Summerfield Town Council – Mr. Rotruck has never lived in our Town of Summerfield. Most of us don’t even know you so why are you so adamant on being on our Council? What do think you can offer or what you have to gain?


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In your breaking news about the Major resigning from the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office, I found it interesting and noteworthy that the second-in-command at the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office resigned on December 31. This man was Tim Wooten, and like Melvin had a great deal of prior law enforcement experience.  Wooten would not discuss his reasons for leaving.

This may be unrelated, but I have to wonder if these resignations had something in common, perhaps their bosses’ stance on ICE and no longer letting them put federal prisoners in local county jails.

I’m just curious.  I also enjoy your fine digital publication.