On Wednesday, Dec. 9, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners plans to hold a special meeting at which the board will put into effect a countywide set of fines for businesses in when those businesses don’t enforce a coming set of mask requirements.
The fines will be imposed on businesses in Guilford County that do not adhere to mask guidelines for their employees, or that do not require masks of customers – and there will also be fines for businesses that fail to adhere to social distancing guidelines or that operate at over pandemic capacity restrictions.
Guilford County Commissioner Skip Alston said this week that, given the severity of the pandemic, the board couldn’t afford to wait until its next regular business meeting in mid-December. Therefore, he said, at a Monday, Dec. 7 meeting for swearing in new commissioners, the board will call a special meeting for December 9.
According to Alston, Guilford County has been in talks with the City of Greensboro and the City of High Point – and the new rules and fines will apply throughout all of Guilford County.
Next Monday morning, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners will swear in three new commissioners and the board will then be controlled by a Democratic majority for the first time since 2012. Alston said that he is certain the votes are there to impose the fines meant to help reduce the spread of the virus.
He also said that the matter was too urgent to put on hold.
“People are dying,” Alston said. “Waiting until the first regular scheduled meeting would have meant that more people would die.”
The Monday, Dec. 7 meeting is being held for the purpose of swearing in new commissioners and electing a chair and vice chair of the board for the coming year. That meeting is not used for other business.
Wasting no time on implementation of restrictive and destructive mandates with fines. Virtue signaling to the left wing smiley faced Democrat fascists that fear and government control will be par for the course with our new commission makeup.
Good luck Skip Marx. This as an overreach of government power. You can expect to bury the county in legal fees defending this one. Whoever you send to enforce it had better walk softly and be polite or some fed up businessman may put a lump on their noggin.
My question always has been and always will be what law or ordinance will these businesses be violating. I wasn’t aware the County Commissars had legislative powers.
If they have this much power why hasn’t been used earlier to straighten out few other things.
As I’ve said before, I hope someone somewhere retains a lawyer and sues over this overreach and abuse of power being exercised by these “elected leaders” who seem to think they can impose their will on us without the legislative power they DON”T have.
I certainly agree with you. Maybe we should begin to fund a class action lawsuit for all citizens of the county to be a part of. Maybe the small businesses of the county could start a go fund me page and ask for contributions at their establishments from their customers who don’t like to wear mask or who shouldn’t have to if they have already had COVID-19 and have the antibodies.
You may be onto something Wave. A starting point may be the various business associations throughout the County.
I know if one got started I’d gladly contribute.
The basis should be that the County Commissars have no authority to issue fines without passing legislation…oh whait, they don’t have that authority either.
A vaccine is on the horizon and NOW they want to enforce mask wearing or get a fine. And as far as “people are dying” well, Honey, they always have been and always will be. And what about businesses that permit those who have a physical/mental reason to not wear a mask? Will I be banned from Publix because I cannot wear a mask due to a breathing issue and they don’t want to face a fine? It didn’t take long for the Marixst Democrats to begin their war on human rights.
Snicker–is anyone remotely surprised at this? Alston no doubt soiled himself at the prospect of C19 Overlord–imagine the glee in controlling not just businesses, but the PEOPLE! And–joy unspeakable!–we can fine ’em! We can collect them dollars, keep people scared, harm business & hurt the economy, all in one fell-swoop–What’s not to like? It’s the democrats’ dream-come-true, God help us.
So Skip Alston quickly shows his hand. Just couldn’t wait to show he’s a true Despot.
I’m taking comfort in the old saying “Don’t complain to me, you voted for them”!
Oh well heck fire….Skippy has spoken. Sure didn’t take long to throw that weight around. Why don’t you worry about some of the REAL PROBLEMS. Like spending money we don’t have in the coffers. I know these folks think money grows on trees but it doesn’t. And PLEASE don’t do another study on it…
I could see the handwriting on the wall .First Skip says he wants to starlet finning. .Next year will come with TAX increases and each year thereafter.I hope all in Guilford County that voted fir these Dems in will enjoy paying the taxes that goes with electing these gooneybirds . You also elected the goofball Gov /king Cooper again . We have another election in 2 years we can change the Commissioners.Be praying over it and elect some Republicans.
All I can say is thank God I don’t live in crooked Guilford County. These lockdowns for this fake pandemic have crippled and shuttered enough small businesses, and now, they want to come after the ones left standing, financially, if they choose not to impede on our civil liberties.
EVERYONE – do your own research. Turn off CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and the local news. Go find out for yourself how the overall death counts this year are NO DIFFERENT from previous years. Go find out for yourself how suicides, drug/alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, and child abuse rates have skyrocketed this year due to these lockdowns. Go find out for yourself how these lockdowns are meant to demoralize us all, in preparation for the Big Reset. Go find out for yourself how Socialism and Communism have NEVER worked anywhere.
Li’l Skip Alston is trying to fit in with Nancy and Roy, so that he’ll be welcome at the big people’s table when the left’s dreams of destroying America come to fruition.
I would suggest a mass exodus of Greensboro and Guilford county, but instead, I’ll just suggest you all stay here, and reap what you have sown, by re-electing all these morons to rule over you. Good luck.
“The people aren’t supposed to fear their government. The government is supposed to fear the people.”
Republics decline into democracies. Democracies disintegrating the despotism. Aristotle