Go Galt and save the republic.

Alan Marshall



Justice Mann

Dear Editor,

The Supreme Court recently made the wrong decision on internet taxes. State governments can now collect sales taxes on products sold from companies that aren’t located in their states. The internet should be as free and open as possible. The Supreme Court did make the right decision on public sector unions. No one should be required to join a union, and non-union workers should not be required to pay union dues. In fact, I don’t think that government employees should be allowed to form unions. Public “servants” should work for the people.

Chuck Mann



America’s Goodness

Dear Editor,

I have been thinking lately about patriotism.  I was born in the United States, as were my parents, grandparents and most of my great-grandparents.  In other words, I am about as “American” as you can get. I am proud to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world.  But I don’t come close to thinking that everything our country does is right.

Patriotism should not and does not require unquestioning approval of everything our country does.  Sometimes we are right, but sometimes we are wrong, and when we are wrong, we should admit it. We must object whenever the ideals that made us who we are are twisted and distorted.

The saying, “My country, right or wrong,” is true.  I am an American, no matter what. But I want to be proud of what my country stands for, and it’s not our wealth or our power or our military strength.  It’s our goodness.

America’s Goodness



Racial or Cultural?

Dear Editor,

Over the past months media has reported several incidents of caucasian individuals, non-employees, calling police on African-American individuals. The newspapers report this as racial profiling.  Is it really racism?  Or is it a cultural difference?  Are caucasians more likely to trust police and therefore more likely to call police for items, even when they are silly to others?  Is this really racism or a legitimate cultural difference?

As a youth, I used to walk through people’s back yards to get to friends’ houses easily at night.  I have had the cops called on me.  As an adult, I didn’t question hearing individuals talk behind my apartment at 10 p.m. where there is no other logical reason for individuals to walk.  So I didn’t call the cops.  Unbeknownst to me, the neighborhood was in the midst of a burglary spree.  A week later I found out from the cops when my apartment was robbed.  After that point, I phoned the police when I heard chatter outside my back window at night.  I didn’t stop to think about the race of the individual.

From watching the news, it is logical to interpret that caucasians trust police more than African Americans.  The media portrays all police as racist killers.  Therefore, it is also logical to assume that caucasians will be more likely to call police.  I can understand why an individual who wouldn’t have phoned the police for a similar incident might not understand why another person is doing so.  After all we assume everybody thinks, behaves and therefore reasons like us.  So therefore, the only logical reason why the police were called was racism.

Lolade Siyonbola was rightfully frustrated to have the police called on her for sleeping in a college common area.  However, in her statement to news outlets, the individual called police on other students for silly reasons too.  I assume since the news agencies didn’t report the race of the other individuals that they were caucasian?  Otherwise the report would be “Graduate Student at Yale Continuously calls Police on African American Students.”  Perhaps this wasn’t a case of a racist society but an anal retentive individual who should have better things to do with her time? But that doesn’t sell add space.  What it does is drive us further apart and worsens the misperceptions and fear of each other.  Media can make anybody the boogie man.

Alan Burke



Angry at Teachers

Dear Editor,

I am angry at the teachers on so many levels. They go to the city and county meetings demanding more money. So many things are wrong with their thinking, so let’s go down the list.

  1. Not enough money is spent? It is the number one budget item at the state, county and city level. All three have continuously produced raises over the past several years (since the Republicans took over). Without the Republicans in the state legislature this state would have been bankrupt and you would be getting decreases.
  2. Work so many hours? I work 60 hours plus per week, 51 weeks a year. I don’t know anyone in the private sector that doesn’t work as many. In addition, I continue my education on technology and new manufacturing processes. I am blessed if I get to have the federal “holidays” off and a long weekend. You get two months off in the summer and all the federal holidays, two weeks at Christmas and a fall and spring break. You get “work” days that allow you to catch up on your paperwork.
  3. Benefits. My healthcare costs have tripled if not quadrupled in the past four years and show no sign of slowing down. Thank you, Democrats and President Obama. Yet you have the North Carolina healthcare plan at nominal cost – and a pension. Pensions in the private sector are almost all gone and are replaced by woefully underfunded 401Ks. If you are a teacher, you best think long and hard about replacing Republicans if you have any hope in keeping your pension. The Democrats inadequately funded your plan for years and its solvency is definitely in jeopardy.
  4. Parental support. Why should I support you when you literally have called me a bigot? When I have to you with questions and concerns, all I get is a condescending attitude large enough to fill the room. I am certain my children have only learned to keep their mouths shut and echo what you have “taught” them. Nope, no support her. I am not alone. More and more are seeing you for what you truly are.

I am anonymous only because I don’t want my child to suffer for my beliefs at the hands of the “open minded teachers.”



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