Water is something most of us take for granted.

It’s hard not to. You turn on the tap and there is what seems like an endless supply of clean water. Even when the electricity goes out, in Greensboro we still have water.

However, the Greensboro Water Resources Department is asking people on Wednesday, Oct. 21 to “Imagine a Day Without Water.”

But even if you accept the challenge to try and go a day without using water, the Water Resources Department doesn’t want you to try and go a day without using any water at all, as in flushing the toilet or, in these times of COVID-19, not washing your hands.

However, on that day, if you accept the challenge, you will be asked to not take a shower. The average American uses 17.2 gallons of water to take a shower. There isn’t a statistic for this, but it’s considerably less when the electricity does go off and that shower is icy cold.

Other things you are asked to go without on your day without water are brushing your teeth, washing your face, cooking, drinking coffee, water, tea, beer or wine, using the air-conditioner in your home or car, watering plants or your lawn, using paper products, using cooking utensils, washing clothes, cars, pets dishes or anything else, or going fishing, boating, swimming or other water recreational activities.

The day without water is designed to remind people what a valuable resource clean water is and how important a clean water supply is to our daily lives.

Greensboro has 3,000 miles of water and sewer lines that have to be maintained, and the city’s goal is to replace 1 percent of those lines every year, which means the lines are expected to last a century.

Water Resources Director Mike Borchers said, “As we kick off the campaign, I encourage everyone to consider the importance of this precious resource and how our way of life would be so dramatically changed without an adequate supply of it. Join me in the challenge to reduce how much water we use on Oct. 21.”